Emeritus Öğretim Üyesi
Makina Mühendisliği Lisansı, Robert Kolej, 1970; Makina Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisansı, Rochester Üniversitesi (ABD), 1972; Yöneylem Araştırması Doktorası, Virginia Tech (ABD), 1975.
Proje ve makine çizelgeleme; inovasyon ve imalât stratejileri; üretim ve proje yönetimi; evrimsel algoritmalar;
INFORMS; Yöneylem Araştırması Derneği
Şerifoğlu, F.S., Ulusoy, G., "Parallel machine scheduling with earliness and tardiness penalties", Computers and Operations Research, 26, 773-787, 1999.
Özdamar, L., Ulusoy, G., Bayyiğit, M., "A heuristic treatment of tardiness and net present value criteria in resource constrained project scheduling", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 28, 805-824, 1998.
Şerifoğlu, F.S., Ulusoy, G., "A bicriteria 2–machine permutation flowshop problem", European Journal of Operational Research, 107, 414-430, 1998.
Ulusoy, G., Şerifoğlu, F.S., Bilge, Ü., "A genetic algorithm approach to the simultaneous scheduling of machines and automated guided vehicles", Computers and Operations Research, 24, 335 – 351, 1997.
Özdamar, L., Ulusoy, G., "An iterative local constraint based analysis for solving the resource constrained project scheduling problem", Journal of Operations Management , 14 , 193 – 208, 1996.
Ulusoy, G., Özdamar, L., "A framework for an interactive project scheduling system under limited resources", European Journal of Operational Research, 90, 362 – 375, 1996.
Özdamar, L., Ulusoy, G., "A note on an iterative forward/backward scheduling technique with reference to a procedure by Li and Willis", European Journal of Operational Research, 89, 400–407, 1996.
Bilge, Ü., Ulusoy, G., "A time window approach to simultaneous scheduling of machines and material handling system in an FMS",Operations Research , 43, 1058–1070, 1995.
Ulusoy, G., Özdamar, L., "A heuristic scheduling algorithm for improving a project's duration and net present value", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 15, 89–98, 1995.
Ulusoy, G., Yazgaç, T., "Joint decision making for production and marketing", International Journal of Production Research, 33, (8), 2277-2293, 1995.
Özdamar, L., Ulusoy, G., "A survey on the resource–constrained project scheduling problem", IIE Transactions , 27, 574–586, 1995.
Ulusoy, G., Özdamar, L.,"A constraint based perspective in resource constrained project scheduling", International Journal of Production Research, 32, 693-705, 1994.
Ulusoy, G., Uzsoy, R., "A robust strategy approach to a strategic mobility problem", European Journal of Operational Research, 79, 266–276, 1994.
Özdamar, L., Ulusoy, G., "A local constraint based analysis approach to project scheduling under general resource constraints", European Journal of Operational Research, 79, 287–298, 1994.
Ulusoy, G., Bilge, Ü., "Simultaneous scheduling of machines and automated guided vehicles", International Journal of Production Research, 31, 2857-2873, 1993.
Ulusoy, G., Uzsoy, R., "Computer-aided process planning and MRP: First steps towards CIM", Interfaces, 22, 76-86, 1992.
Ulusoy, G., Or, I., Soydan, N., "Design and implementation of a maintenance planning and control system", International Journal of Production Economics, 24, 263-272, 1992.
Ulusoy, G., Or, I., Soydan, N., "Implementation of a maintenance planning and control system", (in Turkish), Endüstri Mühendisliği, 4, 19, 12-22, 1992.
Ulusoy, G., Ozdamar, L., "Heuristic performance and network/resource characteristics in resource constrained project scheduling", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1989.
Ulusoy, G., "The fleet size and mix problem for capacitated arc routing", European Journal of Operational Research, 22, 329-337, 1985.
Ulusoy, G., Tovya, Y., "Travelling salesman problem: a survey", (in Turkish), Turkish Journal of Operational Research, 2, 68-104, 1983.
