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IMPORTANT!! Deadline for Registration for ENS 492

Dear Students,

If you have taken ENS 491 in the Spring 2012 and not registered for ENS 492-Graduation Project (Implementation) over Student Information System (SUIS)  yet, you MUST register for ENS 492 to graduate. If you haven't registered ENS 492 yet, you can still  register during add-drop period Oct. 2-4 by selecting the CRN of your project supervisor. You MUST have "Special Approval" from your project supervisor before registering for the course. You can find your supervisor's CRN code at:


You MUST  complete these steps, since otherwise you will NOT be registered for ENS 492 and possibly will not be able to graduate.  


ENS 491/2 Committee


FENS Dean's Office

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

+90 216 483 96 00

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