Mustafa Unel's work on UAVs - Top 5 Highly Downloaded Articles
FENS Faculty Member Mustafa Unel's paper, co-authored by his students, "Design and construction of a novel quad tilt-wing UAV" has been one of the top 5 highly downloaded articles in Elsevier Mechatronics journal.
Top 5 Highly Downloaded Articles | ||||||||||||
Mechatronics What better way to show you how successful Mechatronics has been in attracting great content, than to present you a selection of the top downloaded full-text articles of the first half of 2013.
New discoveries, comprehensive reviews and critical insights, all selected on the basis of being the articles published in Mechatronics which received the highest number of downloads from the ScienceDirect platform. On behalf of the editorial and publishing teams, I would like to thank all authors for their invaluable contribution and congratulate everybody on these excellent results. With best regards, Nicoline van der Linden