FENS Newsletter - Issue 3

It is our great pleasure to present the new issue of our newsletter that informs about many activities, achievements and events that have taken place at our faculty since the previous issue.
Perhaps the most important development is that the campus fully opened as of the Fall 2021-2022 term and the students are now back in campus. There was, however, a tremendous effort in planning to open the campus to all our students without taking any risk as far as the COVID-19 pandemic is concerned. For this, we decided to implement a hybrid education model, whereby the students can attend the lectures physically as well as online and the lecture recordings are shared with the students. The hybrid model necessitates online streaming, for which the university expended immense effort for excellent teaching experience in addition to significant investment in the technology infrastructure. There were some (technical) glitches at the start, which is normal and expected; and now the term is drawing to an end and we can safely say that we demonstrated excellence in teaching again, independent of circumstances or teaching mode; pandemic or not, online or hybrid. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all members of our university who contributed to this success with their hard work, sacrifice, resilience, and finally patience.
The hybrid education brings about new challenges such as concerns pertaining to student participation, interaction and engagement. Those challenges are not easy to overcome and we have had endless discussions in every platform to address them. They are also part of changes happening on a grander scale that are transforming also the higher education. In one hand, it is exciting and informative to experience this big transformation that can be an opportunity to change for the better; but our success depends on how we respond to the challenges, on the other. It seems that we will continue talking about it for quite a while.
In this issue, we are glad to share with you that FENS members were awarded with research grants by prestigious national and international funding organizations including TÜBİTAK and EC. Here, we list the names of our faculty members and their projects. We congratulate them and wish further success in their future project proposals. We would also like remind you that there are many calls within the framework of Horizon Europe that may interest you. Keep in touch with us and SU-ATT to learn more about them and/or further orientation.
We would like to celebrate the achievements of our faculty members such as receiving prestigious awards, becoming editors to prestigious journals, giving keynote speeches, organizing scientific events, writing cover page articles, etc. We also give a list of them in this issue and extend our sincere congratulations to all those faculty members. You will find also a section for research highlights.
In 2021, we organized many events and seminars to improve the faculty climate, to foster scientific research and improve outreach venues: our technology webinar series "Teknolojinin Gücüyle Geleceğe", "Sharing Experiences", "FENS Lounge Meetings", "CS+X Seminars", and the like. Recently, we may have slowed down due the pandemic and hybrid education that kept us busy; but we will be back with more such events.
Also, we are now in the final stage of MÜDEK accreditation of our five FENS undergraduate programs: Computer Science and Engineering (CS), Electronics Engineering (EE), Industrial Engineering (IE) and Mechatronics Engineering (ME) undergraduate programs for an extension of another five years; and Materials Science and Nanoengineering (MAT) for the first time. We undertook a colossal effort to prepare the reports submitted last July, and provided proofs and other documentation online recently. We are now ready for the virtual visits that will be held on January 16 and 17, 2022. Providing documents online and virtual visits add to an already challenging process and we would like to express our heartful gratitude to the vice dean for education, MÜDEK coordinators and program coordinators for their excellent teamwork.
Last but not least, we would also like to thank our vice dean for research and her team members, and outreach committee for preparing this newsletter as it takes an immense effort to compile all this information.
Note that the events, activities and news in this issue pertain to the time interval between February 1-November 1, 2021.If we miss any project, activity, achievements of yours in this issue, please let us know so that we include them in the next issue.

