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NS 220 World Energy Outlook Course Syllabus

Dear Students,

The course of NS 220 will be offered by Değer Saygın in 2019-2020 Fall Semester. You can see details of course below.



NS 220 World Energy Outlook

Fall 2019


Course Instructor: Değer Saygın
Office: SHURA Energy Transition Center, Evliya Çelebi Mah. Kıblelizade Sk. Eminbey Apt. No:16 K:3 D:4 34430 Beyoğlu/İstanbul
Office Hours: Please send an email for an appointment
Course Schedule: Monday, 08:40 – 11:30, FENS L056


Course description, objectives & outcomes

Course description: The course will focus on the global trends in transformation of the energy system with renewable energy, energy efficiency, widespread electrification and digitalisation/ICT in realising the seventh energy goal of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. The course will provide insights from country experiences in energy transition, the current trends in the case of Turkey and will elaborate on how the transformation of Turkey’s energy system can be accelerated. Special attention will be paid to the technology, economic and policy aspects of energy transition.

Course objectives and learning outcomes The main objective of this course is to provide students with the latest knowledge on the current global and country energy transition trends and teach carrying out basic energy analysis research to calculate the potential, cost and benefits as well as answer key policy questions related to accelerating the transition of the energy system. Students who successfully complete this course can use this knowledge in the private and public sectors as well as in research organisations.

Keywords: Energy transition. Renewable energy. Energy efficiency. Electrification. Energy policy. Climate policy. Decarbonisation and climate change mitigation. Costs, benefits and investments. Stranded assets. Global, country and Turkey experiences. System integration of renewables. Innovation. 

Suitable background of the students: knowledge of physics and natural sciences and basic background on economics and/or energy and climate policy principles


Course Policies, Assignments, and Grading

Course grading will be based on;

1)            Midterm:  30%

2)            Final: 50%

3)            Class presentations: 20%

·         The midterm exam will be held during class hours. Exact dates will be announced at SUCourse. All examinations will be closed book and notes.

·         Pop-quizzes with short answer questions can be given randomly during classes.

·         Attendance will be taken. Attendance and active participation in lectures may affect the final grade, especially for borderline cases. Participation will be evaluated based on the in-class performance of students in lectures and recitations. Passive participation will not count towards participation credit even if you are present in class and sign the attendance sheet.

·         One make-up examination, covering the whole course material, will be given after the final exam date for the students who missed the midterm and/or final examination due to a valid excuse approved by the faculty/university. If you miss an exam due to a health problem, you can take the make-up only if you have a valid report approved by the University Health Services. (Please note that, if you get a report from an outside health center, you need to send it to University Health Services for approval within three days.)

·         No extra homework/exam/project/etc. will be given to increase your grade at the end of the semester. If you attend classes, go over the problems solved in class yourself, read the reference material that will be provided and complete your any homework assignments, you won't have trouble in the exams and in your grade.

·         There could be homework assignments. Homework will be assigned via SUCourse and written solutions will be submitted via SUCourse as well. You can discuss the problems/questions with your classmates (encouraged) but copying work and plagiarism is against University regulations and will result in a grade 0 (zero).

·         There will be a group homework which will be presented by one or more students of the group during the class hours. Additional information related to group homework will be provided in the coming weeks.

·         All solutions (homework assignments, midterm and final exams and any quizzes) must be written in a professional manner. You may lose points for poorly written answers. There will be no multiple-choice questions.

·         All announcements will be made through SUCourse, students are responsible from following the announcements. Any questions should be asked via email to the instructor.


Tentative schedule

WEEK 1: 16 September 2019: An introduction to the global energy landscape

WEEK 2: 23 September 2019: Basic concepts in technical and economic aspects of energy analysis 1

WEEK 3: 30 September 2019: Basic concepts in technical and economic aspects of energy analysis 2

WEEK 4: 7 October 2019: Technology trends and needs for the global energy transition

WEEK 5: 14 October 2019: The costs, investment needs and stranded assets of energy transition

WEEK 6: 21 October 2019: The social and economic benefits of energy transition

WEEK 7: 28 October 2019: Country experiences in energy transition

WEEK 8: 4 November 2019: Experiences of Turkey’s energy transition

WEEK 9: 11 November 2019: Power system transformation with renewables and challenges

WEEK 10: 18 November 2019: Transforming Turkey’s power system

WEEK 11: 25 November 2019: Midterm exam (final date to be confirmed and announced) 

WEEK 12: 2 December 2019: Innovation and R&D opportunities for energy transition

WEEK 13: 9 December 2019: Student presentations

WEEK 14: 16 December 2019: Wrap up & Conclusion

Final Exam (final date to be confirmed and announced)

Powerpoint slides will be used during the courses prepared by the instructor. They will be made available latest one day before the class on SUCourse.


Key references

OECD/IEA & IRENA (2017). Perspectives for the Energy Transition. Investment Needs for a Low-Carbon Energy System. OECD/IEA and IRENA, Paris and Abu Dhabi.

IRENA (2019). Global Energy Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050 (2019 edition). IRENA, Abu Dhabi.

Additional references and reading material will be provided ahead of each classes. Access links will be provided on SUCourse.


MDBF Dekanlık Ofisi

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

+90 216 483 96 00

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