CHEM 405/ CHEM 505: Electrochemistry
CHEM 405/ CHEM 505: Electrochemistry
Instructor: Selmiye Alkan Gürsel (, office: SUNUM 1111
Description: This course is designed to be a comprehensive introduction to fundamentals of electrochemistry, modern electrochemical methods and applications of electrochemistry
Objectives: Provide a foundation in theoretical electrochemistry which is sufficient for the understanding of many basic phenomena, teach the theory behind a number of electrochemical methods and familiarize the student with those electrochemical methods that are exploited in important applications such as batteries and fuel cells
Midterm exam: 25 %, Final exam: 35 %, Projects: 35 %, Attendance: 5 %
You can register for CHEM 405 during add-drop period. Please attend the first lecture on September 18 (Thursday).