Ulusoy, G., Değirmencioğlu, O., "A quality control game", (in Turkish) Boğaziçi University Journal, Management, 8-9, 107-126, 1980-1981.
Ulusoy, G., "An origin destination matrix empirical study for home-based travels within Istanbul", (in Turkish) Boğaziçi University Journal, Management, 8-9, 151-181, 1980-1981.
Ulusoy, G., "Optimal design of networks", Boğaziçi University Journal, Engineering, 8-9, 183-199, 1980-1981.
Ulusoy, G., Miller, D.M., "Optimal design of networks carrying homogeneous coal slurry", Engineering Optimization, Mathematical Programming Study, 11, 85-107, North Holland, 1979.
Ulusoy G. and J.C. Yu, "Cost - effectiveness analysis of ATC system improvements", Transportation Research Board No. 529, 24-37, 1975.
Ulusoy, G., et al. (Co-Editor), Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Boğaziçi University Publication, Istanbul, 1998.
Kaynak, O., Kaykayoğlu, R., Ulusoy, G., (Editors) International Conference on Technology Management : University / İndustry / Government Collaboration – UnIG '96, UNESCO Chair on Mechatronics, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, 1996.
Ulusoy, G. (Editor) , ATAS – Boğaziçi University Science Conference , (in Turkish) Boğaziçi University Foundation Publications, İstanbul, 1994.
Ulusoy, G. (Editor), Boğaziçi University Research and Publication Inventory 1982–1992, (in Turkish), Boğaziçi University Publications, İstanbul, 1994.
Turksen, I., Asai, K., Ulusoy, G. (Co-Editor), Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Current Status and Challenges, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1988.
Ulusoy, G., et al. (Co-Editor), Proceedings of the 6th Turkish National Conference on OR, (in Turkish), Turkish OR Society Publication, Istanbul, 1983.
Ulusoy, G. et al. (Co-Editor), Proceedings of the 5th Turkish National Conference of OR, (in Turkish), Turkish OR Society Publication, Istanbul, 1981.
Ulusoy, G. et al. (Co-Editor), Proceedings of the 4th Turkish National Conference of OR, (in Turkish), Turkish OR Society Publication, Istanbul, 1981.
Ulusoy, G. et al., (Co-Editor), Proceedings of the 3rd Turkish National Conference of OR, (in Turkish), Turkish OR Society Publication, Istanbul, 1980.
Fostering Entrepreneurship in Europe, UNICE Competitiveness Working Group, UNICE, Brussels, 1999.
Competitiveness Strategies and Business Excellence in the Turkish Appliance Sector Parts and Components Suppliers' Industry, funded by Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association, Istanbul, 1998-1999. (Project Director)
Benchmarking Europe's Competitiveness: From Analysis to Action, UNICE Competitiveness Working Group, UNICE, Brussels, 1998.
Technology and New Product Development Management in the Turkish Automotive Parts and Components Suppliers' Industry, funded by Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association, 1998. (Project Director)
Framework Benchmarking: A Pilot Study for Nine Provinces, funded by Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association, 1997-1998. (Project Director)
New Product Development Capability of the Turkish Electronics Industry, funded by Turkish Technology Development Foundation, 1996-1998.
Genetic Algorithm Development for Parallel Machine Scheduling, funded by Boğaziçi University Research Fund, 1996-1998. (Project Director)
Competitive Strategies and Best Practices: Turkish Electronics Industry, funded by Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association, 1996-1997. (Project Director)
Competitive Strategies and Best Practices: Turkish Cement Industry, funded by Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association, 1996-1997. (Project Director)
Competitive Strategies and Best Practices: Turkish Automative Industry, funded by Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association, 1996-1997. (Project Director)
Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II) Application and Development, funded by Boğaziçi University Research Fund, 1992- 1994 (Project Director).
Computer Integrated Manufacturing at Laboratory Scale, funded by State Planning Organization, 1991- 1995 (Project Director).
