Erkay Savaş
Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi
Öğretim Üyesi
(216) 483 9501
Personal Web
Öğretim Üyesi
Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği Lisans Derecesi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 1990, Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Derecesi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 1994, Elektrik ve Bigisayar Mühendisliği Doktora Derecesi, Oregon State Üniversitesi, 2000
Areas of Interest
Şifreleme ve İletişim Güvenliği, Bilgisayar Aritmetiği, Yüksek Performanslı Bigisayarlı Hesaplama.
Tosun, Tolun and Moradi, Amir and Savaş, Erkay (2024) "Exploiting the central reduction in lattice-based cryptography", IEEE Access, Vol.12, 166814-166833 (SCI)
Tosun, Tolun and Savaş, Erkay (2024) "Zero-value filtering for accelerating non-profiled side-channel attack on incomplete NTT-based implementations of lattice-based cryptography", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol.19, 3353-3365 (SCI)
Özcan, Ali Şah and Ayduman, Can and Türkoğlu, Enes Recep and Savaş, Erkay (2023) "Homomorphic encryption on GPU", IEEE Access, Vol.11, 84168-84186 (SCI)
Nowroozi, Ehsan and Mohammadi, Mohammadreza and Savaş, Erkay and Mekdad, Yassine and Conti, Mauro (2023) "Employing deep ensemble learning for improving the security of computer networks against adversarial attacks", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol.20, No.2, 2096-2105 (SCI)
Javeed, Arsalan and Yılmaz, Cemal and Savaş, Erkay (2023) "Microarchitectural side-channel threats, weaknesses and mitigations: a systematic mapping study", IEEE Access, Vol.11, 48945-48976 (SCI)
Mert, Ahmet Can and Karabulut, Emre and Öztürk, Erdinç and Savaş, Erkay and Aysu, Aydın (2022) "An extensive study of flexible design methods for the number theoretic transform", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.71, No.11, 2829-2843 (SCI)
Derya, Kemal and Mert, Ahmet Can and Öztürk, Erdinç and Savaş, Erkay (2022) "CoHA-NTT: a configurable hardware accelerator for NTT-based polynomial multiplication", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol.89 (SCI)
Özerk, Özgün and Elgezen, Can and Mert, Ahmet Can and Öztürk, Erdinç and Savaş, Erkay (2022) "Efficient number theoretic transform implementation on GPU for homomorphic encryption", Journal of Supercomputing, Vol.78, No.2, 2840-2872 (SCI)
Mert, Ahmet Can and Öztürk, Erdinç and Savaş, Erkay (2022) "Low-latency ASIC algorithms of modular squaring of large integers for VDF evaluation", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.71, No.1, 107-120 (SCI)
Javeed, Arsalan and Yılmaz, Cemal and Savaş, Erkay (2021) "Detector+: an approach for detecting, isolating, and preventing timing attacks", Computers and Security, Vol.110 (SCI)
Tosun, Tolun and Savaş, Erkay (2021) "FSDS: a practical and fully secure document similarity search over encrypted data with lightweight client", Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol.59 (SCI)
Çetin, Gizem S. and Savaş, Erkay and Sunar, Berk (2021) "Homomorphic sorting with better scalability", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol.32, No.4, 760-771 (SCI)
Kjamilji, Artrim and Savaş, Erkay and Levi, Albert (2021) "Efficient secure building blocks with application to privacy preserving machine learning algorithms", IEEE Access, Vol.9, 8324-8353 (SCI)
Akyıldız, Taha Atahan and Güzgeren, Can Berk and Yılmaz, Cemal and Savaş, Erkay (2020) "MeltdownDetector: a runtime approach for detecting meltdown attacks", Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.112, 136-147 (SCI)
Mert, Ahmet Can and Öztürk, Erdinç and Savaş, Erkay (2020) "FPGA implementation of a run-time configurable NTT-based polynomial multiplication hardware", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol.78 (SCI)
