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CS 581 dersi açılacaktır


Aşağıda bilgileri bulunan CS 581 dersi 2006-2007 güz döneminde verilecektir. Ders ekleme bırakma tarihleri arasında (4-6 Ekim) kayıt olabilirsiniz.

CS 581 "Spc.Top. in Comp.Science II : Knowledge representation and Reasoning "

Time and place: Monday 13:40-14:30 (FENS L048), Wednesday 15:40-17:30 (FENS L063)
Instructor: Esra Erdem (esraerdem @

This course is about representing knowledge symbolically and reasoning about it automatically.
In particular, the mathematical foundations of various knowledge representation and reasoning formalisms (e.g., propositional and first-order logic, answer set programming, action languages, the situation calculus), and their applications to computer sciences and other sciences (e.g., graph theory, planning, VLSI design, historical linguistics, computational biology). We will study some of these topics by solving homework problems (both theoretical and application-oriented) and by discussing these solutions in class. We will also read and discuss related research papers.

For more information about the course, see the course web page




MDBF Dekanlık Ofisi

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

+90 216 483 96 00

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