Follow-Up Study on Maintenance and Production Planning, funded by Döktaş Casting Co., 1991 (Project Director).
Development of a Manufacturing Simulation Lab, funded by Boğaziçi University Research Fund, 1990-1991 (Project Co-Director).
Production Planning, funded by Döktaş Casting Co., 1989-1990 (Project Director).
Quality Cost Determination, funded by T. Şişe - Cam Glass Manufacturing Co., 1989 (Project Director).
A Computerized Maintenance Planning System, funded by Döktaş Casting Co., 1988-1989 (Project Director).
Financial Information System, funded by Asilçelik Steel Co., 1987-1989. (Project Director).
The Estimation and Analysis of Travel Demand for an Extended Metro Service in Istanbul, funded by Yapı Merkezi Construction Co., 1987-1988 (Project Director).
Manufacturing Information System, funded by Asilçelik Steel Co., 1985-1988 (Project Director).
Computer Aided Process Planning, funded by Arçelik Co., 1985-1986 (Project Director).
Die Shop Scheduling, funded by Arçelik Co., 1985 (Project Director).
Assembly Line Balancing, funded by Arçelik Co., 1985 (Project Director).
Project Planning and Control for the Naval Academy Campus Construction, funded by Turkish Navy, 1982-1983 (Project Director).
Bottleneck Routing, funded by Turkish Air Force, 1979-1980 (Project Director).
Istanbul Metropolitan Area Bus Planning Project, funded by Istanbul Municipality, 1978-1981 (Project Co-Director).
Keban Dam Lake Transportation Study, funded by The Department of Transportation, 1977-1978.
ISILITAS Reorganization and Distribution Planning, funded by ISILITAS Fuel Oil Distribution Co., 1976.
Fostering Entrepreneurship in Europe, Member of the UNICE Competitiveness Working Group, UNICE, Brussels, 1999.
Ulusoy, G., Toker, A., Karabatı, S., Barbarosoğlu, G., İkiz, İ., Competitiveness Strategies and Business Excellence in Part and Component Suppliers to the Appliances Industry, (in Turkish) TUSIAD Competitiveness Strategies Series No.5, TUSIAD, Istanbul, 1999.
Ulusoy, G., Bilgiç, T., Payzın, E., Kaylan, A.R., Özgür, A., Technology Management and New Product Development Process in the Turkish Automotive Part and Component Suppliers, (in Turkish) TUSIAD Competitiveness Strategies Series No.4, TUSIAD, Istanbul, 1999.
Payzın, E., Ulusoy, G., Kaylan, A.R., Akova, B., New Product Development of the Turkish Electronics Industry: Assessment of the Current Situation and Policy Suggestions for Global Competition, Report TTGV-001/DS, Turkish Technology Development Foundation, Ankara, 1998.
Ulusoy, G., Bilgiç, T., Öner, M. A., Toktaş, P., Bozyayla, E., Framework Benchmarking Conditions: A Pilot Study for Nine Cities, (in Turkish) TUSIAD, Istanbul, 1998.
Benchmarking Europe's Competitiveness: From Analysis to Action, Member of the UNICE Competitiveness Working Group, UNICE, Brussels, 1998.
Ulusoy, G., Özgür, A., Competitiveness Strategies and Best Practices: Turkish Automotive Industry, (in Turkish) TUSIAD Competitiveness Strategies Series No.3, TUSIAD, Istanbul, 1997.
Ulusoy, G., Ikiz, İ., Özgür, A., Kahraman, İ., Competitiveness Strategies and Best Practices: Turkish Cement Industry, (in Turkish) TÜSİAD Competitiveness Strategies Series No.2, TUSIAD, Istanbul, 1997.
Ulusoy, G., Özgür, A., Taner, İ.Z., Competitiveness Strategies and Best Practices: Turkish Electronics Industry, (in Turkish) TUSIAD Competitiveness Strategies Series No.1, TUSIAD, Istanbul, 1997.