Schedule Changes of Some FENS Courses in 2019-2020 Academic Year
Schedule Changes of Some FENS Courses in 2019-2020 Academic Year
Kindly be informed that the changes that have been made recently for the below FENS courses can be followed over the Student Information System.
1. Spring: “IE 48005 Special Topics in IE: Digital Manufacturing” will be added in Spring Semester.( Ins.: Emre Özlü)
2. Spring: “CS 525 Data Mining” will be added in Spring Semester (Ins: Yücel Saygın)
3. Fall: “MATH 58004 Special Topics in MATH: Advanced Methods in the Calculus of Variations” has been canceled for Fall Semester.
4. Fall: EE 568 Detection and Estimation Theory/ Program change
5. Spring: EE 419 Signal Processing Design and Implementation/ Program change
6. Fall: “MAT 408 Introduction to Ceramics” will be added in Fall Semester. (Ins.: Mehmet Ali Gülgün)
7. Fall & Spring: CS 201R Introduction to Computing Rec. /Recitation hours change
8. Fall: "PHYS 411 Electromagnetic Theory I" will be added in Fall Semester (Ins: Cihan Saçlıoğlu)
9. Capacity Revisions for Fall Semester
· Fall: IF 301/501
· Fall: ENS 208C
· Fall: IE 311
· Fall: IE 305