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Nurdagül Anbar Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğretim Üyesi (216) 483 9517 nurdagulmeidlsabanciunivedu

Öğretim Üyesi

Areas of Interest

Function Fields and Algebraic Curves over Finite Fields: Rational points of curves, automorphisms, towers of function fields and their asymptotic properties, Drinfeld modular curves; Coding Theory: Algebraic Geometry Codes; Finite Galois Geometry and Cryptographically significant functions (particularly quadratic functions, their nonlinearity distribution) their applications to Coding Theory and their interaction with Algebraic Curves over Finite Fields; Boolean functions and functions from F_{p^n} to F_p: Functions with high nonlinearity, Bent functions (and their connections to coding theory, cryptography, finite geometry, difference sets), (Modified) Planar functions, Almost Perfect Nonlinear functions; Permutations: (Vectorial) Permutations over finite fields.

Publications Prior to SU
  • N. Anbar, A. Ozdak, V. Patel, L. Quoos, A. Somoza, A. Topuzoğlu: On the Carlitz rank of permutation polynomials over finite fields: Recent developments, In: Bouw I., Özman E., Johnson-Leung J., Newton R. (eds) Women in Number Europe II. Association for Women in Mathematics Series, 11 (2018) Springer, Cham, 39-55.

  • N. Anbar, W. Meidl: Modified planar functions and their components, Cryptography and Communications, 10 (2018), no. 2, 235-249.

  • N. Anbar, A. Ozdak, V. Patel, L. Quoos, A. Somoza, A. Topuzoğlu: On the difference between permutation polynomials, Finite Fields and their Applications, 49 (2018), 132-142.

  • N. Anbar, P Beelen: A note on a tower by Bassa, Garcia and Stichtenoth, Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici, 57 (2017), no. 1, 47-60.

  • N. Anbar, A. Bassa, P. Beelen: A complete characterization of Galois subfields of the generalized Giulietti-Korchmaros function field, Finite Fields and their Applications, 48 (2017), 318-330.

  • N. Anbar, W. Meidl: Bent and Bent_4 spectra of quadratic functions over F_{2^n}, Finite Fields and their Applications, 46 (2017), 163-178.

  • N. Anbar, P. Beelen, N. Nguyen: The exact limit of some cubic towers, in Arithmetic, geometry, cryptography and coding theory (AGCT 2015), Contemp. Math., 686 (2017), 1-15.

  • N. Anbar, P. Beelen, N. Nguyen: A new tower meeting Zink’s bound with good p-rank, Acta Arithmetica, 177 (2017), no. 4, 347-374.

  • N. Anbar, A. Bassa, P. Beelen: A modular interpretation of various cubic towers, Journal of Number Theory, 171 (2017), 341-357.

  • N. Anbar, W. Meidl, A. Topuzoglu: Idempotent and p-potent quadratic functions: Distribution of nonlinearity and co-dimension, Journal of Designs, Codes and Cryptography 82 (2017), no.1, 265-291.

  • N. Anbar, W. Meidl, A. Topuzoğlu: On the nonlinearity of idempotent quadratic functions and the weight distribution of subcodes of Reed-Muller codes, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2015.

  • N. Anbar, W. Meidl: More on Quadratic functions and maximal Artin-Schreier curves, Applicable Algebra Engineering Communication and Computing, 26 (2015), no.5, 409-426.

  • N. Anbar, D. Bartoli, M. Giulietti, I. Platoni: Small complete caps from singular cubics, II,  Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 41 (2015), no.1, 185-216.

  • N. Anbar, W. Meidl: Quadratic functions and maximal Artin-Schreier curves, Finite Fields and their Applications, 30 (2014), 49-71.

  • N. Anbar, D. Bartoli, M. Giulietti, I. Platoni: Small complete caps from singular cubics, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 22 (2014), no.10, 409-424.

  • N. Anbar W. Meidl: Quadratic functions and Artin-Schreier curves in odd characteristic, MPIM Preprint, 2014.

  • N. Anbar, H. Stichtenoth: On the number of rational points, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 40 (2013), 21-26.

  • N. Anbar, D. Bartoli, S. Fanali, M. Giulietti: On the size of the automorphism group of a plane algebraic curve, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 217 (2013), no.7, 1224 -1236.

  • N. Anbar, H. Stichtenoth: Curves of every genus with a prescribed number of rational points, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, 44 (2013), no.2, 173-193.

  • N. Anbar, M. Giulietti: Bicovering arcs and small complete caps from elliptic curves, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 38 (2013), no. 2, 371-392.

  • N. Anbar, H. Stichtenoth, S. Tutdere: On ramification in the compositum of function fields, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, 40 (2009), no.4, 539 -552.


Working Papers 

  • N. Anbar, D. Bartoli, I. Platoni, M. Giulietti: Complete arcs and complete caps from cubics with an isolated double point, preprint. ArXiv: 1305.3420.

  • N. Anbar, D. Bartoli, I. Platoni, M. Giulietti: Small complete caps from nodal cubics, preprint. ArXiv: 1305.3019.



  • Ph.D. Thesis: On algebraic curves in prime characteristic, Sabancı University, 2012.

  • M.Sc. Thesis: On ramification in extensions of rational function fields, Sabancı University, 2009.



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