Karaçay, Leyli and Savaş, Erkay and Alptekin, Halit (2020) "Intrusion detection over encrypted network data", Computer Journal, Vol.63, No.4, 604-619 (SCI)
Mert, Ahmet Can and Öztürk, Erdinç and Savaş, Erkay (2020) "Design and implementation of encryption/decryption architectures for BFV homomorphic encryption scheme", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol.28, No.2, 353-362 (SCI)
Külah, Yusuf and Dinçer, Berkay and Yılmaz, Cemal and Savaş, Erkay (2019) "SpyDetector: an approach for detecting side-channel attacks at runtime", International Journal of Information Security, Vol.18, No.4, 393-422 (SCI)
Gür, Kamil D. and Polyakov, Yuriy and Rohloff, Kurt and Ryan, Gerard W. and Sajjadpour, Hadi and Savaş, Erkay (2019) "Practical applications of improved Gaussian sampling for trapdoor lattices", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.68, No.4, 570-584 (SCI)
Topcuoğlu, Cem and Kaya, Kamer and Savaş, Erkay (2018) "A generic private information retrieval scheme with parallel multi-exponentiations on multicore processors", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (SI), Vol.30, No.21 (SCI)
Ay, Atıl Utku and Mancillas-López, Cuauhtémoc and Öztürk, Erdinç and Rodríguez-Henríquez, Francisco and Savaş, Erkay (2018) "Constant-time hardware computation of elliptic curve scalar multiplication around the 128 bit security level", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol.62, 79-90 (SCI, CPCI-S)
Rodríguez-Henríquez, Francisco and Savaş, Erkay (2018) "Special issue in honor of Peter Lawrence Montgomery", Journal of Cryptographic Engineering (SI), Vol.8, No.3, 185-187 (SCI)
Savaş, Erkay and Koç, Çetin Kaya (2018) "Montgomery inversion", Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, Vol.8, No.3, 201-210 (ESCI)
Atıcı, Ali Can and Yılmaz, Cemal and Savaş, Erkay (2018) "Cache-timing attacks without a profiling phase", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Vol.26, No.4, 1953-1966 (SCI)
Dai, Wei and Doroz, Yarkın and Polyakov, Yuriy and Rohloff, Kurt and Sajjadpour, Hadi and Savaş, Erkay and Sunar, Berk (2018) "Implementation and evaluation of a lattice-based key-policy ABE scheme", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Vol.13, No.5, 1169-1184 (SCI)
Tillem, Gamze and Savaş, Erkay and Kaya, Kamer (2017) "A new method for computational private information retrieval", Computer Journal, Vol.60, No.8, 1238-1250 (SCI)
Karaoğlan Altop, Duygu and Bingöl, Muhammed Ali and Levi, Albert and Savaş, Erkay (2017) "DKEM: secure and efficient distributed key establishment protocol for wireless mesh networks", Ad Hoc Networks, Vol.54, 53-68 (SCI)
Öztürk, Erdinç and Doröz, Yarkın and Savaş, Erkay and Sunar, Berk (2017) "A custom accelerator for homomorphic encryption applications", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.66, No.1, 3-16 (SCI)
Khayati, Leyli Javid and Örencik, Cengiz and Savaş, Erkay and Ustaoğlu, Berkant (2016) "A practical privacy-preserving targeted advertising scheme for IPTV users", International Journal of Information Security, Vol.15, No.4, 335-360 (SCI)
Örencik, Cengiz and Selçuk, Ayşe and Savaş, Erkay and Kantarcıoğlu, Murat (2016) "Multi-keyword search over encrypted data with scoring and search pattern obfuscation", International Journal of Information Security, Vol.15, No.3, 251-269 (SCI)
Ünal, Ecem and Savaş, Erkay (2016) "On acceleration and scalability of number theoretic private information retrieval", IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, Vol.27, No.6, 1727-1741 (SCI)
Alewiwi, Mahmoud Khaled and Örencik, Cengiz and Savaş, Erkay (2016) "Efficient top-k similarity document search utilizing distributed file systems and cosine similarity", Cluster Computing, Vol.19, No.1, 109-126 (SCI)
