Ali Koşar
Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi
Öğretim Üyesi
(216) 483 9621
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Öğretim Üyesi
2003- 2006 Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY, USA 2001-2003 M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY, USA 1997-2001 B.S., Boğaziçi University Istanbul, Turkiye 1988-1996 Istanbul Lisesi Istanbul, Turkiye
Parizad Benam, Behnam and Mohammadilooey, Mandana and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Cakir, Ece and Acar, Havva Yagci and Park, Hyun Sun and Koşar, Ali (2025) "On saturated flow boiling heat transfer of deionized water/ferrofluid on structured surfaces with or without external magnetic field", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.236, No.Part 2 (SCI)
Malakhov, Ivan and Surtaev, Anton and Serdyukov, Vladimir and Koşar, Ali and Pavlenko, Alexander (2024) "Optimal pitch size of a biphilic surface for boiling heat transfer at subatmospheric pressures", Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.22, No.6, 1645-1660 (ESCI)
Muganlı, Zülal and Bütün, İsmail and Gharıb, Ghazaleh and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Electricity generation using a microbial 3D bio-anode embedded bio-photovoltaic cell in a microfluidic chamber", Energy Advances, Vol.3, No.10, 2439-2452 (ESCI)
Özogul, Beyzanur and Akar, Ünal and Mercimek, Rabia and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Seyedmirzaei Sarraf, Seyedali and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Ansari Hamedani, Ali and Villanueva, Luis Guillermo and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Amani, Ehsan and Elverdi, Tugrul and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Hydrodynamic cavitation-induced thrombolysis on a clot-on-a-chip platform". Published Online First
Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Güler, Tayfun and Amin, Saifa and Apak, Ahmet Muhtar and Apak, Alper and Parlak, Murat and Tastan, Umur and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Effect of graphene coating on flow boiling in a minichannel at sub-atmospheric pressures", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.229 (SCI)
Maleki, Mohammadamin and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Toyran, Erçil and Priyadarshi, Abhinav and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Villanueva, Luis Guillermo and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Tzanakis, Iakovos and Koşar, Ali and Ghorbani, Morteza (2024) "New insights on cavitating flows over a microscale backward-facing step", Physics of Fluids, Vol.36, No.9 (SCI)
Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Baresel, Christian and Ghorbani, Reza and Tzanakis, Iakovos and Koşar, Ali and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Ghorbani, Morteza (2024) "Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from wastewater using the hydrodynamic cavitation on a chip concept", Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.495 (SCI)
Karacaoğlu, Beyza and Koçer, Anıl Tevfik and İnan, Benan and Bütün, İsmail and Mercimek, Rabia and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali and Balkanlı, Didem (2024) "Microfluidic chip-assisted separation process and post-chip microalgae cultivation for carotenoid production". Published Online First
Rekuviene, Regina and Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Mažeika, Liudas and Samaitis, Vykintas and Jankauskas, Audrius and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Gharıb, Ghazaleh and Muganlı, Zülal and Koşar, Ali (2024) "A review on passive and active anti-icing and de-icing technologies", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.250 (SCI)
Sadaghiani, Ali and Parizad Benam, Behnam and Akdağ, Osman and Saygan, Samet and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Experimental parametric study on two-phase spray cooling of HEF 7100 using flat spray nozzles", International Journal of Thermofluids, Vol.23 (NA)
Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Orejon, Daniel and Sefiane, Khellil and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Biphilic functional surfaces for frost prevention and efficient active defrosting". Published Online First
Maleki, Mohammadamin and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Koşar, Ali and Ghorbani, Morteza (2024) "On the spatio-temporal dynamics of cavitating turbulent shear flow over a microscale backward-facing step: a numerical study", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol.177 (SCI)
Abdelrahman, Amr Mustafa and Tebyani, Seyedreza and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Tabar, Saba Aghdam and Berenji, Nastaran Rahimzadeh and Sheibaniaghdam, Araz and Koyuncu, Ismail and Koşar, Ali and Guven, Huseyin and Ersahin, Mustafa Evren and Ghorbani, Morteza and Ozgun, Hale (2024) "The flow pattern effects of hydrodynamic cavitation on waste activated sludge digestibility", Chemosphere, Vol.357 (SCI)
Bütün, İsmail and Çelik, Süleyman and Dönmez, Koray Bahadır and Yürüm, Alp and Alkan Gürsel, Selmiye and Koşar, Ali (2024) "The effect of current collectors on polymer-based energy-generating units inspired by the electric organs of eels", Journal of Energy Storage, Vol.90, No.Part A (SCI)
Mohammadilooey, Mandana and Parizad Benam, Behnam and Ateş, Ayşenur and Yagcı, Vedat and Çaglar Malyemez, Muhammed and Parlak, Murat and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Multiple hot spot cooling with flow boiling of HFE-7000 in a multichannel pin fin heat sink", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.247 (SCI)
Ateş, Ayşenur and Yağcı, Vedat and Malyemez, Muhammed Çağlar and Parlak, Murat and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Flow dynamics characteristics of flow boiling in minichannels with distributed pin fin structures", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.199 (SCI)
Karimzadehkhoei, Jalal and Sorayani Bafqi, Mohammad Sajad and Dericiler, Kuray and Doustdar, Omid and Saner Okan, Burcu and Koşar, Ali and Sadaghiani, Ali (2024) "Upcycled graphene nanoplatelets integrated fiber-based Janus membranes for enhanced solar-driven interfacial steam generation". Published Online First
Rekuvienė, Regina and Samaitis, Vykintas and Jankauskas, Audrius and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Early-stage ice detection utilizing high-order ultrasonic guided waves", Sensors, Vol.24, No.9 (SCI)
Samancoğlu, Umut Ege and Koşar, Ali and Cetkin, Erdal (2024) "Optimization of Y-shaped micro-mixers with a mixing chamber for increased mixing efficiency and decreased pressure drop", ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.146, No.4 (SCI)
Sharbati, Pouya and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2024) "On the effect of static and dynamic contact angles on humid air condensation heat transfer", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.219 (SCI)
Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Güler, Tayfun and Çelik, Süleyman and Ronshin, Fedor and Serdyukov, Vladimir and Surtaev, Anton and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Effect of mixed wettability surfaces on flow boiling heat transfer at subatmospheric pressures", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.236 (SCI)
Kozalak, Gül and Koşar, Ali (2023) "Autophagy-related mechanisms for treatment of multiple myeloma", Cancer Drug Resistance, Vol.6, No.4, 838-857 (ESCI)
Karimzadehkhoei, Jalal and Sorayani Bafqi, Mohammad Sajad and Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Mohammadilooey, Mandana and Hezarkhani, Marjan and Saner Okan, Burcu and Koşar, Ali and Sadaghiani, Abdolali (2023) "Upcycled graphene integrated fiber-based photothermal hybrid nanocomposites for solar-driven interfacial water evaporation", Desalination, Vol.562 (SCI)
Maleki, Mohammadamin and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Seyedmirzaei Sarraf, Seyedali and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Bayraktar, Songül and Tuzcuoğlu, Ehsan and Koşar, Ali and Ghorbani, Morteza (2023) "Detergent dissolution intensification via energy-efficient hydrodynamic cavitation reactors", ACS Omega, Vol.8, No.32, 29595-29607 (SCI)
Namlı, İlayda and Karavelioglu, Zeynep and Seyedmirzaei Sarraf, Seyedali and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Varol, Rahmetullah and Yilmaz, Abdurrahim and Şahin, Sevilay Burcu and Özogul, Beyzanur and Bozkaya, Dila Naz and Acar, Havva Funda and Uvet, Huseyin and Çetinel, Sibel and Kutlu, Özlem and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2023) "On the application of hydrodynamic cavitation on a chip in cellular injury and drug delivery", Lab On a Chip, Vol.23, No.11, 2640-2653 (SCI)
Muganlı, Zülal and Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Rekuviene, Regina and Samaitis, Vykintas and Jankauskas, Audrius and Koşar, Ali and Gharıb, Ghazaleh and Sadaghiani, Abdolali (2023) "Development and implementation of microbial antifreeze protein based coating for anti-icing", Advanced Materials Interfaces, Vol.10, No.14 (SCI)
Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Yürüm, Alp and Koşar, Ali (2023) "Multiscale superhydrophobic zeolitic imidazolate framework coating for static and dynamic anti-icing purposes", Advanced Materials Interfaces, Vol.10, No.15 (SCI)
Sharbati, Pouya and Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Koşar, Ali (2023) "New generation dielectrophoretic-based microfluidic device for multi-type cell separation", Biosensors, Vol.13, No.4 (SCI)
Ateş, Ayşenur and Çelik, Süleyman and Yağcı, Vedat and Çağlar Malyemez, Muhammed and Parlak, Murat and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2023) "Flow boiling of dielectric fluid HFE – 7000 in a minichannel with pin fin structured surfaces", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.223 (SCI)
Ateş, Ayşenur and Parizad Benam, Behnam and Mohammadilooey, Mandana and Çelik, Süleyman and Serdyukov, Vladimir and Surtaev, Anton and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2023) "Pool boiling heat transfer on superhydrophobic, superhydrophilic, and superbiphilic surfaces at atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressures", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.201, No.Part-2 (SCI)
Parizad Benam, Behnam and Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Motezakker, Ahmad Reza and Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Guillermo Villanueva, Luis and Sun Park, Hyun and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2023) "A parametric study on pool boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux on structured surfaces with artificial cavities", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.221 (SCI)
Kozalak, Gül and Bütün, İsmail and Toyran, Erçil and Koşar, Ali (2023) "Review on bortezomib resistance in multiple myeloma and potential role of emerging technologies", Pharmaceuticals, Vol.16, No.1 (SCI)
Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Maleki, Mohammadamin and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2023) "Cavitation inception and evolution in cavitation on a chip devices at low upstream pressures", Physics of Fluids, Vol.35, No.1 (SCI)
Bütün, İsmail and Gharib, Ghazaleh and Yürüm, Alp and Alkan Gürsel, Selmiye and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Polymer based electricity generation inspired by eel electrocytes", International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.46, No.15, 22653-22663 (SCI)
Yılmaz, Abdurrahim and Karavelioğlu, Zeynep and Aydemir, Gizem and Demircali, Ali Anıl and Varol, Rahmetullah and Koşar, Ali and Uvet, Hüseyin (2022) "Microfluidic wound scratching platform based on an untethered microrobot with magnetic actuation", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol.373 (SCI)
Gharıb, Ghazaleh and Bütün, İsmail and Muganlı, Zülal and Kozalak, Gül and Namlı, İlayda and Seyedmirzaei Sarraf, Seyedali and Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Toyran, Erçil and Van Wijnen, Andre J. and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Biomedical applications of microfluidic devices: a review", Biosensors, Vol.12, No.11 (SCI)
Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Jafarpour, Mohammad and Koşar, Ali and Cebeci, Fevzi Çakmak and Ghorbani, Morteza (2022) "New nanofiber composition for multiscale bubble capture and separation", ACS Omega, Vol.7, No.44, 39959-39969 (SCI)
Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Jafarpour, Mohammad and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Koşar, Ali and Ghorbani, Morteza (2022) "Chemical effects in "hydrodynamic cavitation on a chip": the role of cavitating flow patterns", Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.445 (SCI)
Sefiane, Khellil and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Prospects of heat transfer approaches to dissipate high heat fluxes: opportunities and challenges", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.215 (SCI)
Namlı, İlayda and Seyedmirzaei Sarraf, Seyedali and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Çelebi Torabfam, Gizem and Kutlu, Özlem and Çetinel, Sibel and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Hydrodynamic cavitation on a chip: a tool to detect circulating tumor cells", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol.14, No.36, 40688-40697 (SCI)
Duman, Alp and Niazi, Soroush and Gharıb, Ghazaleh and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Self-assembled archaea bio-coatings in thermal-fluids systems: a study on adhesion optimization and energy efficiency", International Journal of Thermofluids, Vol.15 (NA)