Projects in January 1st 2021 - November 1st, 2021
Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
ERA-Net | Biotechnological Anti Freezing Coating | Ali Koşar - PI |
H2020 | An in vitro 3D microfluidic human NeuroVascular Unit model for identifying the cell-type-specific responses to diverse inflammatory stimuli in the brain capillaries — NVU-Chip | Ali Koşar - Advisor Nur Mustafaoğlu - PI |
EFPF -European Connected Factory Platform Agile Manufacturing | Lütfi Taner Tunç - Co-PI Özge Akbulut - Co-PI | |
MeHUB: Integrating a Connected Micromobility Infrastructure to the Existing Public Transport | Bülent Çatay - PI | |
Team Awareness Enhanced with Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality’ — ‘TeamAware’ | Selim Balcısoy - PI | |
Belmont Forum | Guiding the Pursuit For Sustainability By Co-Developing A Sustainable Agriculture Matrix | Levent Öztürk - PI |
COSTCA20110 | RNA communication across kingdoms: new mechanisms and strategies in pathogen control | Öznur Taştan - PI |
ERA-Net | TreatRP: Translating cGMP analogues into a treatment for retinitis pigmentosa | Cavit Ağca - PI |
EuropeAid | Innovative media for peace, social cohesion and reconciliation in Turkey, the Middle-East and North Africa | Berrin Yanıkoğlu - Co-PI Reyyan Yeniterzi - Co-PI Kamer Kaya - Researcher |
H2020 Cooperation | Ceramics 4.0 | Lütfi Taner Tunç - Co-PI Özge Akbulut - Co-PI |
Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call | Efficient Catalytic cOnversion of polysulfides by MXene-based heterostructures towards long-life Li-S batteries | Selmiye Alkan Gürsel - PI |
TUBİTAK 1071-İran İkili İşbirliği | Anti-epileptik ilaçları taramak için sağlam bir kan-beyin bariyeri ile donatılmış bir çip üzerinde insan epilepsisi modeli geliştirmek | Nur Mustafaoğlu - PI |
Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
TÜBİTAK1001 | Alan İçi Sekil Kazanım Özelliğine Sahip 4B Akıllı Elektro-Aktif ve Yük Taşıyan Kompozit Yapılar | Ali Fallah - Co-PI Bahattin Koç-Advisor |
Bükülmüş Fonksiyonların Genellemeleri ve Permütasyon Polinomları | Nurdagül Anbar Meidl - Co-PI | |
Çok ölçekli mühendislik yaklaşımı kullanılarak yeni iyonik iletken prepreg ara katmanlarının geliştirilmesi ve yapısal enerji depolama sistemlerinde uygulanması | Canan Atılgan-Advisor Fevzi Çakmak Cebeci- Researcher Bekir Dizman- Researcher Mehmet Yıldız- Researcher Merve Senem Seven- Researcher Yusuf Ziya Menceloğlu-Advisor | |
Çoklu fonksiyonlu, eklemli, manyetik fiber robotların çekirdek-kabuk yapısında üretimi ve testi | Melih Türkseven- Researcher Serkan Ünal- Researcher Özge Akbulut - Co-PI | |
Entitypedia ve EntityBERT ile Uçtan Uca Sinirsel Varlık İlişkilendirme Sistemi | Esra Erdem-Advisor Reyyan Yeniterzi - Co-PI | |
Ferroelektrik/dielektrik tabakalı yapılarda negatif kapasitans kararlılığı ve sınırları | Burç Mısırlıoğlu - Co-PI İbrahim Kürşat Şendur- Researcher Murat Kaya Yapıcı-Advisor | |
Genetik Kodlanmıs Floresan Biyosensörlerin Tasarımı için Genellestirilmis Bir Hesaplamalı Metodolojinin Gelistirilmesi | Ali Rana Atılgan- Researcher Canan Atılgan - Co-PI Emrah Eroğlu- Researcher | |
Geniş Bantlı Düşük Gürültülü X-Ile-K Bantları Için Sige Bicmos Verici/Alıcı Modülü Çekirdek Çipi | Melik Yazıcı - Co-PI | |
Güneş Enerjisiyle Çalışan Buhar Üretim Sistemleri Için 3d Mimari Içeren Karbon Bazlı Hibrit Yapılar: Su Arıtma Ve Tuzdan Arındırma Uygulamaları | Burcu Saner Okan- Researcher Ali Koşar-Advisor | |
