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Visit of Harald Niederreiter

Harald Niederreiter will be visiting Sabancı University during November 21-25, 2011

Professor Niederreiter is a distinguished scientist who has made fundamental contributions in the areas of theory and applications of finite fields, number theory, coding theory, cryptography, quasi Monte Carlo methods, pseudo random number generation and algorithms. He has published over 350 papers, 6 books and has edited many conference proceedings. His book, titled Finite Fields, co-authored with R. Lidl, is the standard reference on the theory and applications of finite fields.
Professor Niederreiter will be delivering two lectures during his visit;
Complexity measures for multisequences:  On November 22 at 11:00. FENS 2019
Results and problems on randomness and complexity of sequences: On November 24 at 13:40,    FENS 2019

(See also )
Complexity measures for multisequences (Tuesday, 22 November)
Multisequences and their complexity measures are needed in parallelized
versions of stream ciphers in cryptography. In the last decade there has been
considerable interest in the study of multisequences from the cryptographic point
of view. The talk gives a survey of the state of the art in this area.
Results and problems on randomness and complexity of sequences (Thursday,
24 November)
There are many ways of assessing the (pseudo)randomness of a sequence.
We focus on several complexity measures, including the recently introduced expansion
complexity, and on the statistical property of complete uniform distribution. We discuss
important facts, logical relationships, and open problems for these concepts.

Visit of Harald Niederreiter is supported by TUBITAK ISBAP project 107T897 and
Sabanci University.


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