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IMC SEMINAR:Effect of Defects in Qualification of Adv.Manf. Parts..



Title                : Effect of Defects in Qualification of Advanced Manufactured Parts by ICME Tool Set

Speaker         : Dr.Frank Abdi

Time               : JULY 27, 2018, 13:30-14:30

Place              : Teknopark- KTMM


Most material models used in computational analysis do not reflect as-built reality because they fail to consider the effects of defects, environmental concerns and material scatter when defining critical material property values. The effect of defects at the material level or component level may have a profound impact on part performance and longevity.  Mechanical properties (strength, buckling, etc.) may be severely compromised or degraded due to the presence of voids, fiber waviness, surface gaps and other documented phenomenon.  Advanced ICME tools have been developed to characterize composites materials, validate virtual material models, optimize material layouts, and evaluate the effect of manufacturing defects on performance.  When combined with advanced multi-scale progressive failure algorithms that assess the mechanics of materials at the nano, micro, maso and macro levels, it is, not only, possible to predict behavior, but also assess the durability and damage tolerance of structures that are a product advanced fabrication techniques such as automated fiber placement (AFP), filament winding, and 3D printing.  Advanced ICME tools have successfully predicted the behavior of advanced (polymer, metal and ceramic matrix) composite structures subject to static, dynamic, fatigue and environmental loads while considering defects and scatter and utilizing a virtually calibrated multi-scale material model.  Following the development of a validated material models, including the effect of defects, engineers may identify material allowables, assess durability of a part, investigate fatigue life, evaluate bird strikes and consider the effect of impact in crush and crash evaluations.  With regard to Additive Manufacturing, the ICME tools simulates 3D printing to accurately predict deflection, residual stress, damage initiation, and crack growth associated with as-built AM parts. More significantly, the tool provides end users with an ability to optimize the build in order to reduce waste, reduce weight, improve performance, and meet specification.  Finally the ICME tools predict quality of AM build with reliable in-process sensing and monitoring.  Quality inspection of AM parts is rather challenging, while post-built non-destructive-techniques (NDT) are difficult to realize, and considerable efforts are necessary to ensure the quality of AM-parts, especially for aerospace applications.  A recent breakthrough technology addresses many of these concerns and provides reliable in-process sensing and monitoring of the AM build to accurately predict part quality.  Working with off-the-shelf profilometers and thermal cameras, the technology  combines high speed monitoring, big data processing, micro Terrain Mapping to provide real-time visualization of surface roughness and real time calculation of Heat Affected Zone, Meltpool, Solidification, Cooling, and Shrinkage. More significantly, the technology gives an engineer a layer by layer assessment of quality, which leads to greater control the build process, reduces post-built evaluation, enhances build quality, eliminates waste, saves money and provides the foundation for closed-loop feedback control to meet higher standard of acceptance.


Dr. Frank Abdi - is the Chief Scientist of AlphaSTAR Corporation (ASC) and has an extensive knowledge of the various DOD, NASA and Industry software packages providing detailed evaluation and technical guidance for the methods being proposed for analysis of low/high temperature composite structures. Dr. Abdi has a strong theoretical and experimental background in structural materials technology including the derivation and modification of theoretical equations, aeroelastic tailoring High Performance Computing (HPC), optimization, material design, fatigue, creep, fracture mechanics, structural mechanics, analysis of structures, and use of computers to implement these techniques. Dr. Abdi worked at Rockwell International for fifteen years where he was the manager of Advanced Program’s Controlled Configured Vehicle Research organization. Dr. Abdi has over 35 years experience in computer based modeling and code development for a range of applications associated with advanced structures, materials processing, Additive Manufacturing (AM), Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), and composite mechanics with a unique background in finite difference and finite element as applied to aerospace and automotive components.

At AlphaSTAR he has performed computational algorithm and software development in Additive Manufacturing (AM): a) In-situ monitoring, b) material modeling, c) process modeling and d) service load modeling. He has developed methods and algorithms for HPC fast computing, algorithms of forced and flexible partitioning modeling applied to large structural aerospace (i.e., shuttle accident investigation), and automotive models. He has led a team of scientist to perform (i) commercial aircraft certification by analysis, (ii) DOE/Sandia - Advanced composite wind turbine blade design based on durability & damage tolerance, (iii) Ceramic Turbine blade design, (iv) composite over-warped pressure vessel, and many other aerospace and (v) automotive industry race car crashworthiness design. Prior to ASC at Boeing/Rockwell Aerospace where he was responsible for design and simulation of NASP (X-30), B-1B bird strike, Advanced Launch System (ALS), Boosted Penetrator, Swedish Fighter, Special Operation Aircraft (SOA), and shuttle redesign.

He has published over 100 journal and conference papers in optimization, materials science and computational structural analysis, authored two books: 1) nano composite characterization, and 2) How to Obtain Material Properties for Structural Analysis of Composite (print pending). He has been the recipient of two patents: a) Noiseless Hair drier Exo skeletal Engine Concept; and b) Fail-Safe Containment Device For Containing Volatile Fluids. Dr. Abdi received a B.S. and a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Michigan in 1974 and 1975 respectively, and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Southern California in 1979. He is currently serving as adjunct Professor at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) department of Material science, and Imperial college department of mechanical engineering. He is the recipient of several awards: NASA software of the year (1999), R&D 100 (yr 2000), US Senate Tibbets award (yr 2001), NASA Columbia accident investigation (yr 2003), and R&D 100 (2015) for GENOA 3D Printing Software.

Keywords :

(1) Effect of defects, (2) AFP; (3) 3D Printing; (4) Certification by Analysis Supplemented by Test; (5) Composite Damage Delamination/Evolution; (6) Material/Mechanical Fracture Properties; (7) Qualification; and (8) Material Modeling Manufacturing Process; (9) Real Time In-situ Monitoring; (10) Structural Health Monitoring



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