Ateş, Ayşenur and Parizad Benam, Behnam and Yağcı, Vedat and Çağlar Malyemez, Muhammed and Parlak, Murat and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2022) "On the effect of elliptical pin Fins, distribution pin Fins, and tip clearance on the performance of heat sinks in flow boiling", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.212 (SCI)
Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Khaksaran, Mohammad Hadi and Apak, Ahmet Muhtar and Apak, Alper and Parlak, Murat and Tastan, Umur and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Graphene-coated sintered porous copper surfaces for boiling heat transfer enhancement", Carbon Trends, Vol.8 (NA)
Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Effect of membrane surface wetting on the performance of direct contact membrane distillation for seawater desalination", Cleaner Engineering and Technology, Vol.8 (NA)
Seyedmirzaei Sarraf, Seyedali and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Namlı, İlayda and Maleki, Mohammadamin and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Gharib, Ghazeleh and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Fundamentals, biomedical applications and future potential of micro-scale cavitation-a review", Lab on a Chip, Vol.22, No.12, 2237-2258 (SCI)
Şimşek, Sevda and Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Çelik, Süleyman and Sayar, Ersin and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Fabrication and flow rate characterization of a DRIE process based valveless piezoelectric micropump", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.32, No.6 (SCI)
Aboubakri, Akam and Akkus, Yigit and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Sefiane, Khellil and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Computational and experimental investigations on the evaporation of single and multiple elongated droplets", Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, Vol.10 (NA)
Aboubakri, Akam and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Akgönül, Sarp and Erdoğmuş, Abdullah Berkan and Baki, Murat and Can, Fatih and Şabanoviç, Asif and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Numerical and experimental investigation of the effect of micro restriction geometry on gas flows through a micro orifice", Fluids, Vol.7, No.5 (ESCI)
Altay, Rana and Yapıcı, Murat Kaya and Koşar, Ali (2022) "A hybrid spiral microfluidic platform coupled with surface acoustic waves for circulating tumor cell sorting and separation: a numerical study", Biosensors, Vol.12, No.3 (SCI)
Surtaev, Anton and Koşar, Ali and Serdyukov, Vladimir and Malakhov, Ivan (2022) "Boiling at subatmospheric pressures on hydrophobic surface: bubble dynamics and heat transfer", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.173 (SCI)
Gharıb, Ghazaleh and Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2022) "Antifreeze proteins: a tale of evolution from origin to energy applications", Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Vol.9 (SCI)
Abbasiasl, Taher and Şutova, Hande Eda and Niazi, Soroush and Çelebi Torabfam, Gizem and Karavelioglu, Zeynep and Kirabali, Ufuk and Yilmaz, Abdurrahim and Uvet, Huseyin and Kutlu, Özlem and Ekici, Sinan and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2022) "A flexible cystoscope based on hydrodynamic cavitation for tumor tissue ablation", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.69, No.1, 513-524 (SCI)
Parlak, Murat and Özsunar, Abuzer and Koşar, Ali (2022) "High aspect ratio microchannel heat sink optimization under thermally developing flow conditions based on minimum power consumption", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.201, No.Part A (SCI)
Jafarpour, Mohammad and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Koşar, Ali and Cebeci, Fevzi Çakmak and Ghorbani, Morteza (2021) "Electrospinning of ternary composite of PMMA-PEG-SiO2 nanoparticles: comprehensive process optimization and electrospun properties", Materials Today Communications, Vol.29 (SCI)
Parizad Benam, Behnam and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Yağcı, Vedat and Parlak, Murat and Sefiane, Khellil and Koşar, Ali (2021) "Review on high heat flux flow boiling of refrigerants and water for electronics cooling", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.180 (SCI)
Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Jafarpour, Mohammad and Zuvin, Merve and Chen, Hongjian and Gevari, Moein Talebian and Villanueva, Luis Guillermo and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Koşar, Ali and Ghorbani, Morteza (2021) "Design and fabrication of a vigorous "cavitation-on-a-chip" device with a multiple microchannel configuration", Microsystems and Nanoengineering, Vol.7, No.1 (SCI)
Abbasiasl, Taher and Mohammadpour Chehrghani, Mirvahid and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2021) "Gradient mixed wettability surfaces for enhancing heat transfer in dropwise flow condensation", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.179 (SCI)
Mohammadpour Chehrghani, Mirvahid and Abbasiasl, Taher and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2021) "Biphilic surfaces with optimum hydrophobic islands on a superhydrophobic background for dropwise flow condensation", Langmuir, Vol.37, No.46, 13567-13575 (SCI)
Aboubakri, Akam and Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Çelik, Süleyman and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Sefiane, Khellil and Koşar, Ali (2021) "Effect of surface biphilicity on FC-72 flow boiling in a rectangular minichannel", Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, Vol.7 (ESCI)
Altay, Rana and Yetişgin, Abuzer Alp and Erdem, Kaan and Koşar, Ali (2021) "The effect of varying radius of curvature on mixing in elliptical spiral microchannels", Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, Vol.164 (SCI)
Jafarpour, Mohammad and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Talebian Gevari, Moein and Koşar, Ali and Bayazıt, Mustafa Kemal and Ghorbani, Morteza (2021) "An ecologically friendly process for graphene exfoliation based on the "hydrodynamic cavitation on a chip" concept", RSC Advances, Vol.11, No.29, 17965-17975 (SCI)
Niazi, Soroush and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Gharıb, Ghazaleh and Kaya, Veysel Ogulcan and Çelik, Süleyman and Kutlu, Özlem and Koşar, Ali (2021) "Bio-coated surfaces with micro-roughness and micro-porosity: next generation coatings for enhanced energy efficiency", Energy, Vol.222 (SCI)
Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Bütün, İsmail and Altay, Rana and Bazaz, Sajad Razavi and Alijani Alijanvand, Hossein and Çelik, Süleyman and Warkiani, Majid Ebrahimi and Koşar, Ali (2021) "The effects of baffle configuration and number on inertial mixing in a curved serpentine micromixer: experimental and numerical study", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Vol.168, 490-498 (SCI)
