Ana içeriğe atla
Albert Erkip Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi Emeritus Öğretim Üyesi (216) 483 9508 alberterkipsabanciunivedu

Emeritus Öğretim Üyesi


Matematik Lisansı, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 1974
Matematik Doktorası, California Üniversitesi, Berkeley, 1979
Fen Lisesi, Ankara 1967 - 1970

Areas of Interest

Kısmi diferansiyel denklemler; psödo diferansiyel operatörler; fonksiyonel analiz.


Türk Matematik Derneği, American Mathematical Society, SIAM

Publications Prior to SU


1.       Erkip A.K.. The elliptic boundary problem on the half space.Comm. in PDE. Vol.4,  537-554 (1979)

2.       Cordes H.O. and Erkip A.K.. The Nth order elliptic boundary problem for non-compact boundaries.Rocky Mt. J. of Math. Vol.10, 7-24 (1980)

3.       Erkip A.K. and Orhon M.. Classes of averaging operators on Lp spaces. Doga, Turkish J. of Math. Vol. 10, 97-108 (1986)

4.       Erkip A.K.. Normal solvabiliyt of boundary value problems in half space. Pseudo Differential Operators.  Springer LNM 1256, 123-134 (1987)

5.       Erkip A.K. and Schrohe E.. Pseudodifferential operators on weighted Sobolev spaces for manifolds with noncompact boundaries.Syp. in PDE. Holzau 88. Teubnertexte Zur Math. 112 (1989)

6.       Erkip A.K. and  Schrohe E. Normal solvability of elliptic boundary value problems on asymptotically flat manifolds. J. of Func. Anal. Vol. 109, 22-51 (1992)

7.       Çalışkan N. and Erkip A.K.. Existence of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for Du + lu + h(u,gradu) gradu = f(x).  Nonlinear Analysis TMA. Vol. 39, 241-245 (2000)



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