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Best Paper Award

FENS Faculty member Ali Kosar and his M.S. student Abdolali Khalili Sadaghiani received the Best Paper Award in IMECE 2014-MEMS Track

The article of FENS Faculty member Ali Kosar and his M.S. student Abdolali Khalili Sadaghiani ‘Numerical investigation of slip flow across micro/nano pin fins’ has been chosen as one of the two Best Papers by the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) Division of IMECE (International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition) 2014, which is the biggest Mechanical Engineering conference in USA. The award will be given during the ASME MEMS Division General Meeting.  

The MEMS Division recognizes and encourages outstanding research through awards each year. More than 120 articles were submitted to the MEMS track of IMECE this year. 


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