Kodakademi Coding Event: Open announcement to software developers
All CS students and students over Junior level are cordially invited to Kodakademi PHP, Java and C# coding event. Please note that this event is organized by CS teaching assistants and is completely free for all attendees. You may find information about the purpose of this event at the web site. It is for your benefit to bring your laptop, pen and paper to class. Event program is as follows:
Day 1: Feb 22, Tuesday: 17.40 – 20.30 @ FASS G022
Day 2: Feb 23, Wednesday: 15.40 – 19.30 @FMAN L018
Day 3: Feb 24, Thursday: 17.40 – 21.30 @FENS G032
Day 1:
Introduction to HTML and basic html tags
HTTP protocol, get and post mechanisms
Introduction to Server-side programming in PHP
Day 2:
Introduction to Java
Introduction to C#
Introduction to OOP
Introduction to Web pages and HTTP
Day 3:
Multi-threading and Sockets with C#
Remoting with C#
RMI with Java
Advanced techniques, tips &tricks and introduction to Design Patterns
Further events will be announced at www.kodakademi.com