FENS Newsletter - Issue 4

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are happy to be back with the new issue of the FENS newsletter. Time flies, especially during the pandemic; but much has happened since the previous issue when one comes to think of it: many activities, achievements, good news and also changes in pandemic conditions.
We started the 2021-2022 Spring Term in hybrid mode, which allows students to participate in the lectures in person physically or online remotely, providing them with online streaming and the video recordings afterwards for their further convenience. This is possible due to the investment in advanced technology in our classrooms and immense effort by our IT staff and faculty members, who worked with dedication and commitment.
Most important of all is that our students are now back in campus and enjoying every aspect of academic life whether they show up in lectures or not. While all these developments feel great, we face new challenges in engaging students as their attendance and class participation are lower than expected. This may not adversely affect students' overall academic success; but it can still be demotivating for the teaching faculty and definitely not good so far as active learning is concerned.
As COVID-19 shows signs of going out of pandemic phase, we are planning to returning back to normal, i.e., having lectures in person as soon as possible. We are hoping to go back to the pre-pandemic normal in the 2022-2023 Fall Term (having our fingers crossed). Now, the question is what the academic life will look like in the post-pandemic world. Will some of the online/hybrid teaching practices/innovations survive in one form or the other? Are we going to make use of our new online/hybrid teaching skills and capacity? What are we going to do with our high-tech hybrid classrooms and how are we going to utilize them? Will we continue inviting guest speakers from the other end of the word to our webinars and graduate seminars? There are many thought-provoking questions awaiting us to address them. It seems that we will be talking about those issues for a while. Naturally, we are open to your suggestions, ideas and creative solutions from you as always.
On the research project front, FENS faculty members have been very active in preparing project proposals and their endeavor and hard work are being paid off with research grants by prestigious national and international funding organizations including TÜBİTAK and EC. Here, we list the names of our faculty members and their projects. We congratulate them and wish further success in their future project activities. We would also like remind you that there are many calls within the framework of Horizon Europe that may interest you. Keep in touch with us and SU-ATT to learn more about them and/or further orientation.
We would like to celebrate the achievements of our members such as receiving prestigious awards, becoming editors to prestigious journals, giving keynote speeches, organizing scientific events, writing cover page articles, etc. We also give a list of them in this issue and extend our sincere congratulations to all those faculty members. You will find also a section for research highlights.
We continue to organize many events and seminars to improve the faculty climate, foster scientific research and improve outreach venues. Our signature technology webinar series "Teknolojinin Gücüyle Geleceğe" attracting more interest and becoming more interdisciplinary. Computer scientists come together with historians and visual artists talking about their joint projects. The webinar series “Applications of Engineering", organized by Sabancı and Harvard University Faculty Members featuring renowned scientist all around the world (some of them Sabanci University faculty), is amazing and definitely deserves much more participation. "Sharing Experiences" is designed for speakers to share their first-hand experiences that can be interesting and useful for everyone in academic life. And finally, we will be organizing "FENS Lounge" pretty soon with 15 minute science talks and, of course, music.
In February, we completed our end of the MÜDEK accreditation process of our five FENS undergraduate programs: Computer Science and Engineering (CS), Electronics Engineering (EE), Industrial Engineering (IE) and Mechatronics Engineering (ME) undergraduate programs for an extension of another five years; and Materials Science and Nanoengineering (MAT) for the first time. Now, we are waiting for the results, which will be due soon. We see the process conducive to the further improvement of our education system and we already started making changes.
Last but not least, we would also like to thank our vice dean for research and her team members, and outreach committee for preparing this newsletter as it takes an immense effort to compile all this information.
Note that the events, activities and news in this issue pertain to the time interval between November 1, 2021 and April 1, 2022. If we miss any project, activity, achievements of yours in this issue, please let us know so that we include them in the next issue.

