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Physics Seminar: The eROSITA mission - exploring the dark universe

The eROSITA mission - exploring the dark universe
Speaker: Dr. Ingo Kreykenbohm
University of Erlangen, Nurenberg, Germany

Abstract: eROSITA is one of two instruments on the Russian Spectrum-X-Gamma mission. The main science driver is high precision cosmology by studying galaxy clusters, dark matter / dark energy, and provide distance measurements. eROSITA will perform a detailed and deep All Sky Survey in hard X-rays (0.2\,keV -- 10\,keV). The flux limit reached during the survey will be at least one order of magnitude
lower than the flux limit of the ROSAT All Sky Survey. It is therefore expected that eROSITA will discover over 100 000 galaxy clusters and more than 3 Million Active Galactic Nuclei. To study the capabilities of the instrument and to assess the requirements for the analysis software, we also perform simulations of the X-ray sky based on the ROSAT all sky survey as eROSITA will observe it.

13 October Wednesday, 13:40, FENS L045.



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