FENS Newsletter - Issue 5

Dear Students, Friends, and Colleagues,
We are happy to be back with another edition of FENS Newsletter. We are about to leave behind another successful year and ready to celebrate the new one with high expectations. In this issue, you can find a summary of various activities such as seminars and events, achievements, awards, projects, and research highlights.
First and foremost, we would like to welcome our new faculty members, Alp Yürüm, Duygu Taş, Erchan Aptoula, Gökalp Alpan, Kürşat Çağıltay, Mohaned Chraiti and Ongun Özçelik; new instructors Atıl Utku Ay and İhsan Sadati; and finally, Morteza Ghorbani as Researcher.
After COVID-19 pandemic, all students are back, the campus is a vibrant place more than ever many activities and events. You can find a list of scientific activities organized by FENS in the Seminars & Events section such as “Dean’s Speaker Series”, “Sharing Experiences: Faculty Learn from Each Other”, Info Days, and our signature event “Teknolojinin Gücüyle Geleceğe”.
In the Projects section, you can see that FENS faculty members have been very active in preparing project proposals, and our project portfolio is growing with new national and international grants. We would also like remind you that there are many calls within the framework of Horizon Europe that may interest you and you can keep in touch with us and SU-ATT to learn more about them.
In the Research Highlights section, we include some of the impactful research projects and results while the Awards & Recognition and Other Achievements sections list awards and other types of recognitions received by FENS members. We extend our sincere congratulations to all them and wish further success in their future academic endeavors. In the Hot Topics section, you can find interesting reading pieces contributed by FENS faculty members; we thank them for their continued engagement. And finally, you can check the News section to see what else happened at FENS.
We would also like to thank our vice dean for research and her team members, and outreach committee for preparing this newsletter and all our faculty members who duly responded to our calls for data for the newsletter.
Note that the events, activities and news in this issue pertain to the time interval between April 1, 2022 and November 1, 2022. If we miss any project, activity, achievements of yours in this issue, please let us know so that we include them in the next issue.
To conclude, we would like to invite you all to join us celebrating all our achievements, which are made possible by hard work, collective effort, dedication, and perseverance.

Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
AB- H2020 | Energy- and Spectrally-Efficient sub-THz Transmitter Array Towards Indoor 6G Infrastructure (ENSPEC6G) | Korkut Kaan Tokgöz- PI |
AB- H2020 | Twinning towards excellence for Privacy Enhancing Technologies leveraging Homomorphic Encryption - enCRYPTON | Erkay Savaş- PI |
HORIZON | Micro-FloTec - Microscale enabled advanced flow and heat transfer technologies featuring high performance and low power consumption | Ali Koşar- PI Abdolali Khalili Sadaghiani- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK 2508 Slovenya ARRS | Yüzey Islanabilirliği ve Akustik Alan Yaklaşımlarının Kombine Etkisiyle Kaynama Isı Transferi ve Kritik Isı Akısının Artırılması | Ali Koşar- PI Abdolali Khalili Sadaghiani- Researcher Matevž Dular-University of Ljubljana |
CHIST-ERA | CON-NET: Integrating CONtent and NETwork structure for detecting, understanding, and mitigating online misbehaviour | Onur Varol - PI |
TÜBİTAK 2508 Slovenya ARRS | Removal of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients with Micro-scale Hydrodynamic Cavitation | Morteza Ghorbani- PI Ali Koşar- Researcher |
Research Council Aaarau Kantonsspital, Aarau, Switzerland | Elucidation of the effects of intra ocular pressure on axonal transport in dominant optic atrophy | Cavit Ağca & Markus Tschopp |
AFOSR Air Force Office of Scientific Research | Adaptive Surfaces With Tunable Spectrally Selective Reflection And Emision of Infrared Radiation | Kürşat Şendur- PI |