Projects in November 1st, 2021- April 1st, 2022
Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
HE-MSCA-PF | Energy- and Spectrally-Efficient sub-THz Transmitter Array Towards Indoor 6G Infrastructure | Korkut Kaan Tokgoz - Principal Researcher |
TÜBİTAK-Uluslararası Çoklu İşbirliği | implementation in structural energy storage systems | Selmiye Alkan Gürsel- PI |
K+S KALI Gmbh Research Cooperation | K+S Kali Research Activities | İsmail Çakmak-PI Mustafa Atilla Yazıcı- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK-1071 | ProFFIle: Prodromal biomarkers in fatal familial insomnia: a longitudinal study in humans and mice | Nur Mustafaoğlu Varol- PI |
TÜBİTAK-1071 | CGMP Analoglarinin Retinitis Pigmentoza için Tedaviye Dönüştürülmesi | Cavit Ağca-PI |
TÜBİTAK-1071 | Kompleks Geometri Ve Rassal Holomorf Kesitler | Turgay Bayraktar- PI |
TÜBİTAK-1071 | SparCity: Seyrek Hesaplama İçin Bir Optimizasyon Ve Ortak Tasarım Çerçevesi | Kamer Kaya- PI |
TÜBİTAK-1071 | Sürdürülebilir Tarım Matrisini Birlikte Geliştirerek Sürdürülebilirlik Arayışına Rehberlik Etmek | Levent Ozturk - PI |
TÜBİTAK-1071 | Uzun Ömürlü Li-S Pilleri Için Mxene Esaslı Heteroyapılar Kullanılarak Polisülfitlerin | Selmiye Alkan Gürsel- PI |
HE-MSCA-PF | Energy- and Spectrally-Efficient sub-THz Transmitter Array Towards Indoor 6G Infrastructure | Korkut Kaan Tokgoz - Principal Researcher |
TÜBİTAK - Uluslararası Çoklu İşbirliği | implementation in structural energy storage systems | Selmiye Alkan Gürsel- PI |
K+S KALI Gmbh Research Cooperation | K+S Kali Research Activities | İsmail Çakmak-PI Mustafa Atilla Yazıcı- Researcher |
Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Çip Üstü Pıhtı Modeli Kullanarak Hidrodinamik Kavitasyonla Indüklenen Trombolizin Deneysel ve Sayısal Çalısması ve Hidrodinamik Kavitasyon Destekli Kateter Yönlendirmeli Tromboliz Cihazı Prototiplenmesi | Ali Koşar- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Betonarme Ve Çimento Esaslı Kompozitlerde Hasar Tahmin Ve Takip Sistemleri Için Piyezodirenç Özelliklerini Kaybetmeyen Mürekkep Gelistirilmesi | Mehmet Ali Gülgün- PI |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Hidrodinamik Kavitasyon Mikroakıskan Sistem ve CO2-filik Elektrodokunmus Nanoliflerle Donatılmıs Yüksek Performanslı Ayırma Cihazı ile Enerji Verimli CO2 Yakalama | Ali Koşar- Researcher Fevzi Cebeci- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Kan-beyin bariyerinden geçebilen peptit sekanslarının en gelişmiş 3D in vitro organ çip modelleri kullanılarak seçilmesi ve nano-taşıyıcı sistemler ile entegrasyonu | Nur Mustfaoğlu Varol- PI |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Kullanışlı ve Yüksek Performanslı Beyin-Bilgisayar Arayüzleri için Gözetimsiz Derin Öğrenme ve Yenilikçi bir Video Hedef İşaretleme ve Takip Uygulaması | Hüseyin Özkan-PI |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Paket Fiyatlandırma Problemine Ürün Değerlemelerini Öğrenen Makine Öğrenme Uygulamaları | Ezgi Karabulut Türkseven- PI |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Nöromorfik Hesaplama Sistemleri İçin Çapraz Mimarisinde Memristör Dizinlerinin Tasarlanması ve Üretimi | Sinan Kazan (GTU) - PI Bulat Rami (GTU) - Researcher Ömer Ceylan (SU) - Researcher Melik Yazıcı (SU) - Advisor |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Dijital ikiz Yardımıyla Yüzey Dokusu Tasarlanmıs Taslama Taslarının Gelistirilmesi | Erhan Budak- PI Emre Özlü- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Development of novel ionically-conductive prepreg interleaves with a multi-scale engineering approach and its implementation in structural energy storage systems | Fevzi Ç. Cebeci - PI Bekir Dizman - Researcher Mehmet Yildiz - Researcher M. Senem Seven - Researcher Yusuf Z. Menceloğlu - Advisor Canan Atılgan - Advisor |
TÜBİTAK-1001 | Küçük Ölçek Hidrodinamik Kavitasyonla Enerji Hasatlama ve Yeni Nesil Mikro Akıskan Enerji Hasatlama Cihazların Gelistirilmesi | Ali Koşar-PI |
TÜBİTAK-1001 | Yeni Nesil Termoplastik Uzay ve Havacılık Kompozitlerinin Otomatik Fiber Serme Prosesi ile Üretimi: Yerinde Konsolidasyon ile Kompozit 4.0'a Dogru | Hatice Sinem aş Çaycı- PI Burcu Saner Okan-Researcher Mehmet Yıldız- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK-1001 | Yenilikçi 3B Hibrit biyobasım yöntemi ile kıl folikülü gelişimini destekleyen deri eşleniği üretimi | Bahattin Koç-PI |
TÜBİTAK 2232A | Mitochondrial-dysfunction-inducing antibiotics as the novel chemotherapeutic agents against cancer chemoresistance | Alex Lyakhovich- PI |
TÜBİTAK 2232-B | Development of Critical Building Blocks for mm-Wave and sub-THz Front-End Transceivers on CMOS Towards 1Tbps Wireless Communications” | Kaan Korkut Tokgöz- PI |
TÜBİTAK-1004 | Yeni Nesil 3 Boyutlu Yazıcı İmalat Teknolojileri Platformu | Bahattin Koç- PI Mustafa Ünel- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK-2218 | Berilyum-8 Bozunumunun Geometrik Z ile Analizi | Beyhan Puliçe- PI Durmuş Ali Demir- Advisor |
