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Ogün Adebali Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğretim Üyesi (216) 568 7043 ogunadebalisabanciunivedu
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Öğretim Üyesi

Areas of Interest

Hesaplamali Genomik, Protein Enformatiği, Moleküler Evrim, DNA Hasarı ve Onarımı


Ekiloji ve Evrimsel Biyoloji Derneği Moleküler Biyoloji Derneği

Book Section / Chapter
Publications Prior to SU
  1. Yang Y., Adebali O., Wu G., Selby C.P., Rashid N., Hogenesch J.B., Sancar A.* (2018) Cisplatin-DNA adduct repair of transcribed genes is controlled by two circadian programs in mouse tissues. PNAS, 21(115), E4777-E4785.
  2. Oztas O., Selby C.P., Sancar A.*, Adebali O.* (2018) Genome-wide Excision Repair in Arabidopsis is coupled to transcription and reflects circadian gene expression patterns.  Nature Communications, 9(1), 1503.
  3. Li W., Adebali O., Yang Y., Selby C.P., Sancar A.* (2018) Single-nucleotide resolution dynamic repair maps of UV damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome.  PNAS, 115(15), E3408-E3415.
  4. Adebali O., Sancar A.*, Selby C.P.* (2017) Mfd translocase is necessary and sufficient for transcription-coupled repair in Escherichia coli. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(45), 18386-18391.
  5. Hu J., Selby C.P., Adar S., Adebali O., Sancar A.* (2017) Molecular mechanism of DNA excision repair and excision repair maps of the human and E. coli genomes.The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(38), 15588-15597.
  6. Hu J.#, Adebali O.#, Adar S., Sancar A.* (2017) Dynamic maps of UV damage formation and repair. PNAS, 114(26), 6758-6763.
  7. Li W., Hu J., Adebali O., Adar S., Yang Y., Chiou Y., Sancar A.* (2017) Human genome-wide repair map of DNA damage caused by the cigarette smoke carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene. PNAS, 114(26), 6752-6757.
  8. Adebali O., Petukh M., Reznik A., Tishkov A., Upadhyay A., Zhulin I.B.* (2017) Class III histidine kinases: a recently accessorized kinase domain in putative modulators of type IV pili based motility. Journal of Bacteriology, 199(18), e00218-17.
  9. Adebali O., Chiou Y., Hu J., Sancar A.*, Selby C.P.* (2017) Genome-wide transcription-coupled repair in Escherichia coli is mediated by the Mfd translocase. PNAS, 114(11), E2116-E2125.
  10. Adebali O.*, Zhulin I.B. (2016)  Aquerium: a web application for comparative exploration of domain-based protein occurrences on the taxonomically clustered genome tree.  Proteins, 85(1), 72-77.
  11. Upadhyay A.A., Fleetwood A.D., Adebali O., Finn R., Zhulin I.B.* (2016) Cache domains are dominant extracellular sensors for signal transduction in prokaryotes. PLOS Computational Biology, 12(4).
  12. Adebali O., Reznik A.O., Ory D.S., Zhulin, I.B.* (2016) Establishing the precise evolutionary history of a gene improves predicting disease-causing missense mutations. Genetics in Medicine, 18(10), 1029-1036.
  13. Adebali O.*, Ortega D.R., Zhulin I.B.* (2015) CDvist: a webserver for identification and visualization of conserved domains in protein sequences. Bioinformatics, 31(9), 1475–1477.

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