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MS482 P&G and SU co-led Course!

Dear MS/CS Junior Students,

We would like to inform you that this will be the 2nd year we are opening the Business Transformation Methodology and Appications course in partnership with Procter & Gamble (P&G). You can register for this course only through special approval.

This is an exceptional chance for you to work with a real company and build relations and experience by learning from people in industry. This course is offered by P&G Turkey only for Sabanci University students.

Targeted primarily to engineering students, this course will provide you real life experiences. You will have a chance to:
* Learn from P&G Experts on Using Technology in Business, Project Management, Applied analytics and Innovation
* Work in teams to apply your knowledge and innovate mobile apps
* Visit P&G office and meet senior management - See Theory in Practice

Please check the course details below.

Gurdal Ertek

Information about the MS 482 Course (Fall 2014)

Course Content
Real life business case from Procter and Gamble (P&G); Information flow and decision making processes in large corporations; Introduction to Business Transformation Methodology – Anticipate, Transform and Scale (such as Process Flow Charting, Business Process Analysis, DMAIC framework, measurement for success) through the business case; Driving business value via digitization, Business Analytics; Project Management for large scale transformations; Leading change; Demonstration of real life Project Management through Business Case project reviews; visit to P&G and interaction with senior managers; Student projects’ presentation and evaluation.

Course Delivery
The course will be delivered as a joint effort between the instructors from P&G and instructors from SU. The instructors from SU will contribute through providing the theoretical basis for the topics covered by the instructors from P&G and the linkage to other courses in MS Program. This will approximately cover 1/3 of the class hours.
SU Instructor and Course Coordinators:
-Gurdal Ertek
- Kemal Kılıç

The core group of instructors from P&G are:
- Murat Genç (overall P&G coordinator)
- Lale Kof
- Erhan Yaşlı
- Ali Altinsoy
- Burak Ayoz

Registration is through Special Approval. To be considered for Special Approval you need to send your transcript to the Course Coordinator Gurdal Ertek (, together with a brief description (at most 150 words) in proper English of what you understand from Business Transformation.


FENS Dean's Office

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

+90 216 483 96 00

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