TÜBİTAK-2218 | Seçili X-ışın Galaksi Kümelerindeki Cüce Galaksilerin Doğası ve Yıldızlararası Popülasyonu | Ersin Göğüş- Advisor Şeyda Aydemir- PI |
TÜBİTAK-2218 | SPİN-3/2 Karanlık Madde Ve Higgs Bozon Kütlesi | Durmuş Ali Demir- Advisor Ozan Sargın- PI |
TÜBİTAK-2218 | Elektrokimyasal Süperkapasitör Performansının Artırılması için Farklı Geçiş Metalleriyle Katkılanmış Karbonize Polianilin Elektrotların Eldesi | Emre Erdem- Advisor Ahmet Güngör- PI |
TÜBİTAK-2247A | Talaşlı İmalat Süreçlerinde Tersine Dijital İkiz Uygulamaları | Erhan Budak- PI |
TÜBİTAK-2247A | Matris Çarpımı İçeren Büyük Ölçekli Eniyileme Problemleri ve Uygulamaları | Burak Kocuk-PI |
TÜBİTAK-2247-A | Nitrat: İyotun Topraktan Bitkiye, Bitkiden Hayvan Sütüne Transferindeki Bariyer | İsmail Çakmak- PI |
TÜBİTAK-2247-A | Yenilikçi Taramalı Üç Yongalarının Geliştirilmesi ve Taramalı Üç Tabanlı Erişilebilir Mikro/Nanoüretim Platformalarının Kazanılması | Murat Kaya Yapıcı- PI |
TÜBİTAK-2247-A | Endüstri 4.0'a adapte olmak için ileri seramiklerin ekonomik, hızlı ve sürdürülebilir islenmesi | Özge Akbulut- PI |
TÜBİTAK-2247D | Sosyal aglarda koordinasyon ve otomasyon tespit sistemleri gelistirilmesi | Onur Varol- PI |
TÜBİTAK-3501 | Monte Carlo Yöntemleri İle Veri Mahremiyeti Uygulamaları | Sinan Yıldırım- PI |
TÜBİTAK-SAYEM | Eklemeli Üretim İçin Hesaplamalı Tasarım ve Topoloji Optimizasyonu Platformu | Adnan Kefal- PI Bahattin Koç- Researcher Mehmet Yıldız- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK-SAYEM | Sıcak/Soğuk Geçiş Bölgeleri İçin Fonksiyonel Olarak Derecelendirilmiş Malzemelerin Yönlendirilmiş Enerji Biriktirimi Eklemeli İmalat Yöntemleriyle Üretilmesi | Bahattin Koç- PI Eda Aydoğan Güngör (ODTÜ)- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK-SAYEM | Eklemeli İmalat ile üretilmiş parça yüzeylerinin iyileştirilmesi için kuru elektro-parlatma yöntemi geliştirilmesi | Murat Işık (Uludağ Ün. / SÜ)- PI Bahattin Koç- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK- SAYEM | Akıllı Ev Platformu | Yücel Saygın- PI Kamer Kaya- Researcher |
Aichi Steel Corporation | Agreement on research cooperation between Aichi Steel Corporation and Sabancı University Inovent | İsmail Çakmak-PI Mustafa Atilla Yazıcı- Researcher |
Dead Sea Works Ltd (ICL) | Undrerstanding and characterization of the gronomic effects of polysulphates on plants - Ext. | İsmail Çakmak- PI |
GE Aviation | Homogenization based Analysis and Design Framework for Thermo-mechanical Systems | Güllü Kızıltaş Şendur- PI |
Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
AB-H2020 Cooperation | PFASTER | Bekir Dızman- PI Serkan Ünal- Researcher Bahattin Koç- Researcher |
EU-HORIZON EUROPE | BIOCOMP 3.0 | Burcu Saner Okan- PI Yusuf Ziya Menceloğlu- Researcher |
EU-HORIZON EUROPE | Multi-layered Digital Twin Integrated Design, Automated ManufactuRing and Structural Health MonitoRing of Next Generation Advanced ThermOplastic Composite StRuctures | Mehmet Yıldız- PI Adnan Kefal-Researcher Burcu Saner Okan- Researcher Hatice Sinem Şaş Çaycı- Researcher Lütfi Taner Tunç- Researcher |
EU-HORIZON EUROPE | Zero Defect manufacturing route for next generation COMposite applications | Lütfi Taner Tunç- PI Hatice Sinem Şaş Çaycı - Researcher Mehmet Yıldız - Researcher |
EU-HORIZON EUROPE | Zero-Defect Manufacturing Platform In Automotive Industry For First Time-Right Sustainable Production | Emre Özlü- PI Ayhan Bozkurt- Researcher Erhan Budak- Researcher Kemal Kılıç- Researcher Lütfi Taner Tunç- Researcher |
MART-ERA-NET COFUND | Ship Structure Digital Twin Framework based on Numerical Simulations and In-Situ Measurements (TWINSHIP) | Adnan Kefal - Researcher |
MART-ERA-NET COFUND | Energy efficiency (e.g. voyage optimisation; on-board power; vessel efficiency and energy management; advanced technologies for the use of new fuels; energy efficiency of oil and gas platforms), Innovative propulsion and powering systems (e.g. fully electric ships) | Begüm Yarar Kaplan - PI Selmiye Alkan Researcher Alp Yürüm - Researcher |
M-ERA-NET2021 | superhydrophobic lubricated Anti Freezing Coating for Wind Energy | Abdolali Khalil Sadaghiani-PI Ali Koşar-Researcher |
M-ERA-NET2021 | Capacitive energy storage using ferroelectric-dielectric heterostructures | Emre Erdem-PI Burç Mısırlıoglu-Researcher |
M-ERA-NET2021 | Novel asymmetric anion-exchange membranes for fuel cells | Selmiye Alkan Gürsel - PI Begüm Yarar Kaplan - Researcher Alp Yürüm - Researcher |
Project Call Name | Deadline |
TÜBİTAK-Fransa Bosphorus 2022 Çağrısı | 6.Jun.22 |
M-ERA.NET Call 2022 | 15.Jun.22 |
ERA-NET SusCrop/FACCE JPI Ortak Çağrısı | 22.Jun.22 |
TÜBİTAK – NRF (Güney Kore) İkili İşbirliği Proje Çağrısı | 30.Jun.22 |
TÜBİTAK-İtalya CNR İkili İşbirliği 2022 Yılı Çağrısı | 1.Jul.22 |
TÜBİTAK-Fransa Bosphorus 2022 Çağrısı | 6.Jun.22 |
M-ERA.NET Call 2022 | 15.Jun.22 |

