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Prestigious Award to Interdisciplinary Project

The interdisciplinary I-POST (Identifying Public Opinion Shapers in Turkey) project, conducted by Emre Hatipoğlu (FASS), Brooke Luetgert (FASS) ve Yücel Saygın (FENS), won the "Golden Owl Award" under the Academic Owl category.

About Owl Awards:

The Awards are given by the Turkish Researchers' Association to outstanding marketing and social research projects. The awards highlight the importance of the impact and added value research creates on business and decision making processes. Each year, more than one hundred projects apply for Owl Awards under nine different categories. A jury of 21 people, comprising academicians, researchers and business executives evaluate these projects.


About the Academic Owl Category:

The "Academic Owl Award" is given to methodologically advanced projects that include actionable findings, the findings of which have been published in indexed academic journals. 


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