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New Course: ME 405 – Mechanical Vibrations

 ME 405 – Mechanical Vibrations

ME 405 course has been reactivated recently; and now it is offered as a core course for Mechatronics Engineering Program students.

The course opened this semester as ME 481 – Special Topics in Mechatronics will be replaced by ME 405. The students can register this course during the add drop period (3-4 October).

Purpose of this course

This course is designed both for undergraduate and graduate students. It is aimed to teach the fundamental concepts how systems vibrate. Fundamental aspects of vibrations for mathematical modeling, derivation/solution of equations of motion, and subsequent system analysis will be covered for discrete systems.

Lecture:          Wednesday, 2:40-4:30 pm (L035)

                        Thursday, 2:40-3:30 pm (L055)





Instructor :      Bekir Bediz


                        FENS 2080





MDBF Dekanlık Ofisi

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

+90 216 483 96 00

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