NASA and ESA space telescopes observing a black hole in outburst
Researchers led by Prof. Emrah Kalemci of Sabancı University began observing black hole system MAXI J1820+070 simultaneously with European Space Agency's (ESA) INTEGRAL, NASA's SWIFT, and Tübitak National Observatory telescopes. The aim of the study is to understand how the emission originating close to the black hole changes in time, and how jets form around a black hole. For this purpose INTEGRAL Gamma-ray observatory will observe the source for 5 days and SWIFT will monitor the source intermittently in X-rays during this time. The data will be provided to Dr. Kalemci's team for analysis. In addition, 1m diameter T100 and 1.5m diameter RTT150 telescopes of Tübitak National Observatory in Bakırlıtepe, Antalya, join the campaign with nightly observations.