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"A Nonlinear Optics Primer" lecture series by Mete Atatüre

“A Nonlinear Optics Primer” lecture series, tailored for FENS graduate students and senior undergraduates, will be held by Professor Mete Atatüre, Sabanci University Distinguished Research Fellow. 

“A Nonlinear Optics Primer” lecture series will consist of six one-hour lectures providing a basic overview of the field of nonlinear optics. 

In the lecture series, the participants will first discuss a selection of nonlinear optical processes and their applications in photonics, and then discover how nonlinear optics played a fundamental part in the generation of nonclassical light including squeezing, as well as the first practical verifications the well-known quantum physics concepts of the wave-particle duality of light and entangled photons.

There is limited capacity, please register your intention to attend via (link). You will be informed, if you are selected to attend this series.

“A Nonlinear Optics Primer” lecture series program

16 November 2020 - Lecture 1. Nonlinearity – where do we begin? Constitutive relations and susceptibility, physical and practical symmetries, wave propagation in nonlinear medium 

18 November 2020 - Lecture 2. Frequency Generation. Second harmonic generation, optimum conditions for efficient conversion, beating nature through susceptibility engineering. 

23 November 2020 - Lecture 3. Optical pulse propagation – and the death ray! Third-order nonlinearity and the Kerr effect, beams versus pulses, optical filamentation 

25 November 2020 - Lecture 4. Measuring Ultrafast light – how to measure a ruler? Measurement dilemma for optical pulses, how to see into a pulse using nonlinear optics 

30 November 2020 - Lecture 5. Parametric amplification – …and philosophy! Difference frequency generation, optical gain through nonlinearity, amplifier noise, optical entanglement 

2 Aralık 2020 - Lecture 6. Nonlinear optics goes quantum. Expectation values and uncertainties for light, optical quadratures, coherent and squeezed states 

Suggested Books:

Nonlinear Optics, R. W. Boyd, Academic Press, 2003.

Introductory Quantum Optics, C. Gerry and P. Knight, CUP, 2004.


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