Lisans öğrencimiz Murat Sütunç'un başarısı
Lisans ikinci sınıf öğrencilerimizden Murat Sütunç’un,“Improving the Performance of Wavelet Domain Spread Spectrum Watermarking Systems Using Space-Time Block Codes” adlı bildirisi IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference 2009 konferansına kabul edilmiş ve kendisi bu bildiriyi konferansta başarıyla sunmuştur.
Murat Sütunç'u kutlar, başarılarının devamını dileriz.
A paper of 2nd year undergraduate student Murat Sütunç, which is entitled “Improving the Performance of Wavelet Domain Spread Spectrum Watermarking Systems Using Space-Time Block Codes”, has been accepted to IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference 2009, and he has successfully presented his paper at the conference.
We congratulate Murat Sütunç on his success. FENS