Hidroelastisite problemlerinin katı-sıvı etkileşimi çözümleri için paralelleştirilmiş hibrit SPH- PD parçacık yönteminin geliştirilmesi ve deneysel doğrulaması | Adnan Kefal- Researcher Mehmet Yıldız - Researcher | |
Kompozit Malzeme Üretiminde Enerji Verimliligini Artırmak ve Proses Kolaylıgı Saglamak Amacıyla Polimer-Temelli, Yenilikçi ve Çok-Yönlü Termal Geciktirici Kürleme Sistemlerinin Gelistirilmesi ve Tek-Bilesenli Epoksi Reçine Formülasyonlarında ve Prepreglerde Kullanılması | Bekir Dizman - PI Serkan Ünal - Researcher Mehmet Yıldız - Advisor Yusuf Ziya Menceloğlu - Advisor | |
Kütle Aktaran Nötron Yıldızlarının Dönme Fazları Üzerine | Ünal Ertan - Co-PI | |
Magnetar Patlamalarının Yüksek Zaman Çözünürlükle İncelenmeleri | Ersin Göğüş - Co-PI | |
Meme kanserinin tedavisine yönelik çok islevli yamaların gelistirilmesi ve in vitro ortamda etkinliklerinin incelenmesi | Gözde İnce - Co-PI | |
Nesnelerin İnterneti Uygulamaları için Gerilim, Sıcaklık ve Üretimsel Sapmaları Dikkate Alarak Yüksek Enerji Verimliliği ve Çıkarım Doğruluğuna Sahip Derin Öğrenme Ağları Geliştirilmesi | Erdinç Öztürk- Researcher Ömer Ceylan - Co-PI Öznur Taştan- Researcher | |
Polinomiyal Dinamik Sistemlerde Bazı Kesişim Sorunları | Mohammad Sadek - Co-PI | |
Katalitik Olmayan Sol-Jel Yöntemiyle Bor Karbür (B4C) Nano-fiberlerin Üretimi, Karakterizasyonu ve Uygulamaları | Emre Erdem -Advisor | |
İlk Türk Antarktik Meteoritlerinin Mineral İçeriği ve Fizikokimyasal Oluşum Koşullarının Araştırılması | Emre Erdem - Researcher | |
TÜBİTAK1002 | Arabidopsis thaliana'da Azot Kullanım Etkinliğini Sağlayan Genlerin Moleküler Genetik Yöntemler ile Araştırılması | Nihal Öztolan Erol - Co-PI |
Yaz Saati Uygulamasının Insan Duygu Durumuna Etkilerinin Nedensellik Analizi Ile Incelenmesi | Onur Varol - Co-PI | |
TÜBİTAK1004 | 2-2-Aspergillus (mantar küfü) sporlarının hava ortamında algılanmasına yönelik sensör sistemlerinin geliştirişmesi (ASPİRA) | Emre Erdem- Researcher |
3-1-Bası yaralarının (deri ülseri) oluşum riskinin oluşum riskinin izlenmesine yönelik bükülebilir sistemlerin geliştirilmesi | Gözde İnce- Researcher Güllü Kızıltaş Şendur- Researcher Murat Kaya Yapıcı- Researcher | |
3-2-Kalp verilerinin izlenmesine yönelik tekstil bazlı giyilebilir sistemlerin geliştirilmesi | Murat Kaya Yapıcı - Co-PI | |
4-1-Karbon nanomalzeme tabanlı nanoteknolojik NH3 sensör prototiplerinin geliştirilmesi | Selmiye Alkan Gürsel- Researcher | |
Tümleşik, Ölçeklenebilir, İşlevsel Nanoyapılar ve Sistemler | Ali Koşar - Co-PI | |
TÜBİTAK2236 | Lead and Lead-Free Perovsktie Nanomaterials for Efficient Light Emission | Cleva Ow-Yang-Advisor |
TÜBİTAK3501 | Filogenetik Tabanlı Yeni Bir Birlikte Evrim Algoritması ve Uygulamaları | Ogün Adebali - Co-PI |
İSTKA | Girişimcilik Mali Destek Program - Siber Güvenlik Hızlandırma Ve Kuluçka Programı: Cybercube (Teknopark İstanbul) | Albert Levi - Participant |
TÜBİTAK SAYEM | Akıllı Şehir Faz 2 (Genel Proje adı) - Veri Toplama ve Büyük Veri Analitik Platformu (Çalışacağımız alt proje) | Albert Levi - Researcher/Work Package Leader Yücel Saygın - Researcher/Work Package Leader |
Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
H2020 Cooperation | Autonomous, cognitive, robot-based manufacturing system for agile production | Lütfi Taner Tunç - PI |
