ENS 208 -Introduction to Industrial Engineering Registrations
EE 403-Optoelectronics course has been cancelled.
MATH 621 Selected Topics in Differential Equations has been canceled for 2015-2016 fall semester
ENS 203 students Under no condition time conflict permission is given. No exceptions.
CS 526 Motion Planning & CS 504 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning courses
4. sınıf öğrencilerinin dikkatine, ders yükü artttırım talepleri için son başvuru tarihi 22 Eylül
ENS 491 Graduation Project (Design) Registrations Announcement
ME 420/ 520 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems course has been cancelled for 2015-2016 Fall Semester.
Endüstri Mühendisliği Araştırma Görevlisi Sınavının Sonucu Açıklanmıştır.
New Course: Special Topics in Biological Science and Bioengineering: Autophagy in health and disease