ERANET JPND | ProFFIle - Prodromal biomarkers in fatal familial insomnia: a longitudinal study in humans and mice | Nur Mustafaoğlu- PI |
TÜBİTAK 2544 Japonya | LIPOVAG - A LIPOsomal mRNA VAccine for treatment of Glioblastoma: Delivery of anti-tumor RIPK-3 mRNA-loaded liposomes via mesenchymal stem cell | Nur Mustafaoğlu- Researcher |
Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Derin Öğrenme Yaklaşımı Ile Osmanlıca Dokümanların Otomatik Transkripsiyonu | Berrin Yanıkoğlu - PI Mehmet Kuru - Researcher Esma F. Bilgin Taşdemir (İ. Medeniyet U.) M. Aysu Akcan Altıntaş (U. of Vienna) |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Jakobiyen Varyetelerin Burulmalı Alt Grupları | Mohammad Sadek - PI |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Kuantum Sonrası Kriptografi Komut Seti Uzantılı Güvenli RISC-V Islemci Mimarisi | Melik Yazıcı - PI Erkay Savaş- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Dron (Sensör) Ağları için Terahertz Haberleşme | Özgür Gürbüz - PI |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Beyne ilaç taşımak için beyin kılcal damarlarında bulunan transitoz proteinlerinin hesaplamalı ve deneysel yöntemlerle belirlenmesi | Nur Mustafaoğlu - PI Ogün Adebali, Canan Atılgan- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Fonksiyonel proteinlerin dinamik konformasyon uzaylarında tam navigasyon sağlayan bütünleştirici hesaplama modeli | Canan Atılgan - PI Ali Rana Atılgan - Researcher |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Kan-beyin bariyerinden geçebilen peptit sekanslarının en gelişmiş 3D in vitro organ çip modelleri kullanılarak seçilmesi ve nano-taşıyıcı sistemler ile entegrasyonu | Nur Mustafaoğlu - PI |
TÜBİTAK 2218 | Manyetik Alan Etkili Bir İlaç Dağıtım Sisteminde Bortezomib Yüklü Süperparamanyetik Demir Oksit (SPION) Nanopartikülün Multiple Myeloma Hücreleri Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması | Gül Kozalak - PI Ali Koşar- Advisor |
TÜBİTAK 2218 | Nitrik Oksit ve Ağrıya Duyarlı Nöronlar Arasındaki İlişkinin Genetik Kodlanmış Biyosensörler ile İncelenmesi | Tüba Akgül Çağlar - PI Emrah Eroğlu - Advisor |
TÜBİTAK 2218 | İndüklenmiş pluripotent kök hücrelerinin beyin endotel hücrelerine devşirilmesinde biyomekanik kuvvetlerin etkilerinin kütle spektrometresi temelli proteomik yöntemlerle araştırılması | İrem Kırış - PI Nur Mustafaoğlu - Advisor |
TÜBİTAK 2232B | Development of Critical Building Blocks for mm-Wave and sub-THz Front-End Transceivers on CMOS Towards 1Tbps Wireless Communications | Korkut Kaan Tokgöz - PI |
TÜBİTAK 2232 | Mitochondrial-dysfunction-inducing antibiotics as the novel chemotherapeutic agents against cancer chemoresistance | Alex Lyakhovich - PI Cemile Uslu - Researcher |
TÜBİTAK 2236 | Renewable energy-based Sector Coupling: A Novel Open Source Modeling Approach for Turkey's Energy Transition | Nikolaos Koltsaklis - PI Burak Kocuk - Advisor |
TÜBİTAK 2236 | An Integrative Analysis Of Mrnas, Lncrnas, Amd Mirnas Based On Weighted Gene Co-Expression Network Analysis And Variant Calling Involved Turkish Honey Bees Under Varroa Mite And Disease Resistance | Mohammad Farhadian - PI Christopher Mayack - Advisor |
Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
EU-HORIZON EUROPE | Cost-efficient, lightweight and eco-friendly designs and production methods for multiscale hybrid composite parts | Burcu Saner Okan- PI Hatice Sinem Şaş Çaycı- Researcher Mehmet Yıldız- Researcher |
EU-HORIZON EUROPE | Graphene based digital solutions for drinking water real time and long-term monitoring of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) | Burcu Saner Okan- PI |
EU-HORIZON EUROPE | Digital Representation of Automata for Preservation and Valorisation of Crafts Heritage (TwinAutomata ) | Selim Balcısoy- PI |
EU-HORIZON EUROPE | 3D CZT Compton telescope for CubeSats | Emrah Kalemci- PI |
EU-HORIZON EUROPE | HOMMES-Countering Extremism And Strengthening European Democracy | Onur Varol- Researcher Berrin Yanıkoğlu- Researcher Reyyan Yeniterzi- Researcher |