Savaş, Erkay and Yılmaz, Cemal (2015) "A generic method for the analysis of a class of cache attacks: a case study for AES", Computer Journal, Vol.58, No.10, 2716-2737 (SCI)
Yumbul, Kazım and Savaş, Erkay (2015) "Enhancing an embedded processor core for efficient and isolated execution of cryptographic algorithms", Computer Journal, Vol.58, No.10, 2368-2387 (SCI)
Karabat, Çağatay and Kiraz, Mehmet Sabir and Erdoğan, Hakan and Savaş, Erkay (2015) "THRIVE: threshold homomorphic encryption based secure and privacy preserving biometric verification system", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (SCI)
Yumbul, Kazım and Erdem, Serdar Süer and Savaş, Erkay (2014) "On selection of modulus of quadratic codes for the protection of cryptographic
operations against fault attacks", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.63, No.5, 1182-1196 (SCI)
Örencik, Cengiz and Savaş, Erkay (2014) "An efficient privacy-preserving multi-keyword search over encrypted cloud data with ranking", Distributed and Parallel Databases, Vol.32, No.1, 119-160 (SCI)
Yumbul, Kazım and Savaş, Erkay and Kocabaş, Övünç and Großschädl, Johann (2014) "Design and implementation of a versatile cryptographic unit for RISC processors", Security and Communication Networks, Vol.7, No.1, 36-52 (SCI)
Durahim, Onur Ahmet and Savaş, Erkay (2011) "A(2)-MAKE: An efficient anonymous and accountable mutual authentication and key agreement protocol for WMNs", Ad Hoc Networks, Vol.9, No.7, 1202-1220 (SCI)
Ergun, Murat and Levi, Albert and Savaş, Erkay (2011) "Increasing resiliency in multi-phase wireless sensor networks: generationwise key predistribution approach", The Computer Journal, Vol.54, No.4, 602-616 (SCI)
Yıldızlı, Can and Pedersen, Thomas Brochmann and Saygın, Yücel and Savaş, Erkay and Levi, Albert (2011) "Distributed privacy preserving clustering via homomorphic secret sharing and its application to (vertically) partitioned spatio-temporal data", International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, Vol.7, No.1, 46-66 (SCI)
Kaplan, Emre and Pedersen, Thomas Brochmann and Savaş, Erkay and Saygın, Yücel (2010) "Discovering private trajectories using background information", Data and Knowledge Engineering (Sp. Iss. SI), Vol.69, No.7, 723-736 (SCI)
Örencik, Cengiz and Pedersen, Thomas Brochmann and Savaş, Erkay and Keskinöz, Mehmet (2010) "Securing fuzzy vault schemes through biometric hashing", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering &Computer Sciences, Vol.18, No.4, 515-539 (SCI)
Savaş, Erkay and Koç, Çetin Kaya (2010) "Finite field arithmetic for cryptography", IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, Vol.10, No.2, 40-56 (SCI)
Pedersen, Thomas Brochmann and Savaş, Erkay (2009) "Impossibility of unconditionally secure scalar products", Data and Knowledge Engineering, Vol.68, No.10, 1059-1070 (SCI)
Durahim, Onur Ahmet and Savaş, Erkay and Sunar, Berk and Pedersen, Thomas Brochmann and Kocabaş, Övünç (2009) "Transparent code authentication at the processor level", IET Computers & Digital Techniques, Vol.3, No.4, 354-372 (SCI)
Kaya, Selim Volkan and Savaş, Erkay and Levi, Albert and Erçetin, Özgür (2009) "Public key cryptography based privacy preserving multi-context RFID infrastructure", Ad Hoc Networks, Vol.7, No.1, 136-152 (SCI)
Öztürk, Erdinç and Sunar, Berk and Savaş, Erkay (2009) "A versatile montgomery multiplier architecture with characteristic three support", Computers & Electrical Engineering, Vol.35, No.1, 71-85 (SCI)
Kaplan, Emre and Pedersen, Thomas Brochmann and Savaş, Erkay and Saygın, Yücel (2008) "Privacy risks in trajectory data publishing: reconstructing private trajectories from continuous properties", Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Vol.5178, 642-649 (SCI)