Hosseinpour Shafaghi, Ali and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Zuvin, Merve and Talebian Gevari, Moein and Villanueva, Luis Guillermo and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2021) "On cavitation inception and cavitating flow patterns in a multi-orifice microfluidic device with a functional surface", Physics of Fluids, Vol.33, No.3 (SCI)
Mohammadpour Chehrghani, Mirvahid and Abbasiasl, Taher and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2021) "Copper-based superhydrophobic nanostructures for heat transfer in flow condensation", ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol.4, No.2, 1719-1732 (SCI)
Talebian Gevari, Moein and Aydemir, Gizem and Gharıb, Ghazaleh and Kutlu, Özlem and Uvet, Huseyin and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2021) "Local carpet bombardment of immobilized cancer cells with hydrodynamic cavitation", IEEE Access, Vol.9, 14983-14991 (SCI)
Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Aboubakri, Akam and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Sefiane, Khellil and Koşar, Ali (2020) "Effect of functional surfaces with gradient mixed wettability on flow boiling in a high aspect ratio microchannel", Fluids, Vol.5, No.4 (ESCI)
Talebian Gevari, Moein and Niazi, Soroush and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Şendur, Kürşat and Menguc, M. Pinar and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2020) "Deagglomeration of nanoparticle clusters in a "cavitation on chip" device", AIP Advances, Vol.10, No.11 (SCI)
Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Rajabnia, Hossein and Çelik, Süleyman and Noh, H. and Kwak, H. J. and Nejatpour, Mona and Park, Hyun Sun and Acar, H. Y. and Mısırlıoğlu, Burç and Özdemir, Mehmed Rafet and Koşar, Ali (2020) "Pool boiling heat transfer of ferrofluids on structured hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces: the effect of magnetic field", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.155 (SCI)
Aboubakri, Akam and Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Koşar, Ali (2020) "Modeling of a passive-valve piezoelectric micro-pump: a parametric study", Micromachines, Vol.11, No.8 (SCI)
Hosseinpour Shafaghi, Ali and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Koşar, Ali and Ghorbani, Morteza (2020) "On the effect of the respiratory droplet generation condition on COVID-19 transmission", Fluids, Vol.5, No.3 (ESCI)
Mohammadi, Ali and Koşar, Ali (2020) "The effect of arrangement type and pitch ratio on the performance of micro-pin-fin heat sinks", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol.140, No.3, 1057-1068 (SCI)
Talebian Gevari, Moein and Abbasiasl, Taher and Niazi, Soroush and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2020) "Direct and indirect thermal applications of hydrodynamic and acoustic cavitation: a review", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.171 (SCI)
Yetişgin, Abuzer Alp and Çetinel, Sibel and Zuvin, Merve and Koşar, Ali and Kutlu, Özlem (2020) "Therapeutic nanoparticles and their targeted delivery applications", Molecules, Vol.25, No.9 (SCI)
Erdem, Kaan and Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Koşar, Ali and Kuddusi, Lutfullah (2020) "Differential sorting of microparticles using spiral microchannels with elliptic configurations", Micromachines, Vol.11, No.4 (SCI)
Keçebaş, Muhammed Ali and Mengüç, M. Pınar and Koşar, Ali and Şendur, Kürşat (2020) "Spectrally selective filter design for passive radiative cooling", Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol.37, No.4, 1173-1182 (SCI)
Altay, Rana and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Sevgen, İlker and Şişman, Alper and Koşar, Ali (2020) "Numerical and experimental studies on the effect of surface roughness and ultrasonic frequency on bubble dynamics in acoustic cavitation", Energies, Vol.13, No.5 (SCI, CPCI-S)
Talebian Gevari, Moein and Parlar, Ayhan and Torabfam, Milad and Koşar, Ali and Yüce, Meral and Ghorbani, Morteza (2020) "Influence of fluid properties on intensity of hydrodynamic cavitation and deactivation of salmonella typhimurium", Processes, Vol.8, No.3 (SCI)
Abbasiasl, Taher and Niazi, Soroush and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Chen, Hongjian and Cebeci, Fevzi Çakmak and Ghorbani, Morteza and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Koşar, Ali (2020) "Effect of intensified cavitation using poly(vinyl alcohol) microbubbles on spray atomization characteristics in microscale", AIP Advances, Vol.10, No.2 (SCI)
Ghorbani, Morteza and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Talebian Gevari, Moein and Koşar, Ali and Cebeci, Fevzi Çakmak and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Svagan, Anna J. (2020) "Facile hydrodynamic cavitation on chip via cellulose nanofibers stabilized perfluorodroplets inside layer-by-layer assembled slips surfaces", Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.382 (SCI)
Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Altay, Rana and Noh, H. and Kwak, H. J. and Şendur, Kürşat and Mısırlıoğlu, Burç and Park, H. S. and Koşar, Ali (2020) "Effects of bubble coalescence on pool boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux - a parametric study based on artificial cavity geometry and surface wettability", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.147 (SCI)
Talebian Gevari, Moein and Hosseinpour Shafaghi, Ali and Villanueva, Guillermo and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2020) "Engineered lateral roughness element implementation and working fluid alteration to intensify hydrodynamic cavitating flows on a chip for energy harvesting", Micromachines, Vol.11, No.1 (SCI)
Alijani Alijanvand, Hossein and Özbey, Arzu and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Koşar, Ali (2019) "Inertial micromixing in curved serpentine micromixers with different curve angles", Fluids, Vol.4, No.4 (ESCI)
Aydemir, Gizem and Koşar, Ali and Uvet, Hüseyin (2019) "Design and implementation of a passive micro flow sensor based on diamagnetic levitation", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol.300 (SCI)
Ghorbani, Morteza and Deprem, Gökberk and Özdemir, Ece and Motezakker, Ahmad Reza and Villanueva, L. Guillermo and Koşar, Ali (2019) "On "cavitation on chip" in microfluidic devices with surface and sidewall roughness elements", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol.28, No.5, 890-899 (SCI)
Talebian Gevari, Moein and Ghorbani, Morteza and Svagan, Anna J. and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Koşar, Ali (2019) "Energy harvesting with micro scale hydrodynamic cavitation-thermoelectric generation coupling", AIP Advances, Vol.9, No.10 (SCI)
Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Ghorbani, Morteza and Deprem, Gökberk and Cebeci, Fevzi Çakmak and Koşar, Ali (2019) "A new method for intense cavitation bubble generation on layer-by-layer assembled slips", Scientific Reports, Vol.9, No.1 (SCI)
Zuvin, Merve and Koçak, Muhammed and Ünal, Özlem and Akkoç, Yunus and Kutlu, Özlem and Yağcı Acar, Havva and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2019) "Nanoparticle based induction heating at low magnitudes of magnetic field strengths for breast cancer therapy", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol.483, 169-177 (SCI)
Zuvin, Merve and Kuruoğlu, Efe and Kaya, Veysel Oğulcan and Ünal, Özlem and Kutlu, Özlem and Yağcı Acar, Havva and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2019) "Magnetofection of green fluorescent protein encoding DNA-bearing polyethyleneimine-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles to human breast cancer cells", ACS Omega, Vol.4, No.7, 12366-12374 (SCI)
Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Motezakker, Ahmad Reza and Akgönül, Sarp and Özbey, Arzu and Şendur, Kürşat and Mengüç, M. Pınar and Koşar, Ali (2019) "Experimental and numerical investigation of inlet temperature effect on convective heat transfer of gamma-Al2O3/water nanofluid flows in microtubes", Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol.40, No.9-10, 738-752 (SCI)
Motezakker, Ahmad Reza and Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Çelik, Süleyman and Larsen, Tom and Villanueva, Luis Guillermo and Koşar, Ali (2019) "Optimum ratio of hydrophobic to hydrophilic areas of biphilic surfaces in thermal fluid systems involving boiling", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.135, 164-174 (SCI)
Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Özbey, Arzu and MacKenzie-Dover, C. and Christy, John R. E. and Sefiane, Khellil and Koşar, Ali (2019) "Investigation of single air bubble dynamics and the effect of nanoparticles in rectangular minichannels", Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol.279, 510-517 (SCI)
Özbey, Arzu and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Kocatürk, Nur Mehpare and Erbil Bilir, Seçil and Kutlu, Özlem and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2019) "Inertial focusing of cancer cell lines in curvilinear microchannels", Micro and Nano Engineering, Vol.2, 53-63 (ESCI)
Özbey, Arzu and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Sefiane, Khellil and Koşar, Ali and Christy, John R. E. (2019) "On bubble dynamics in subcooled nucleate boiling on a platinum wire", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.137, 1-12 (SCI)
Ghorbani, Morteza and Chen, Hongjian and Villanueva, Luis Guillermo and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Intensifying cavitating flows in microfluidic devices with poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) microbubbles", Physics of Fluids, Vol.30, No.10 (SCI)
Özbey, Arzu and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Alijani Alijanvand, Hossein and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Microparticle inertial focusing in an asymmetric curved microchannel", Fluids, Vol.3, No.3 (ESCI)
Ghorbani, Morteza and Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Villanueva, L. Guillermo and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Hydrodynamic cavitation in microfluidic devices with roughened surfaces", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.28, No.7 (SCI)
Mohammadi, Ali and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Review on heat and fluid flow in micro pin fin heat sinks under single-phase and two-phase flow conditions", Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, Vol.22, No.3, 153-197 (SCI)
Özdemir, Mehmed Rafet and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Motezakker, Ahmad Reza and Parapari, Sorour Semsari and Park, Hyun Sun and Acar, Havva Yağcı and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Experimental studies on ferrofluid pool boiling in the presence of external magnetic force", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.139, 598-608 (SCI)
Özbey, Arzu and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Bayrak, Özgecan and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Inertial focusing of microparticles in curvilinear microchannels with different curvature angles", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol.22, No.6 (SCI)
Taheri, M. H. and Mohammadpourfard, Mousa and Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Wettability alterations and magnetic field effects on the nucleation of magnetic nanofluids: a molecular dynamics simulation", Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol.260, 209-220 (SCI)
Al-Gebory, Layth and Mengüç, M. Pınar and Koşar, Ali and Şendur, Kürşat (2018) "Effect of electrostatic stabilization on thermal radiation transfer in nanosuspensions: Photo-thermal energy conversion applications", Renewable Energy, Vol.119, 625-640 (SCI)
Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Shojaeian, Mostafa and Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Şendur, Kürşat and Mengüç, M. Pınar and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Entropy generation analysis of laminar flows of water-based nanofluids in horizontal minitubes under constant heat flux conditions", Entropy, Vol.20, No.4 (SCI)
Shojaeian, Mostafa and Nedaei, Masoumeh and Yıldız, Mehmet and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Numerical heat transfer and entropy analysis on liquid slip flows through parallel-plate microchannels", Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol.10, No.2 (SCI)
Ghorbani, Morteza and Sözer, Canberk and Alcan, Gökhan and Ünel, Mustafa and Ekici, Sinan and Üvet, Hüseyin and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Biomedical device prototype based on small scale hydrodynamic cavitation", AIP Advances, Vol.8, No.3 (SCI)
Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Motezakker, Ahmad Reza and Kasap, Sibel and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Foamlike 3D graphene coatings for cooling systems involving phase change", ACS Omega, Vol.3, No.3, 2804-2811 (SCI)
Ghorbani, Morteza and Alcan, Gökhan and Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Mohammadi, Ali and Ünel, Mustafa and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Characterization and pressure drop correlation for sprays under the effect of micro scale cavitation", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.91, 89-102 (SCI)
Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Koşar, Ali (2018) "Numerical investigations on the effect of fin shape and surface roughness on hydrothermal characteristics of slip flows in microchannels with pin fins", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.124, 375-386 (SCI)
Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Sezen, Meltem and Şendur, Kürşat and Mengüç, M. Pınar and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer of gamma-Al2O3/water nanofluids in horizontal microtubes and the effect of surface characteristics and nanoparticle deposition", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.127, 536-546 (SCI)
Motezakker, Ahmad Reza and Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Akkoç, Yunus and Semsari Parapari, Sorour and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Surface modifications for phase change cooling applications via crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 bio-coatings", Scientific Reports, Vol.7 (SCI)
Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Saadi, Nazwat S. and Semsari Parapari, Sorour and Karabacak, Tansel and Keskinöz, Mehmet and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Boiling heat transfer performance enhancement using micro and nano structured surfaces for high heat flux electronics cooling systems", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.127, 484-498 (SCI)
Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Motezakker, Ahmad Reza and Özpınar, Alsan Volkan and Özaydın İnce, Gözde and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of inclined pHEMA-coated surfaces", Journal of Heat Transfer (SI), Vol.139, No.11 (CPCI-S, SCI)
Ghorbani, Morteza and Mohammadi, Ali and Motezakker, Ahmad Reza and Villanueva, Luis Guillermo and Leblebici, Yusuf and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Energy harvesting in microscale with cavitating flows", ACS Omega, Vol.2, No.10, 6870-6877 (ESCI)
Keçebaş, Muhammed Ali and Mengüç, Pınar and Koşar, Ali and Şendur, Kürşat (2017) "Passive radiative cooling design with broadband optical thin-film filters", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, Vol.198, 179-186 (SCI)
Nedaei, Masoumeh and Motezakker, Ahmad Reza and Zeybek, Mehmet Can and Sezen, Meltem and Özaydın İnce, Gözde and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer enhancement using polyperfluorodecylacrylate (pPFDA) coated microtubes with different coating thicknesses", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.86, 130-140 (SCI)
Özbey, Arzu and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Sefiane, Khellil and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Changing bubble dynamics in subcooled boiling with TiO2 nanoparticles on a platinum wire", Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol.242, 456-470 (SCI)
Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Özbey, Arzu and Sefiane, Khellil and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Stick and oscillatory behavior of bubbles due to TiO2 nanoparticle coating
in subcooled pool boiling on a wire", Applied Physics Letters, Vol.111, No.6 (SCI)
Akgönül, Sarp and Özbey, Arzu and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2017) "The effect of asymmetry on micromixing in curvilinear microchannels", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol.21, No.7 (SCI)
Jamalabadi, Mohammad Yaghoub Abdollahzadeh and DaqiqShirazi, Mohammadreza and Koşar, Ali and Shadloo, Mostafa Safdari (2017) "Effect of injection angle, density ratio, and viscosity on droplet formation in a microfluidic T-junction". Published Online First
Shojaeian, Mostafa and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Experimental investigation on convective heat transfer of non-Newtonian flows of Xanthan gum solutions in microtubes", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.85, 305-312 (SCI)
Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Shojaeian, Mostafa and Şendur, Kürşat and Mengüç, M. Pınar and Koşar, Ali (2017) "The effect of nanoparticle type and nanoparticle mass fraction on heat
transfer enhancement in pool boiling", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.109, 157-166 (SCI)
Mohammadi, Ali and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Hydrodynamic and thermal performance of microchannels with different staggered arrangements of cylindrical micro pin fins", Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.139, No.6 (SCI)
Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Experimental study on subcooled flow boiling in horizontal microtubes and effect of heated length", Heat Transfer Engineering (SI), Vol.38, No.3, 313-322 (SCI)
Ghorbani, Morteza and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Yıldız, Mehmet and Koşar, Ali (2017) "Experimental and numerical investigations on spray structure under the effect of cavitation phenomenon in a microchannel", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.31, No.1, 235-247 (SCI)
Mohammadi, Ali and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Hydrodynamic and thermal performance of microchannels with different in-line arrangements of cylindrical micropin fins", Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.138, No.12 (SCI)
Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Yıldız, Mehmet and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Numerical modeling of convective heat transfer of thermally developing nanofluid flows in a horizontal microtube", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.109, 54-69 (SCI)
Bayraktar, Öznur and Oral, Özlem and Kocatürk, Nur Mehpare and Akkoç, Yunus and Eberhart, Karin and Koşar, Ali and Gözüaçık, Devrim (2016) "IBMPFD disease-causing mutant VCP/p97 proteins are targets of autophagic-lysosomal degradation", PLoS One, Vol.11, No.10 (SCI)
Şişman, Yağmur and Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Khedir, Khedir R. and Brozak, Matthew and Karabacak, Tansel and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Subcooled flow boiling over microstructured plates in rectangular minichannels", Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, Vol.20, No.3-4, 173-190 (SCI)
Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Ghorbani, Morteza and Sezen, Meltem and Şendur, Kürşat and Mengüç, M. Pınar and Leblebici, Yusuf and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Increasing the stability of nanofluids with cavitating flows in micro orifices", Applied Physics Letters, Vol.109, No.10, 247-251 (SCI)
Shojaeian, Mostafa and Yıldızhan, Melike Mercan and Coşkun, Ömer and Özkalay, Ebrar and Tekşen, Yiğit and Gülgün, Mehmet Ali and Yağcı Acar, Havva and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Investigation of change in surface morphology of heated surfaces upon pool boiling of magnetic fluids under magnetic actuation", Materials Research Express, Vol.3, No.9 (SCI)
Alcan, Gökhan and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali and Ünel, Mustafa (2016) "A new visual tracking method for the analysis and characterization of jet flow". Published Online First
Tekirdağ Koşar, Kumsal Ayşe and Akkoç, Yunus and Koşar, Ali and Gözüaçık, Devrim (2016) "MIR376 family and cancer", Histology and Histopathology, Vol.31, No.8, 841-855 (SCI)
