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Serhat Yeşilyurt Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğretim Üyesi (216) 483 9579 serhatyesilyurtsabanciunivedu

Öğretim Üyesi


Lisans, Nükleer Enerji Müh., Hacettepe Ün., 1986
Yüksek Lisans, Nükleer Müh., MIT, Cambridge, MA, ABD, 1991.
Doktora, Nükleer Müh., MIT, Cambridge, MA, ABD, 1991.

Areas of Interest

Akışkanlar mekaniği ve uygulamaları, ısı transferi, mikroakışlar ve mikroyüzücüler, yenilenebilir enerji sistemlerii, dikey eksenli rüzgar türbinleri, PEM yakıt hücreleri.


IEEE (Senior Member), ASME, APS

Book Section / Chapter
Working Paper / Technical Report
Publications Prior to SU

  S. Yesilyurt, L. Vjusic, S. Motakef, F. R. Szofran, A. Croell. "The influence of thermoelectromagnetic convection (TEMC) on the Bridgman growth of semiconductors." J. Cryst. Growth, 211, pp 360-364, 2000. 

S. Yesilyurt, L. Vjusic, S. Motakef, F. R. Szofran, M. P. Volz. "A numerical investigation of the effect of the thermoelectromagneticconvection (TEMC) on the Bridgman growth of GeSi" J. Cryst. Growth, 207, pp 278-291, 1999.

M. Kambourides, S. Yesilyurt, and A. T. Patera "Nonparametric-validated computer-simulation surrogates: A Pareto formulation," Int. Jour. Num. Meth. Eng.,42, 971-1003, 1998.

J. C. Otto, M. Paraschivoiu, S. Yesilyurt and A. T. Patera "Bayesian--validated computer simulation surrogates for optimization and design: error estimates and applications." Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 44(4), pp.347-367, 1997.

S. Yesilyurt, C. Ghaddar, M. Cruz and A. T. Patera, "Bayesian-validated surrogates for noisy computer simulations; application to random media." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 17(4), 1996.

S. Yesilyurt and A. T. Patera, "Surrogates for numerical simulations; optimization of eddy-promoter heatexchangers."Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 121, pp 231-257, 1995.

G. Fu, M. J. Driscoll, N.E. Todreas, and S. Yesilyurt, "Heat transfer and friction factor behavior in the mixed convection regime for air up-flow in a heated vertical pipe." AIChe Symposium Series , 283 (87), pp 326-335, 1991.



S.Motakef, S.Yesilyurt, "Substantially-uniform-temperature annealing", US Patent No: 6,624,390, Sept. 23, 2003

S.Motakef, S.Yesilyurt, "Substantially-uniform-temperature annealing", US Patent No: 6,919,539, July 19, 2005

S. Motakef, S. Yesilyurt, “Substantially-uniform-temperature annealing”,  US Patent No: 7,019,266, March 28, 2006.



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