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New Course: ME 582 Special Topics in Mechatronics


New Course: ME 582 Special Topics in Mechatronics: Topology Optimization based Design

Class Hours and Place: TBA (tentatively: M 15:40-16:30, T 13:40-15:30)


Registration: Please e-mail the instructor if you are interested and register during add-drop period

Textbook: No single textbook. Readings will be assigned at the end of a lecture. Selected articles will be handed out and/or posted electronically throughout the semester.


Christensen, P.W. and A. Klarbring, An Introduction to Structural Optimization, Springer, 2009

Bendsoe, M.P.and Sigmund, O., Topology Optimization - Theory, Methods and Applications , 2nd ed. 2003, ISBN: 978-3-540-42992-0

Papalambros, Panos Y., and Douglass J. Wilde. Principles of Optimal Design – Modeling and Computation. 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0521627273. (Paperback)

Haftka R. T., and Gurdal, Z. Elements of Structural Optimization 3rd ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992

Course Objectives:

The purpose of this course is to provide the basis of the mathematical models and numerical algorithms for optimal structure design. In particular, we shall study the optimisation of structures' shapes in order, for example, to minimize their weight under minimal mechanical constraints. The course will be illustrated with the use of structure optimisation software. Students will understand the complexity behind finite element-based design optimization methods and develop programming skills to apply this knowledge to the solution of structural engineering design problems.

At the end of this course students will

  • Apply state-of-the art optimization algorithms, particularly finite element-based methods.
  • State and parameterize a topology optimization problem.
  • Perform sensitivity analysis and derive sensitivity coefficients using direct and adjoint methods.
  • Implement specialized algorithms optimization algorithm including: SQP, MMA, OC, and explore the use of state-of-the art methods.
  • Understand and address computational issues such as uniqueness, checkerboards, and mesh dependency.
  • Apply topology optimization methods to solve problem involving non-compliant structures, compliant mechanisms, energy absorbing structures and antennas.

Course Contents:

This graduate-level course focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of numerical methods utilized in the solution of structural optimization with emphasis on topology optimization problems. This course presents fundamental aspects of finite element analysis and mathematical programming methods with applications on discrete and continuum topology optimization problems. Applications include designing lightweight structures, compliant mechanisms, heat transfer, and energy harvesting systems.The course content will be applicable to design of a broad range of engineering well as material design.


  • Knowledge of multi-variable calculus and background in strength of materials and mechanics as well as Finite Element Method will be assumed.
  • The course will be self-contained for those who have the general mathematics and mechanics background.
  • Sound knowledge of mechanics and engineering mathematics (calculus including differential equations, linear algebra) is required.
  • Some knowledge of numerical methods will be assumed in this course. However, a quick review of the necessary concepts will be provided when discussing numerical optimization techniques.
  • The familiarity with Matlab will be beneficial as the students will be asked to implement the algorithms discussed in the class.
  • Students are encouraged to contact the instructor if there are any specific questions about the necessary background.

Course Work:

There are three main parts in the course work: (i) A set (3-4) of homework assignments (ii) a take home final exam and (iii) one Midterm Exam. A typical grade distribution is as:



Midterm Exam


Take Home Final Exam



Syllabus Overview:

An approximate allocation of topics throughout the semester is as follows.

Weeks 1–2

Introduction to Topology Optimization and Computer Exercises

Week 3-4

Basics of Convex Programming

Week 5-6-7

A historical perspective: existence of solutions, composites and


Week 8-9

Sensitivity analysis and approximations

Week 10


Week 11-12

Topology Optimization Applications: Stiffness and MEMS

Weeks 13-14

Topology Optimization Applications: Electromagnetics and Optics

Week 15

Implementation issues




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