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"Drivers for 3D Integration and MEMS in Semiconductor Industry" Seminar

Date: November 25th, 2010 (Thursday)
Time: 10:40-11:30
Location: FENS L063

Title: Drivers for 3D Integration and MEMS in Semiconductor Industry

Mehmet Kaynak
IHP-Microelectronics - Germany

The scaling down of the CMOS technology nodes causes new challenges
such as high power density of the dies. While CMOS scaling benefitted
digital  and RF properties in the past, future nodes make RF design
more difficult and costly. It seems that the single chip solutions
will not be the best choice for next generation communication systems.
3D-Integration and MEMS techniques are very promising methods to solve
the die level integration and able to enhance the performance of the
system. This talk will  briefly give an introduction to the necessity
of  the 3D integration and MEMS techniques. The BiCMOS embedded MEMS
technologies such as "RF-MEMS Switch" and "Substrate etch" will be the
main topic of the talk to give detailed information about the MEMS
activities in IHP Microelectronics.

Mehmet Kaynak received his B.Sc. degree from Electronics and
Communication Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University
(ITU) in 2004, and received the M.S degree from Microelectronic Program
of Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey. He has been a group leader in the
Technology Department of IHP Microelectronics, Frankfurt (Oder),
Germany since 2007, working on development of integrated CMOS-MEMS
technologies and leading the MEMS group in IHP Microelectronics. His
research interest and expertise also includes RF Circuit Design
such as Power Amplifiers, Low Noise Amplifiers and
Voltage Controlled Oscillators for Wireless Communication Applications. 



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