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2015-2016 Spring Semester Course :IE 482 New Product Development

Dear Students,

You can find the information of IE 482 in 2015-2016 Spring Semester as below. The detail Syllabus has been added into the Sucourse.

Schedule of course:


IE 482 New Product Development: A Project Management Perspective
Instructor: Memet Ünsal

Mission of the Course
The mission of this course is to give the student a thorough understanding of the processes that go into the
development of a new product. The question of what it takes to turn an idea into a product is asked and
detailed project management tools are examined as they relate to new product development (NPD). As case
study, the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry is examined. The intent of the course is to give
the student a good understanding of the topics by providing real life examples and to always question and
provide the logic behind decisions in real life scenarios. In comparison to established industries, new ways
of NPD are also examined. With manufacturing and prototyping methods more easily accessible to
individuals and small startups, emerging trends in NPD are discussed with examples of open collaboration,
cross-discipline partnerships, new habits of working, creation, and obtaining funding which lead to
innovative new products.
The students are expected to work on a new product idea of their own choice in groups of ideally three
people. Every week, there will be time during the class to apply the theory of new product development and
project management to their ideas. Outside of class, they will research their market, talk to experts,
strategize on how to bring their idea to life, and ideally spend some time on the field. The outcome will be
presented by each group during the midterm. Between midterm and finals, they will learn about some of the
fundamental tools of entrepreneurship. They will apply these tools to their new product ideas and present the
outcome during their final presentation.
It is the wish of the lecturer to give the student a healthy mix of theory, real life examples and success
stories, a glimpse into emerging trends in the world and hopefully inspiration for career choice.

Learning Outcomes
After following this course, the student is expected to
1. Understand NPD processes
2. Learn project management tools as they relate to NPD
3. Simulate a sample NPD project using the project management tools learned in the course
4. Get a good understanding of new trends in NPD

Team Projects and Quizzes 30
Midterm Exam 30
Final Project 40
Participation into discussions in class is expected and noted.
Reading Material from: Handouts.
The Internet of Things, MIT Technology Review, Business Report, July – August 2014
Tech Startups, The Economist Special Report, January 18th 2014
Research and Innovation Performance in Turkey - Country Profile, EU Publication 2013
Recommended Text: Project Manager: Mastering the Art of Delivery in Project Management, Financial
Times/ Prentice Hall; 1 edition (7 April 2005)


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