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'In Pursuit of Photorealism: How Modern Video... Dec.20,14:30 G029

In Pursuit of Photorealism: How Modern Video Game Renderers Work

Giray Ozil, Electronic Arts

20 December, Monday 14:30 - 16:30 FENS G029

In this presentation, Giray Ozil will analyze a frame from Medal of
Honor, a recently released blockbuster game that features a high end
modern graphics engine. We will take a look at what the renderer is
doing "under the hood" and how one frame in the game is composited
through many steps that are otherwise invisible to the player. There
will also be a Q&A session regarding video game development.

Biography: Giray got his BS degree in Computer Science & Engineering
from Sabanci University and Master's in Entertainment Technology from
Carnegie Mellon University. He has been working as an engine
programmer at EA Games (Electronic Arts) in Los Angeles since 2007. He
contributed to games such as Medal of Honor, Bulletstorm and Medal of
Honor: Airborne. 

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