Ana içeriğe atla

Tales of motor neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans:

Tales of motor neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans:
cell-specific genetic networks and nerve regeneration
 Dr. Hulusi Cinar
                             University of Santa Cruz

Neurons are the most diverse cell types in an organism. They acquire their

identity by the activity of particular gene networks. We used cell-based

genomics to access these networks in a neuron type. We described a
molecular signature for inhibitory motor neurons of the nematode
Caenorhabditis elegans, an invertebrate model organism. Through genetic
and bioinformatic analysis, we identified members of a transcriptional
program specific to these neurons. Also, using ultrashort laser-based
subcellular surgery on tiny nerves of the nematode, we described a nerve
regeneration paradigm that offers tremendous research potential because of
genetics and screening methods.


16.03.05, 13:30,FENS 1040



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