H2020 Cooperation | Development Of Bio-Based Solutions For Recycling Of Composites (Biorecomposite) | Serkan Ünal - Co-PI Mehmet Yıldız - Co-PI |
H2020 Cooperation | Innovative Solutions for PFAS Tracing, Elimination and Remediation | Bekir Dizman - PI Serkan Ünal - Researcher Bahattin Koç - Researcher |
H2020 /Marie Sklodowska Curie Action | Identifying the causes, mechanisms, and consequences of WOrking Memory reACtivation of longterm memory information | Esra Erdem - Advisor |
H2020 /Marie Sklodowska Curie Action | Additive Manufacturing of functionally gradient nickel-based alloys with ceramic composites for improved mechanical properties | Bahattin Koç - Advisor |
H2020 /Marie Sklodowska Curie Action | A Versatile Nanotechnology Based Drug Delivery System For Synergistic Treatment of Prostate Cancer | Bekir Dizman - PI Yusuf Ziya Menceloğlu - Advisor |
TUBİTAK 1071 | Joint Transnational Call 2021 Graphene Flagship & Human Brain Project | Ali Koşar - Researcher Merve Senem Seven - Researcher |
Project Call Name | Deadline |
2549 - Polonya Ulusal Araştırma ve Geliştirme Merkezi (NCBR) ile İkili İşbirliği Programı | 12.01.2022 |
Solar Cofund 2 (SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2) | 12.01.2022 (16:00 CET) (International) |
ChistERA | 17.01.2022(International) 25.01.2022 (National) |
ERA PerMed 2022 Yılı Çağrısı | 1st Stage: 17.02.2022 2nd Stage: 14.06.2022 |
ERANET ENPED - Pozitif Enerji Bölgeleri ve Sürdürülebilir Şehirler (ENPED) 2021 Yılı Çağrısı | 24.02.2022 (International) 03.03.2022 (National) |
2543 - Fas (CNRST) ile İkili İşbirliği Programı | 4.03.2022 17:30 |
2547 TÜBİTAK – NASRI (Arnavutluk) İkili İşbirliği Çağrısı | 9.03.2022 |

Öznur Taştan selected to the Management Committee of exRNA-PATH Action of COST
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Project of Meltem Elitaş and her research group is featured on the cover of ACS Journal, [Cover]
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İnanç Adagideli’s article is featured on the June 2021 cover of the Physical Review Letters journal
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Research of our faculty members (Kürşat Şendur & Burç Mısırlıoğlu) is featured on the cover of Annalen der Physik Journal
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Emre Erdem's article is featured on the March 2021 cover of the Physical Review Letters journal
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Ali Koşar and Abdolali Khalili Sadaghiani's article are in the in the Most Downloaded Articles List in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, most prestigious journal in the field Heat and Mass Transfer (October 2021)
read moreTUBA Teknofest Doctorate Science Award
Ali Koşar & Abdolali Khalili Sadaghiani (Postdoctoral Researcher)
Read moreTUBA- GEBİP Awards
Natural Sciences: Ogün Adebali Engineering Sciences: Lütfi Taner Tunç, Murat Kaya Yapıcı
Read moreBest Student Paper Award in SIU 2021
Ali Enver Bilecen (MSEE) & Alp Özalp (BSEE-2021) & M. Sami Yavuz BSEE-2021)
Read moreThe METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Education and Research Foundation 2020 Awards
Kağan Kurşungöz Burak Kocuk
Read moreFENS Excellence in Teaching Award
Amro Alabsi Aljundi (PhDCS student): CS 204 Advanced Programming Esra Yüksel (PhDMFG student): IE 309 Manufacturing Processes I Altan Berdan Kılıç (MSMATH student): MATH 204 Discrete Mathematics Bahar Cennet Okumuşoğlu : MSIE student IE 311 Operations Research I
