Workshop on Coding Theory
On December 1-2, 2011, a meeting titled "Workshop on Coding Theory: Engineers meet Mathematicians" will be held at the Karakoy Communication Center of Sabanci University.
If you would like to attend the workshop, please e-mail as soon as possible.
Workshop on Coding Theory: Engineers meet Mathematicians
December 1-2, 2011, Sabanci University Karakoy Communication Center
Thursday, December 1:
14:00-14:50: Erdal Arikan (Bilkent University)--Polar coding
15:00-15:50: Tom Hoholdt (Technical University of Denmark)--Graph codes
16:00-17:30: Discussion
Friday, December 2:
9:30-10:20: Ferruh Ozbudak (Middle East Technical University)--Some planar maps, related function fields and semifields
10:30-11:20: Patrick Sole (Telecom ParisTech)--A new class of codes for Boolean masking of cryptographic computations
11:20-11:50: Coffee break
11:50-12:40: Wolfgang Willems (University of Magdeburg)--Extremal codes: Existence and performance
This workshop is supported by TUBITAK ISBAP project 107T897 and Sabanci University.
For the abstracts of the talks, you can visit