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"Modeling, design and fabrication of transducers for ultrasonic imaging."

by Dr. Ayhan Bozkurt, Sabanci University

Time: 14:40, Wednesday, 23.11.05

Location: MDBF L045



Ultrasonic imaging is a widely used medical diagnosis method, owing its  popularity to many merits: Ultrasound is significantly less harmful  compared to other tools such as X-ray imaging, is an indispensable tool  for investigation of dynamic quantities such as blood flow, or the  movement of heart valves; and requires relatively simpler equipment  reducing the diagnosis cost for both the medical institution and the  patient. With advances in microelectronics technology and microelectromechanical systems, the quality of ultrasonic imaging systems are continuously improving, and research efforts in harmonic imaging, high-frequency ultrasound and intravenous ultrasonic probes are producing superior results. In this talk, a brief introduction to ultrasonic imaging technology will be given, and the current research activities on volumetric imaging and catheter probes will be described.



Speaker Bio:

Ayhan Bozkurt received his B.Sc.,M.Sc. and PhD. degrees from Bilkent University, in 1992, 1994 and 2000, respectively, all in Electrical and Electronis Engineering. He is currently working as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences of Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey. His research interests are transducer modeling and

fabrication, integrated circuit design. Dr. Bozkurt is a member of IEEE.



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