Read moreGürsel Sönmez Awards
İsa Emami Tabrizi, Materials Science and Nanoengineering PhD Program Ahmet Can Mert, Electronics Engineering PhD Program
Read more2021 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Awards
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2020 Teaching Awards
First Year University Courses Awards: Canan Kaşıkçı, Kağan Kurşungöz Graduating Class Awards: Kamer Kaya, Kemal Kılıç, Christopher Mayack First Year Teaching Asistant Awards: Aysu Yurduşen Öztürk, Kamil Tolga Atam, Altan Berdan Kılıç Tearching Assistant Award: Nozir Shokirov, Zeliha Begün Tunç, Can Bayraktar FENS Excellence in Teaching Award Amro Alabsi Aljundi (PhDCS student): CS 204 Advanced Programming Esra Yüksel (PhDMFG student): IE 309 Manufacturing Processes I Altan Berdan Kılıç (MSMATH student): MATH 204 Discrete Mathematics Bahar Cennet Okumuşoğlu : MSIE student IE 311 Operations Research I Gürsel Sönmez Awards İsa Emami Tabrizi, Materials Science and Nanoengineering PhD Program Ahmet Can Mert, Electronics Engineering PhD Program 2021 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Awards Winner: Sarah Barakat People's Choice: Buse Bulut Köpüklü (MAT PhD-2021)
Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Thermal Engineering
Scientific Committee Member (Seventh Micro Nano Flows Conference 2021)
Presenter of 2020 Science Heroes Association Outstanding Young Researcher Award Ceromony
Guest Editor, Frontiers in Neuroscience
XIXth International Symposium on Retinal Degenerations (RD2021) and the BrightFocus Macular Fast TrackSM. Young Faculty, Travel Award
Editorial Board Member for Turkish Journal of Physics
TÜBİTAK SBAG Danışma Kurulu Üyesi: TUBITAK Health Sciences Research Group Advisory Committee Member
TÜBİTAK MAG Danışma Kurulu Üyesi -TUBITAK Engineering Research Group Consultance Committee Member
Presented as Keynote speaker at Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2021) Machine Learning in Computational and Systems Biology (MLCSB) COSI
Invited Speaker, Elektrokimya Söyleşileri, ''Grafen ve Yakıt Pilleri": ISE-Bilkent University
Meraklısına Bilim: Enerji Çevrim ve Depolama Teknolojileri: Bilim Akademisi
Invited Lecturer in 5th International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion: METU
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New Faculty Members
Nur Mustafaoğlu, Onur Varol, Anıl Koyuncu and Alex Lyakhovich joined us as faculty members.

Equipment Management System
A new Equipment Management System for the organization and monitoring of MAT Program laboratory equipment is designed. Hakan Tatlı and MAT Laboratory Specialists contributed to the development of the system coordinated by Prof. Dr. Selmiye Alkan Gürsel.
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The Visit of Aziz Sancar
Nobel laurate Prof. Dr. Aziz Sancar visited our university on 24 September 2021. In an interview published in Gazete SU Prof. Sancar shared positive thoughts on research activities of Sabancı University students. He motivated studens for hard work and focus as keys for success.
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Albert Erkip
was appointed as an Emeritus Faculty Member in February 2021

Hüsnü Yenigün
was promoted to Full Professor in November 2021

Esra Erdem
was promoted to Full Professor in March 2021

Emre Erdem
had a baby girl named "Yaz Erdem" in September 2021