3MT Awards

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences is organizing the Three Minute Thesis (3MT™) Competition since Spring 2017 to celebrate the exciting research conducted by Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) students. Sabancı University is the first institution from Turkey joining the 3MT international network.
3MT is an internationally recognized research communication competition. It aims to cultivate students’ academic, presentation, and research communication skills. Presenting in a 3MT competition increases students’ capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.
The live event will take place on May 23rd, 2025 @ Cinema Hall. Don’t miss this opportunity to practice your presentation skills, meet other P.h.D candidates, and have a chance to win up to 25.000₺ for the winner, 15.000₺ for the runner-up, and 10.000₺ for the people’s choice!