Gaubatz, Gunnar and Savaş, Erkay and Sunar, Berk (2008) "Sequential circuit design for embedded cryptographic applications resilient to adversarial faults", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.57, No.1, 126-138 (SCI)
İnan, Ali and Kaya, Selim Volkan and Saygın, Yücel and Savaş, Erkay and Azgın Hintoğlu, Ayça and Levi, Albert (2007) "Privacy preserving clustering on horizontally partitioned data", Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol.63, No.3, 646-666 (SCI)
Savaş, Erkay (2005) "A carry-free architecture for Montgomery inversion", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.54, No.12, 1508-1519 (SCI)
Öniz, Çağıl Can and Savaş, Erkay and Levi, Albert (2005) "A fair multimedia exchange protocol", Lecture notes in computer science, Vol.3733, 342- 351 (SCI)
Großschädl, Johann and Avanzi, Roberto M. and Savaş, Erkay and Tillich, Stefan (2005) "Energy-efficient software implementation of long integer modular arithmetic", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3659, 75-90 (SCI)
Savaş, Erkay and Naseer, Mansoor and Gutub, Adnan Abdül-Aziz and Koç, Çetin Kaya (2005) "Efficient unified Montgomery inversion with multibit shifting", IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol.152, No.4, 489-498 (SCI)
Grossschadl, Johann and Savaş, Erkay (2004) "Instruction set extensions for fast arithmetic in finite fields GF(p) and GF(2(m))", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2004, Proceedings), Vol.3156, 133-147 (CPCI-S, SCI)
Savaş, Erkay and Tenca, A. F. and Çiftçibaşı, M. E. and Koç, Çetin Kaya (2004) "Multiplier architectures for GF(p) and GF(2^k)", IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol.151, No.2, 147-160 (SCI)
Tenca, A. F. and Savaş, Erkay and Koç, C. K. (2004) "A design framework for scalable and unified architectures that perform multiplication in GF(p) and GF(2^m)", International Journal of Computer Research, Vol.13, No.1, 68-83 (NA)
Sunar, Berk and Savaş, Erkay and Koç, Çetin Kaya (2003) "Constructing composite field representations for efficient conversion", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.52, No.11, 1391-1398 (SCI)
"Arithmetic of finite fields: 5th International Workshop, WAIFI 2014, Gebze, Turkey, September 27-28, 2014. Revised selected papers, Koç, Çetin Kaya and Mesnager, Sihem and Savaş, Erkay (eds.), Switzerland: Springer 2015
Book Section / Chapter
Nowroozi, Ehsan and Seyedshoari, Seyedsadra and Mekdad, Yassine and Savaş, Erkay and Conti, Mauro, "Cryptocurrency wallets: assessment and security", Blockchain for Cybersecurity in Cyber-Physical Systems, Maleh, Yassine and Alazab, Mamoun and Romdhani, Imed (eds.), Switzerland: Springer, April 2023, 1-19
Yılmaz, Ömer Zekvan and Levi, Albert and Savaş, Erkay, "Achieving fast self healing in wireless sensor networks using multi-generation deployment schemes", Filipe, Joaquim and Obaidat, Mohammad S. (eds.), Berlin, Germany: Springer, November 2009, 180-198
Savaş, Erkay and Koç, Çetin Kaya, "Efficient unified arithmetic for hardware cryptography", Cryptographic Engineering, Koç, Çetin Kaya (ed.), Germany: Springer 2009, 105-124
Bonchi, Francesco and Saygın, Yücel and Verykios, Vassilis and Atzori, Maurizio and Goukalas, Aris and Kaya, Volkan and Savaş, Erkay, "Privacy in spatiotemporal data mining", Mobility, data mining, and privacy: geographic knowledge discovery, Giannotti, Fosca and Pedreschi, Dino (eds.), Berlin: Springer Heidelberg 2008, 297-333
Savaş, Erkay, "Binary algorithms for multiplicative inversion", Wireless Security and Cryptography: Specifications and Implementations, Oxford: Taylor & Francis, May 2007, 1-432