Ghorbani, Morteza and Yıldız, Mehmet and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Cavitating nozzle flows in micro- and minichannels under the effect of turbulence", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.30, No.6, 2565-2581 (SCI)
Mokkapati, Raghu Sarma and Özgüz, Volkan Hüsnü and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Experimental evidence and theoretical analysis of nanobubble stability within graphene nanoscrolls", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol.16, No.6, 6425-6431 (SCI)
Ghorbani, Morteza and Alcan, Gökhan and Ünel, Mustafa and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Ekici, Sinan and Üvet, Hüseyin and Şabanoviç, Asif and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Visualization of microscale cavitating flow regimes via particle shadow sizing imaging and vision based estimation of the cone angle". Published Online First
Ghorbani, Morteza and Oral, Özlem and Ekici, Sinan and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Review on lithotripsy and cavitation in urinary stone therapy", IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Vol.9, 264-283 (NA)
Nedaei, Masoumeh and Armağan, Efe and Sezen, Meltem and Özaydın İnce, Gözde and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Enhancemet of flow boiling heat transfer in pHEMA/pPFDA coated microtubes with longitudinal variations in wettability", AIP Advances, Vol.6, No.3 (SCI)
Shojaeian, Mostafa and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Convective heat transfer of non-Newtonian power-law slip flows with variable thermophysical properties in parallel-plate and circular microchannels", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.100, 155-168 (SCI)
Khalili Sadaghiani, Abdolali and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Numerical and experimental investigation on the effects of diameter and
length on high mass flux subcooled flow boiling in horizontal microtubes", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.92, 824-837 (SCI)
Shojaeian, Mostafa and Sezen, Meltem and Koşar, Ali (2016) "Pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of non-Newtonian Xanthan gum solutions", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.70, 77-84 (SCI)
Ghorbani, Morteza and Alcan, Gökhan and Yılmaz, D. and Ünel, Mustafa and Koşar, Ali (2015) "Visualization and image processing of spray structure under the effect of cavitation phenomenon", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.656 (SCI)
İzci, Türker and Koz, Mustafa and Koşar, Ali (2015) "The effect of micro pin-fin shape on thermal and hydraulic performance of micro pin-fin heat sinks", Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol.36, No.17, 1447-1457 (SCI)
Oral, Özlem and Çıkım, Taha Abdullah and Zuvin, Merve and Ünal, Özlem and Yağcı-Acar, Havva and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2015) "Effect of varying magnetic fields on targeted gene delivery of nucleic acid-based molecules", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol.43, No.11, 2816-2826 (SCI)
Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Yalçın, Sinan Eren and Şendur, Kürşat and Mengüç, Pınar and Koşar, Ali (2015) "Pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids in horizontal microtubes under thermally developing flow conditions", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (SI), Vol.67, 37-47 (SCI)
Üzüşen, Doğan and Demir, Ebru and Perk, Osman Yavuz and Oral, Özlem and Ekici, Sinan and Ünel, Mustafa and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2015) "Assessment of probe-to-specimen distance effect in kidney stone treatment with
hydrodynamic cavitation", Journal of Medical Devices, Vol.9, No.3 (SCI)
Shojaeian, Mostafa and Koşar, Ali (2015) "Pool boiling and flow boiling on micro- and nanostructured surfaces", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.63, 45-73 (SCI)
Özbey, Arzu and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Yalçın, Sinan Eren and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2015) "Modeling of ferrofluid magnetic actuation with dynamic magnetic fields in small channels", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol.18, No.3, 447-460 (SCI)
Shojaeian, Mostafa and Yıldız, Mehmet and Koşar, Ali (2015) "Convective heat transfer and second law analysis of non-Newtonian fluid flows with variable thermophysical properties in circular channels", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.60, 21-31 (SCI)
Demir, Ebru and İzci, Türker and Khudhayer, Wisam J. and Alagöz, Arif Sinan and Karabacak, Tansel and Koşar, Ali (2014) "The effect of nanostructure distribution on subcooled boiling heat transfer enhancement over nanostructured plates integrated into a rectangular channel", Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, Vol.18, No.4, 313-328 (SCI)
Shojaeian, Mostafa and Yıldız, Mehmet and Koşar, Ali (2014) "Heat transfer characteristics of plug flows with temperature-jump boundary conditions in parallel-plate channels and concentric annuli", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.84, 252-259 (SCI)
Gözüaçık, Devrim and Yağcı-Acar, Havva Funda and Akkoç, Yunus and Koşar, Ali and Doğan-Ekici, Işın and Ekici, Sinan (2014) "Anticancer use of nanoparticles as nucleic acid carriers", Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology (SI), Vol.10, No.9, 1751-1783 (SCI)
Çıkım, Taha Abdullah and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2014) "Power reclamation efficiency of a miniature energy-harvesting device using external fluid flows", lnternational Journal of Energy Research, Vol.38, No.10, 1318-1330 (SCI)
Demir, Ebru and İzci, Türker and Alagöz, Arif Sinan and Karabacak, Tansel and Koşar, Ali (2014) "Effect of silicon nanorod length on horizontal nanostructured plates in pool boiling heat transfer with water", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.82, 111-121 (SCI)
Çıkım, Taha Abdullah and Armağan, Efe and Özaydın İnce, Gözde and Koşar, Ali (2014) "Flow boiling enhancement in microtubes with crosslinked pHEMA coatings and the effect of coating thickness", Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.136, No.8 (SCI)
Kaya, Alihan and Özdemir, Mehmed Rafet and Keskinöz, Mehmet and Koşar, Ali (2014) "The effects of inlet restriction and tube size on boiling instabilities and detection of resulting premature critical heat flux in microtubes using data analysis", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.65, No.1-2, 575-587 (SCI)
Kurtoğlu, Evrim and Kaya, Alihan and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Acar, Funda Yağcı and Koşar, Ali (2014) "Experimental study on convective heat transfer performance of iron oxide based ferrofluids in microtubes", Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol.6, No.3 (SCI)
