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A Nash Equilibrium with Several...

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Seminar Announcement


A Nash Equilibrium with Several Large Traders

Tankut Doğrul

Sabancı University



Motivated by the problem of pricing financial assets in incomplete markets due to the presence of price impact, an equilibrium model with a representative market maker and a finite number of large traders is considered. Prices for (illiquid) European contingent claims with payoffs at maturity as well as optimal trading strategies for the large traders are characterized as a result of various equilibrium concepts such as Nash, Subgame Perfect Nash and Arrow-Debreu. In this talk, we will focus on an example with Brownian Asset structure and exponential utilities to obtain explicit results.


Bio:  -Date of birth/place: 09.04.1981, Istanbul  

        -Istanbul Alman Lisesi (2000)

        -Koc University (2004) BS Business + Mathematics

        -Carnegie Mellon University, PhD Mathematical Finance (expected 2011/2012)





Wednesday,  October  19, 2011, 14:30,  FENS G032 


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