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PHYS SEMIMAR:Beyond the 2nd Quantum Revolution: Breaking Boundaries...

Guest:Onur Pusuluk

Title: Beyond the 2nd Quantum Revolution: Breaking Boundaries Across Disciplines

Date/TimeMay 21, 2024 13:40 

Location: FENS L062

Abstract: The 20th century witnessed the rise of quantum mechanics, sparking a scientific and technological revolution. We are now on the verge of a second quantum revolution driven by quantum information science. In this next phase, second-generation quantum devices—such as quantum computers, quantum sensors, and quantum key distributors —are expected to be manufactured on a large scale to tackle real-world challenges. In this talk, I will focus on the insights gained from interdisciplinary research in fields such as quantum biology, quantum thermodynamics, and quantum gravity, providing a glimpse into this new frontier. I begin by illustrating the scalability of quantum superpositions within molecular stationary states, unveiling their unexpected temperature-dependent behavior. I explore methods to prolong these superpositions through geometry optimization and to utilize them more effectively under non-equilibrium conditions. Additionally, I examine techniques to convert the adverse effects of the environment—such as decoherence and thermalization—into advantages. Finally, I propose strategies to enhance quantum device performance by minimizing information derived from measurements and introducing uncertainty into the order of operations. These findings underscore the potential of interdisciplinary research in fields like quantum biology, quantum thermodynamics, and quantum gravity to facilitate the development of second-generation quantum devices capable of operating at larger scales and more ambient temperatures.

Bio:Dr. Onur Pusuluk embarked on his academic journey with a double major in Molecular Biology and Genetics, and Physics, at Istanbul Technical University. He completed his Ph.D. studies in quantum biology at the Physics Department of the same university. As part of this study, he immersed himself in the Frontiers of Quantum Physics group at the University of Oxford as a recognized student for one year. Following his Ph.D., he continued his academic career as a postdoctoral research assistant at Koç University's Physics Department. Subsequently, he led a TUBITAK 3501 project and independent research group at Koç University for three years.

Dr. Pusuluk is currently an assistant professor of Physics at Kadir Has University, affiliated with the Departments of Core Academics and Molecular Biology and Genetics. His research focuses on the intersection of quantum information, quantum thermodynamics, quantum chemistry, and quantum biology. As the leader of the qDISCorD research group, he endeavors to illuminate complex phenomena such as life, energy, and time, leveraging the conceptual and theoretical foundations of the second quantum revolution. Also, he serves on the scientific advisory board and scientific executive board at Quantum Optics and Information (KOBIT) meetings, participates in the academic advisory board of QTurkey, coordinates the physics program at Bilimler Köyü, and contributes to all working groups (holding a responsible role in one) within the Istanbul Quantum Valley initiative. 



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