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FENS Excellence in Teaching Award

FENS Excellence in Teaching Award

Our outstanding graduate students received their certificates to acknowledge their teaching achievements in 2013-2014 Academic Year. The prize also includes a monetary award of 500 TL.

Awardees are nominated by instructors and then elected by the Graduate Student Assignment and Evaluation Committee. Course evaluations of undergraduate students are also taken into account by the Committee. 


We'd like to congratulate all recipients and wish them success in their future endeavors.

Recipients, their program and the course they supported:


Aslıhan Muazzez Ünsal  

PhDPHYS student ,

NS 101- Science of Nature I


İnanç Arın 

PhDCS student 

CS 201- Introduction to Computing 


Murat Mustafa Tunç             

MSIE student

 MS 407- Investment Decision Making











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+90 216 483 96 00

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