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Samet Zihir received the best student paper award @ SiRF 2010.

Samet Zihir, a graduate student in our electronics engineering program

and Mehmet Kaynak, a graduate student @ IHP Microelectronics - Germany,

co-authored research paper received the best student paper award

in the 10th Topical Meeting on

Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems


The paper is titled "Characterization of an Embedded RF-MEMS Switch"

and also co-authored by

B. Tillack, R. Scholz (IHP Microelectronics) and

Y. Gurbuz (Sabanci University).

This joint research has also led successfull / reliable,

BiCMOS process embedded, RF-MEMS capacitive switch

for RF/mm-wave integrated circuits






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