Shojaeian, Mostafa and Koşar, Ali (2014) "Convective heat transfer and entropy generation analysis on Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flows between parallel-plates under slip boundary conditions", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.70, No.3, 664-673 (SCI)
Korkmaz, Gözde and Tekirdağ, Kumsal Ayşe and Özturk, Deniz Gülfem and Koşar, Ali and Sezerman, Uğur and Gözüaçık, Devrim (2013) "MIR376A is a regulator of starvation-induced autophagy", PLoS One, Vol.8, No.12 (SCI)
İtah, Zeynep and Oral, Özlem and Perk, Osman Yavuz and Şeşen, Muhsincan and Demir, Ebru and Erbil, Seçil and Doğan-Ekici, A. Işın and Ekici, Sinan and Koşar, Ali and Gözüaçık, Devrim (2013) "Hydrodynamic cavitation kills prostate cells and ablates benign prostatic hyperplasia tissue", Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol.238, No.11, 1-9 (SCI)
Kaya, Alihan and Demiryürek, Rıdvan and Armağan, Efe and Özaydın İnce, Gözde and Sezen, Meltem and Koşar, Ali (2013) "Boiling heat transfer enhancement in mini/microtubes via polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate (pHEMA) coatings on inner microtube walls at high mass fluxes", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.23, No.11 (SCI)
Özdemir, Mehmed Rafet and Koşar, Ali (2013) "Thermally developing single-phase flows in microtubes", Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.135, No.7 (SCI)
Şeşen, Muhsincan and Demir, Ebru and İzci, Türker and Khudhayer, Wisam and Karabacak, Tansel and Koşar, Ali (2013) "Submerged jet impingement cooling using nanostructured plates", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.59, 414-422 (SCI)
Şeşen, Muhsincan and Tekşen, Yiğit and Şahin, Berna and Şendur, Kürşat and Mengüç, M. Pınar and Koşar, Ali (2013) "Boiling heat transfer enhancement of magnetically actuated nanofluids", Applied Physics Letters, Vol.102, No.16 (SCI)
Kaya, Alihan and Özdemir, Mehmed Rafet and Koşar, Ali (2013) "High mass flux flow boiling and critical heat flux in microscale", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.65, 70-78 (SCI)
Kurtoğlu, Evrim and Bilgin, Alp and Şeşen, Muhsincan and Mısırlıoğlu, Burç and Yıldız, Mehmet and Acar, Funda Yağcı and Koşar, Ali (2012) "Ferrofluid actuation with varying magnetic fields for micropumping applications", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (Sl), Vol.13, No.4, 683-694 (SCI)
Perk, Osman Yavuz and Şeşen, Muhsincan and Gözüaçık, Devrim and Koşar, Ali (2012) "Kidney stone erosion by micro scale hydrodynamic cavitation and consequent kidney stone treatment", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol.40, No.9, 1895-1902 (SCI)
Şeşen, Muhsincan and Tekşen, Yiğit and Şendur, Kürşat and Mengüç, Pınar M. and Öztürk, Hande and Acar, Funda Yağcı and Koşar, Ali (2012) "Heat transfer enhancement with actuation of magnetic nanoparticles suspended in
a base fluid", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.112, No.6 (SCI)
Kaplan Türköz, Burcu and Zakharyuta, Anastasia and Şeşen, Muhsincan and Taralp, Alpay and Koşar, Ali (2012) "Reversibility of functional and structural changes of lysozyme subjected to hydrodynamic flow", Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, Vol.3, No.1, 011006-011012 (SCI)
Özdemir, Mehmed Rafet and Kaya, Alihan and Koşar, Ali (2011) "Low mass quality flow boiling in microtubes at high mass fluxes", Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol.3, No.4 (SCI)
Koşar, Ali (2011) "Exergo-economic analysis of micro pin fin heat sinks", International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.35, No.11, 1004-1013 (SCI)
Koşar, Ali and Schneider, Brandon and Peles, Yoav (2011) "Hydrodynamic characteristics of crossflow over MEMS-based pillars", Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol.133, No.8 (SCI)
Koz, Mustafa and Özdemir, Mehmed Rafet and Koşar, Ali (2011) "Parametric study on the effect of end walls on heat transfer and fluid flow across a micro pin-fin", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.50, No.6, 1073-1084 (SCI)
Şendur, Kürşat and Koşar, Ali and Mengüç, M. P. (2011) "Localized radiative energy transfer from a plasmonic bow-tie nano-antenna to a magnetic thin film stack", Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing, Vol.103, No.3, 703-707 (SCI)
Koşar, Ali and Şeşen, Muhsincan and Oral, Özlem and İtah, Zeynep and Gözüaçık, Devrim (2011) "Bubbly cavitating flow generation and investigation of its erosional nature for biomedical applications", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.58, No.5, 1337-1346 (SCI)
Koşar, Ali and Özdemir, Mehmed Rafet and Keskinöz, Mehmet (2010) "Pressure drop across micro-pin heat sinks under unstable boiling conditions", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.49, No.7, 1253-1263 (SCI)
Şeşen, Muhsincan and Khudhayer, Wisam and Karabacak, Tansel and Koşar, Ali (2010) "Compact nanostructure integrated pool boiler for microscale cooling applications", Micro & Nano Letters, Vol.5, No.4, 203-206 (SCI)
Koşar, Ali (2010) "Effect of substrate thickness and material on heat transfer in microchannel heat sinks", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.49, No.4, 635-642 (SCI)
Koşar, Ali (2010) "Exergy analysis of second-generation micro heat sinks under single-phase and flow boiling conditions", International Journal of Exergy, Vol.7, No.2, 147-163 (SCI)
Koşar, Ali (2009) "A model to predict saturated critical heat flux in minichannels and microchannels", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.48, No.2, 261-270 (SCI)
Koşar, Ali (2008) "Two-phase pressure drop across a hydrofoil-based micro-pin device using r-123", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.32, No.6, 1213-1221 (SCI)
Koşar, Ali and Yoav, Peles (2007) "TCPT-2006-096.R2: micro scale pin fin heat sinks - parametric performance evaluation study", IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, Vol.30, No.4, 855-865 (SCI)
Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Özbey, Arzu and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Koşar, Ali, Nanofluid boiling, Amsterdam: Elsevier, January 2024
Book Section / Chapter
Alcan, Gökhan and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali and Ünel, Mustafa, "Single droplet tracking in jet flow", Image Analysis and Recognition: 13th International Conference, ICIAR 2016, in Memory of Mohamed Kamel, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, July 13-15, 2016, Proceedings, Campilho, Aurello and Karray, Fakhri (eds.), Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, July 2016, 415-422
Arık, Mehmet and Koşar, Ali and Bostancı, Hüseyin and Bar-Cohen, Avram, "Pool boiling critical heat flux in dielectric liquids and nanofluids", Advances in Heat Transfer, Bar-Cohen, Avram and Cho, Young I. (eds.), US: Elsevier, December 2011, 1-88