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Research of our faculty member published in Nature journal
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Korkut Kaan Tokgöz selected as guest editor for a special issue of Micromachines journal
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Ali Koşar selected as guest editor for a special issue of the journal Frontiers in Thermal Engineering, section Advancements in Cooling and Heating and linked to the Research Topic: Rising Stars in Advancements in Cooling and Heating: 2022
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Adnan Kefal selected as guest editor for a special issue of the journal Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Soft Robotics and linked to the Research Topic: Flexible Sensing and Intelligent Control for Morphing Unmanned Robots
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The study titled "Titania-Based Freestanding Electronically Conductive Electrospun Anodes with Enhanced Performance for Li-Ion Batteries"
The study titled "Titania-Based Freestanding Electronically Conductive Electrospun Anodes with Enhanced Performance for Li-Ion Batteries" by Vahid Charkhesht, Alp Yürüm, Selmiye Alkan Gürsel, and Begüm Yarar Kaplan featured on the December 2021 cover of the ACS Applied Energy Materials.
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Morteza Ghorbani - (PHDME 2017)
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New Faculty Members
Hatice Sinem Şaş Çaycı and Orçun Çetin joined us as faculty members.
Happy News

Hüveyda Başağa
was appointed as an Emeritus Faculty Member in February 2022

Zehra Sayers
was appointed as an Emeritus Faculty Member in February 2022

Gözde İnce
is promoted to Full Professor

Kamer Kaya
was promoted as Associate Professor

Lütfi Taner Tunç
was promoted as Associate Professor

Öznur Taştan
had a baby named Deniz Ali in February 2022