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SEMINAR:A new Series for Rogers-Ramanujan-Gordon k=3

Guest: Yalçın Can Kılıç, Sabancı University

Title: A new Series for Rogers-Ramanujan-Gordon k=3

Date/Time: April 17, 2024, 13:40 - 14:30

Location: FENS G032

Abstract: Rogers-Ramanujan identities have a central role in integer partitions. Then, they were extended combinatorially by Gordon in 1961. Andrews, found an analytic representation for Rogers-Ramanujan-Gordon identities in 1974. In this talk, a new evidently positive generating function for the difference condition side of Rogers-Ramanujan Gordon partitions when k=3 is given. Also, it is combinatorially interpreted using the base partition-moves framework.

Bio: Yalçın Can Kılıç received his Bachelor of Science degree in 2018 from Sabanci University computer science and engineering department. He got his Master's degree in 2020 from Sabancı University mathematics department. Currently, he is a PHD student in Sabanci University. His research focuses on integer partitions.


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