ENS 480 - Registration for FENS Students
Due to program-based restrictions imposed by the Information System, registration to ENS 480 is possible only with special approval. The registration to ENS 480 will be open to all FENS students only on the third day of the registrations. Requests will be approved on a first-come-first-serve basis considering a program-specific quota depending on the percentage of the student population of each program at FENS. Therefore, you have to place a special approval request today, and wait for your approval until the opening of the registrations on the third day. If there is still space after the first round of approvals, the rest of the requests will be approved throughout the registration period. Please, see the course syllabus below.
ENS 480 - IR 404 - ES 504
Energy: Supply Chain, Economics and Geopolitics
Short Syllabus
Spring 2014-2015
Course Description
This introductory course on “energy” is composed of two parts. The first part (taught by Dr. Kaya and Dr. Şahin) considers the supply and distribution of energy and electricity, as well as the relevant market and decision processes. The second part (taught by Dr. Evin) focuses on energy geopolitics. The course aims to provide a big-picture view of energy supply chains to help students understand the interdependencies between technology, business, economics, environment and international politics regarding energy-related issues.
Note that scientific and technological aspects of energy, which are covered in the FENS elective courses ENS 207 and ENS 315, are not at the core of this course.
Dr. Ahmet Evin FASS 2105, aevin@sabanciuniv.edu
Dr. Murat Kaya FENS G020, mkaya@sabanciuniv.edu
Dr. Güvenç Şahin FENS 1108, guvencs@sabanciuniv.edu
Teaching Assistants
Arzu Özbey (FENS), ozbeyarzu@sabanciuniv.edu
The second assistant, to be announced (FASS)
Course Schedule
Friday, 11:40-2:30, FASS G022
Tentative Course Outline
Week # | Topics |
1 | Introduction & Energy fundamentals
2-3-4 | Energy supply (Dr. Kaya)
5 | Energy demand (Dr. Şahin)
6 | Electricity (Dr. Şahin)
7 | Electricity markets (Dr. Şahin)
8 | Energy security (Dr. Evin) |
9 | Turkey & Its neighbors (Dr. Evin) Middle East & North Africa, rentier states, resource curse |
10 | Content to be determined (Dr. Evin) |
11 | Turkey & Its neighbors (Dr. Evin)
12 | EU energy policies (Dr. Evin) |
13 | Energy policies in Turkey
14 | Energy industry in Turkey (Panel with guest speakers)
Textbook and Reading Material
There is no main textbook for the course. Instead, we will use various reading material including book chapters, white papers and reports. Below, we list a number of sample reading material and resources. Additional readings will be posted at SUCourse from time to time.
Sustainable energy without the hot air. D. J. MacKay. Free pdf book available at http://www.withouthotair.com/
- The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power. D. Yergin. 2009.
- Decision Making under Uncertainty in Electricity Markets. A. J. Conejo, M. Carrion, J. M. Morales. Springer, 2010.
- IEA World Energy Outlook Reports
- http://www.worldenergyoutlook.org/
- US Energy Information Administration
- http://www.eia.gov/
- Note on Energy. Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2008.
- The Global Politics of Energy. Campbell and Price.
- EIA (DOE) International Energy Outlook 2010 http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/pdf/0484%282010%29.pdf
- ExxonMobil “The Outlook for Energy A View to 2030” http://www.exxonmobil.com/corporate/files/news_pub_eo_2009.pdf
- Royal Dutch Shell “Shell energy scenarios to 2050” http://www-static.shell.com/static/public/downloads/brochures/corporate_pkg/scenarios/shell_energy_scenarios_2050.pdf
- Ahmet O. Evin, Energy and Turkey’s Neighborhood: Post Soviet Transformations and Transatlantic Interests