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Seminer Dizisi




Prof. Dr. Eng. Isao MOCHIDA

Kyushu Üniversitesi – Japonya 

“Pitch based carbon fibers”
Tarih : 28 Haziran 2013 Cuma

Saat : 14:00

Yer :  D-201 Kimya Metalurji Fakültesi

Coal tar or petroleum based pitch can be modified to be spinnable into fiber forms which is oxidatively stabilized in the air not to be fused when heated again. Thus the successive baking, carbonization, calcination and graphitization produce carbon fibers of different graphitization extent. Anisotropic pitch is also spinnable and provide highly graphitizable carbon fiber of high thermal conductivity as well as high mechanical strength. Structure of spinnable pitch and chemistry of oxidative stabilization is reviewed. The structures of pitch carbon fiber is also reviewed for the further development.


“Delayed coking and needle coke production”

Tarih : 4 Temmuz 2013 Perşembe

Saat : 10:30

Yer : D-201 Kimya Metalurji Fakültesi

Delayed coking is a thermal up-grading of petroleum and tar fractions into distillate and coke. The feed is heated in the preheater and send to the coke drum, where the feed is thermally cracked for 2 hours into distillate and coke. The coke is accumulated in the coker drum until the drum is filled with coke. The coking conditions define the yield and quality of the products. Pretreatment is also influential on the coking properties. Coke produced in the coker drum is classified on fuel coke, anode coke and needle coke according to their purity and structure. Among the cokes, needle coke is one of premium carbon source for the graphite electrode and other uses due to its very low coefficient of thermal expansion. Its structural characteristic is reviewed.


“Activated carbon and its application”

Tarih : 4 Temmuz 2013 Perşembe

Saat : 14:30

Yer : D-201 Kimya Metalurji Fakültesi

When the solid carbon is gasified practically with H2O, CO2 and KOH, Carbon of very large surface area is derived, being called activated carbon. Such carbon has been applied in the field of purification of water and air, adsorbent, catalyst and electrode. The chemistry of activated carbon are reviewed to find broad ways to use it and improve its performance in terms of pore and chemical structure of the carbon in relation to shape size and properties of the substrates.


“Molecular analysis of petroleum fractions, diesel, vacuum gas oil and resid”

Tarih : 5 Temmuz 2013 Cuma

Saat : 10:00

Yer : Tubitak MAM

Crude increases markedly its variety. It is very necessary to develop the optimum refining technology with respective crude. Molecular analysis is now developed rapidly with petroleum fractions. Molecular analysis of diesel has been achieves basically with GC-AED and MS while some overlapping of molecular species require, further detail identification. Currently AR is now the target of molecular analysis. High temperature GC-AED, GC-ICP as well as high resolution MS are applied to clarify the aromatic, heteroatomic, and metallic species. Petroporphenes are successfully analyzed. Combining liquid chromatograph with above technologies, material balance among heavy fractions is now confirmed.


“Hydrotreatment of petroleum fraction”

Tarih : 5 Temmuz 2013 Cuma

Saat : 14:30

Yer : Tubitak MAM

Removal of sulfur, nitrogen and metallic species is a major target of petroleum refining. Reduction of carbon residue is another target because heavy crude tends to give carbon deposition on any catalyst during its refining. The hydrogenation and successive removal and / or reduction are the major approach to achieve these targets. The chemistry on hydrotreatment based on the molecular analysis of petroleum fractions over the hydrotreating catalyst is reviewed to show the hydrotreatment technologies.


Prof. Dr. Eng. Isao MOCHIDA

Kyushu Üniversitesi – Japonya

Kyushu Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyelerinden (Emeritus) Profesör Isao Mochida 40 patent sahibi 10 kitap, 650’nin üzerinde makale yazarı olup makaleleri 8000’in üzerinde atıf almış bir bilim insanıdır.  Ulusal ve uluslarası 15 prestijli ödülü bulunan profesör Mochida halen “RITE Committee on Science and Technology”, “CCUJ Committee for R&D Coal Utilization Technology”, “Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Trade Committee on Industrial Structure”, komitelerinde danışman üye, “JPEC Evaluation Committee on R&D of Practical Technology” ve “NEDO Committee on Energy and Environment” komitelerinde başkan, “NEDO Methanol Fuel cell”, “JST-MOST Air Protection by Activated Carbon Fibers” ve “NEDO Zero-emission Power Generation Program (Coal Gasification)” projelerinde proje lideri olarak görev yapmakta ve National Petroleum Association’nun başkanlığını yürütmektedir.

Profesör Mochida’nın ilgi alanları ve araştırma konuları 3 ana başlıkta Karbon Bilimi: (Mesophase Pitch, Carbon Fiber, Carbon Composite, High Density Carbon Artifact, Activated Carbon Fiber) Kömür ve Petrol Rafinasyonu (Coal Liquefaction, Coal coking, Hydrocraking, Hydrorefining, Coking of petroleum crude and products) ve Katalizatörler (Environmental protection, Selective hydrogenation Catalytic Elimination) özetlenebilir.

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