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PHYS 312 Dersi 2009-2010 Bahar Döneminde Açılıyor

PHYS 312 Classical Mechanics Course

2009 – 2010 Spring Semester

Instructor: M. Ali Alpar
Office: FENS 2048
Office Hour: to be announced

Lectures: Weekly program will be rescheduled based on programs of the registered students. Contact the instructor for the time conflict permission.

Course Outline:

•    The equations of motion
•    Conservation laws
•    Integrations of the equations of motion
•    Collision between particles
•    Small oscillations
•    Motion of a rigid body
•    The canonical equations

Suggested Reference:

•    Landau, L.D. & Lifschitz, E.M., “Mechanics” 3rd Ed. Pergamon Press

•    Homeworks (30%)
•    Midterm Exam (30%)
•    Final Exam (40%)



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