Automatic Detection of Buildings and Roads from Panch. Satellite Images
FENS Seminar
"Automatic Detection of Buildings and Roads from Panch. Satellite
Beril Sirmacek, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
29.12.2010 09:40-10:30 FENS 2072
High resolution satellite images provide valuable information to researchers. With their availability, there has been much interest to extract man-made objects from such imageries. Among these, detection of structures such as buildings and road segments play crucial roles especially for municipalities, government agencies, rescue teams, military and other civil agencies. Manual extraction of this information is too much tedious and prone to errors. Therefore, automated methods are needed to extract information from these images. Unfortunately, the solution is not straightforward by using well-known image processing and pattern recognition methods. Hence, advanced algorithms should be developed to detect buildings and roads automatically. In this talk, we introduce our novel approaches for automatic detection of buildings and roads from panchromatic satellite images using local invariant features. These local invariant features help us to develop robust mathematical techniques which can work under various imaging conditions (like different illumination conditions, different scale, looking angle, etc.). Besides, we also introduce our novel shape detection approach which is able to detect even very complex building shapes. Our experimental results on a diverse data set including high resolution panchromatic Ikonos and WorldView-1 satellite images indicate practical usefulness of our approaches.
Biography: Dr. Sirmacek received the B.Sc. and M.S. degrees from the
Department of Electronicand Communication Engineering, Yildiz Technical
University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 2006 and 2007respectively, and the
Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Electronics
EngineerinYeditepe University, Istanbul, in 2009. During her Ph.D.
study, she was a Research and TeachingAssistant and a member of the
Computer Vision Research Laboratory in Yeditepe University. In
thiperiod, she has also worked as visiting researcher in Remote Sensing
Laboratory in Department oInformation Engineering and Computer Science
in University of Trento (Italy), and Image ProcessinLaboratory in
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Department in Technical University of
Munich(Germany). She is currently working as a Research Fellow in the
Department of hotogrammetry andImage Analysis, Remote Sensing
Technology Institute (IMF), German Aerospace Center (DLR),Wessling,
Germany, and as a guest lecturer in Institute of Computer Science in
University oAugsburg. She is also supervising three master students in
Earth Oriented Space Science anTechnology (ESPACE) master program of
Technical University of Munich. Dr. Sirmacek’s mairesearch interests
are object detection in remotely sensed images, pattern recognition,
and invariantfor object recognition. She is also engaged in enhancing
digital elevation models automatically tobtain very high resolution 3D
city models.