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Seminer:"Max Planck Institut fur Extreterrestiche..."W.Becker 27 Oct...

Physics Seminar, 27 October 2010, FENS L045, Wednesday 13:40

Speaker: Dr. Werner Becker

Max Planck Institut fur Extreterrestiche Physik

Title: Pulsars in X-rays


As a result of observations with the satellite observatories Einstein,

ROSAT, ASCA, BeppoSAX, Chandra and XMM-Newton, the list of X-ray

detected rotation-powered pulsars counts almost 100 in mid 2010. Thus, in

nearly eleven years of operation XMM-Newton and Chandra have almost tripled

the number of detected X-ray pulsars compared to what was known at the end

of the ROSAT mission in February 1999. This progress clearly goes along the

increase of sensitivity and angular resolution of the available X-ray

telescopes. While XMM-Newton with its super collecting power allows to

obtain timing and spectral information even from faint and million years

old pulsars, Chandra stands for sub-arcsecond angular resolution which made

it possible to detect and study neutron stars located in source confused

regions such as globular clusters and supernova remnants. However, many

questions related to the pulsar emission mechanisms and to the neutron star

equation of state are still poorly known and require an even more sensitive

instrument to be addressed adequately. In my talk I will summarize the recent

results on the X-ray emission properties from rotation powered pulsars with

the prospects for studying these sources with future missions like GRAVITAS.



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