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Bekir Bediz Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğretim Üyesi (216) 483 9543 bekirbedizsabanciunivedu

Öğretim Üyesi


B.S., Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi, Makine Muhendisligi, 2006

M.S., Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi, Makine Muhendisligi, 2009

Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, Makine Muhendisligi, 2014

Areas of Interest

Dinamik, titresim, biomekanik, mikro-uretim

Publications Prior to SU

Journal Publications:

  • Korkmaz, E., Gozen, B. A., Bediz, B., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2017, 'Accurate measurement of micromachining forces through dynamic compensation of dynamometers', Precision Engineering, v.49, pp. 365-376.
  • Bediz, B., Romero, L. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2015, `Three dimensional dynamics of rotating structures under mixed boundary conditions', Journal of Sound and Vibration, v.358(8), pp. 176-191.
  • Bediz, B., Gozen, B. A., Korkmaz, E., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `Dynamics of ultra-highspeed (UHS) spindles used for micromachining', International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, v.87, pp. 27-38.
  •  Bediz, B., Korkmaz, E., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `An impact excitation system for repeatable, high-bandwidth modal testing of miniature structures', Journal of Sound and Vibration, v.333, pp. 2743-2761.
  • Filiz, S.,  Bediz, B., Romero, L. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `Three dimensional dynamics of pretwisted beams: A spectral-Tchebychev solution', Journal of Sound and Vibration, v.333, pp. 2823-2839.
  • Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B. , Gozen, B. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `Dynamic characterization of multi-axis dynamometers', Precision Engineering , v.38(1), pp. 148-161.
  • Bediz, B. , Korkmaz, E., Khilwani, R., Donahue, C., Erdos, G., Falo Jr., L. D., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `Dissolvable microneedle arrays for intradermal delivery of biologics: fabrication and application', Pharmaceutical Research , v.31(1), pp. 117-135.
  • Suphekar, S. D., Gozen, B. A., Bediz, B. , Ozdoganlar, O. B., Skerlos, S. J., 2013, `Feasibility of supercritical carbon dioxide based metalworking fluids in micromilling', Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering , v.135(2), 024501.
  • Filiz, S., Bediz, B. , Romero, L. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2012, `A spectral-Tchebychev solution for three-dimensional vibrations of parallellepipeds under mixed boundary conditions', Journal of Applied Mechanics , v.79(5), 051012.
  • Bediz, B. , Kumar, U., Ozdoganlar, O. B., and Schmitz, T. L., 2012, `Modeling and experimentation of three-dimensional dynamics of endmills', International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturing , v.53(1), pp. 39-50.
  • Bediz, B. , Ozguven, H. N., and Korkusuz, F., 2009, `Vibration measurements predict the mechanical properties of tibia', Journal of Clinical Biomechanics , v.25, pp. 365-371.

Conference Publications:

  • Korkmaz, E., Gozen, B. A., Bediz, B., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2015, `High-frequency compensation of dynamic distortions in micromachining force measurements', North American Manufacturing Research Conference.
  • Bediz, B., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2015, `Modeling three-dimensional dynamics of rotating micro endmills including attachment errors', International Conference on Micromanufacturing.
  • Hao, B., Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `A novel test artifact for performance evaluation of additive manufacturing processes', American Society for Precision Engineering Conference.
  • Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Gozen, B. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2014, `Accurate measurement of micromachining forces through high frequency correction of multi-axis dynamometers', Proceedings of International Conference on Micromanufacturing.
  • Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Gozen, B. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2013, `Force measurement characteristics of multi-axis dynamometers', North American Manufacturing Research Conference.
  • Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Khilwani, R., Erdos, G., Falo Jr., L. D., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2013, `A novel technique for fabrication of dissolvable microneedle arrays', 7th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology.
  • Hao, B., Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2013, `Geometric qualication of polymer micro and meso-scale features fabricated by UV-based additive manufacturing', International Conference on Micromanufacturing.
  • Korkmaz, E., Bediz, B., Khilwani, R., Erdos, G., Falo Jr., L. D., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2013, `Fabrication of water-soluble and biodegradable microneedle arrays for drug delivery', Nano and Micro Manufacturing.
  • Bediz, B., Korkmaz, E., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2013, `An impact excitation system for repeatable, high-bandwidth modal testing of miniature structures', IMAC-XXXI Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics.
  • Bediz, B., Korkmaz, E., Gozen, B. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2012, `Dynamic characterization of a miniature ultra-high-speed (UHS) spindle through experimental modal analysis', Proceedings of the 12th International euspen conference, June 4-8, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Korkmaz E., Bediz, B., Gozen, B. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2012, `Identication of dynamometer dynamics for accurate measurement of micro-cutting forces,' Proceedings of International Conference on Micromanufacturing, Northwestern University, IL, March 12-14.
  • Bediz, B., Khilwani, R., Kota, N., Salas, G., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2011, `Mechanical micromanufacturing and its applications', Manufacturing for Growth, Napa Valley, CA. 
  • Bediz, B., Kumar, U., Ozdoganlar, O. B., Schmitz, T. L., 2011, `Three-dimensional endmill dynamics: Modal development and experimental validation', in Proc. of the ASME, 2011 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Corvallis, OR, June 13-17, 111-118.
  • Khilwani, R., Bediz, B., Long, G. A., Ozdoganlar, O. B., 2011, `Micromachining of polymers', Proceedings of International Conference on Micromanufacturing, Japan. 
  • Ozdoganlar, O. B., Schmitz, T. L., Bediz, B., Kumar, U., 2011, `Three-dimensional endmill dynamics: Modal development and experimental validation,' in Proc., 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, GA, Jan 4-7.
  • Bediz, B., Ozguven, H. N., Korkusuz, F., 2008, `Measuring structural dynamic properties of human tibia by modal testing', Proceedings of the 26th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, Florida, February.




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