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ME409 "Foundations of Microsystems"

2007-2008 Güz döneminde açılacak ME 409 dersi öğretim üyesi Ali Koşar tarafından aşağıdaki içerikle verilecektir.


ME 409 Foundations of Microsystems
Fall 2007

Instructor: Dr. Ali Koşar
Office: FENS 1077
Phone: (216) 483-9621
Office hours: Monday-Friday 10.00-17.00 (subject to availability), e-mail or phone.

Text: Microsystems Design, Stephen D. Senturia, 2001, ISBN 0792372468 and lecture notes.

Prerequisites: Senior or First Year Graduate Standing in Engineering.

Grading: Homework 20%, Midterm 30%, Final Exam 30%, Term Project 20%

Course Description: ME 409 (a three credit course) is designed for upper class undergraduate and entry-level graduate students to give an introduction to microsystems technology.  The following topics will be covered:  1- Overview on microsystems, 2-Fabrication of microsystems, 3- Working principles of microsystems, 4- Analysis and modeling of microsystems, 5-Materials for microsystems, 6- Microsystem packaging. 


·       To give a broad introduction to microsystems technology

·       To give students an opportunity to study the current literature

  • To provide understanding in theory and analysis on microsystems
  • To help students gaining insight into microsystems design

Reference Books:

·       MEMS and Microsystems: Design and Manufacture, Tai-Ran Hsu, Mc Graw Hill , 2002, ISBN 0-07-239391-2

  • Fundamentals of Microfabrication, Marc Madou, CRC Press, NY, 1997.
  • Nadim Maluf, An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering, Artech House, 2000.


  • J. Microelectromechanical Systems (IEEE/ASME)
  • Sensors and Actuators (Elsevier)
  • J. Micromechanics and Microengineering (IOP)

Co-operation on coursework:

It is encouraged to discuss with classmates, use texts, library materials, and other sources while doing any assignment. If a solution to a problem is found in the literature, students must provide correct citations to that literature. For the homework assignments, every student is expected to have worked through his/her own analysis and to have written up his/her own work for submission. Under no circumstances is it permitted to present another student's work as one’s own. For term projects, a single report from each team is to be prepared.   

Term Project:

 Each team (consisting of 2 students) will select one topic for the project related to this course.  The project will be either a literature review about the topic or a design project related to the topic.  In the design type project technical drawing and analysis should be included and no fabrication is required, whereas papers related to the topic should be discussed and major theory and analysis, results and discussions should be presented.  The title of the topic and abstract (250-300 words) should be submitted for instructor’s approval prior to working on the project.  This will be due early November.  The project report should be approximately 10-12 pages long and will be due to the first day of project presentations.

The written report must be in the style of a review journal article (like a Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems article) having the typical format as follows: Title, Author’s Name and Affiliation, Abstract, Objectives, Theory and Analysis, Technical Description, Results and Discussion and References. Plagiarism will be severely punished and result in a “zero” grade for written portion of the term project. Project Presentations will be given to the rest of the class in the last week of classes at regular class hours.

Course Outline (Subject to change)

Week/  Dates


Text Reference

1 (24-29.9)

Overview of MEMS and Microsystems

Ch. 1+ Lecture notes

2-4 (1-5.10, 8-11.10, 15-19.10)

Microfabrication Fundamentals

Ch. 3+Lecture notes

5-6 (22-26.10, 30.10-2.11)

Working Principles of Microsystems

Ch. 18-22+Lecture notes

7 (5-9.11)

Midterm Exam


7-8 (5-9.11, 19-23.11)

Engineering Mechanics for Microsystem Design

Ch. 5-10+Lecture notes

9-10 (26-30.11, 3-7.12)

Thermofluid Engineering and Microsystem Design

Ch. 11-13+Lecture notes

11 (10-14.12)

Scaling Laws

Lecture notes

12-13 (17-19.12, 24-28.12)

Materials for MEMS and Microsystems

Lecture notes

14 (31.12, 2-3.1)

Microsystem Packaging

Ch. 17+Lecture notes

15 (7-11.1)

Project presentations




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+90 216 483 96 00

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