Project Call Name | Deadline |
TÜBİTAK Sürekli Başvuruya Açık İkili İş Birliği Programları | Always On |
DUT Call 2022 | Pre-proposal: 21 November 2022, 13:00 CET Full proposals: 3 May 2023, 13:00 CEST |
2023 Batarya Çağrıları için Proje Pazarı etkinliği | 6 December 2022 |
MSCA Staff Exchanges info session | 7 December 2022 |
2216B TÜBİTAK-TWAS Doktora Sırası ve Doktora Sonrası Araştırma Burs Programları Son Başvuru Tarihi Uzatıldı | 12 December 2022 |
Küme 6-2023 Çağrıları Çevrimiçi Bilgi Günü Kayıtları Açıldı | 13-14 December 2022 |
Küme 5 2023 Çağrıları Online Bilgi Günü ve Proje Pazarı Etkinliği | 15-16 December 2022 |
TÜBİTAK – MID Uzbekistan Ortak Proje Çağrısı Açıldı | 1 February 2023 |
2567 TÜBİTAK – MIGHT (Malezya) İkili İşbirliği Çağrısı Açıldı | 1 February 2023 |
CHIST-ERA Call 2022 for Research Proposals | 2 February 2023 |
EURIPIDES² EUREKA Initiative for Packaging & Integration of Devices & Smart Electronic Systems | 23 February 2023 |
Ufuk Avrupa Küme 4: Dijital, Endüstri ve Uzay Bilgi Günleri ve Proje Pazarı Etkinlikleri | Dijital Alanı Proje Pazarı: 15-16 December 2022 (Organiser: IDEAL-IST) Endüstri Alanı Proje Pazarı: 14 December 2022 (Organiser: NCP4Industry) Uzay Alanı Proje Pazarı: 8 December 2022 (Organiser: COSMOS4HE) |

Ogün Adebali's Project is on the Cover of the August Issue of Molecular Biology and Evolution
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A Project from Sabancı University that Will Bring Hope to Wilson’s Disease Patients
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Our Students’ Research Published in the RSC Lab on a Chip Journal
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Our Students’ Article Published in the Chemical Engineering Journal
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Selmiye Alkan Gürsel's Project is on the Cover of ACS Applied Energy Materials
read moreTEKNOFEST 2022 Environment and Energy Technologies Competition Award
Shaghayegh Saeidiharzand (PHDMAT)
Read moreThe winners of the Three Minute Thesis Competition Award
Winner Award: Mohammad Amin Abdollahzadeh (PHDMFE) Runner-up Award: Nilüfer Çakır (PDHBIO) People's Choice Award: Farid Sayar Irani (PHDMAT)
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Why is the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Important for Drug Research? by Nur Mustafaoglu
Amazon Research Awards by Süha Orhun Mutluergil
ENI Award by Selmiye Alkan Gürsel
Awards for Women in Science by Canan Atılgan and Nur Mustafaoglu
Dean's Reading List
Should We Agree to Disagree About Twitter's Bot Problem?
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How the Hydrogen Revolution Can Help Save the Planet — and How It Can’t
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‘I Don’t Want This Kind of Life’: Graduate Students Question Career Options

Cooperation on Composite Engine Parts Development Between TEI and Sabancı University
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A cooperation agreement was signed with Ericsson for 5G/6G technologies
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Sabancı University and Kordsa joined forces, this time for engineering students
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Sabancı University Campus Becomes Micro-Grid Pilot Area
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Sabancı University Campus Becomes Vehicle-to-Everything and Autonomous Driving Pilot Area
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Sabancı University Hosts TÜBİTAK President
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Boeing and Sabancı University join forces for advanced aerospace composite technologies
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VERİM has organized a Medical Image Understanding Workshop, in collaboration with TÜBİTAK ULAKBIM.
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EFSUN 2022 Best Article Competition was organised
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New Faculty Members
Duygu Taş, Erchan Aptoula, Gökalp Alpan, Kürşat Çağıltay, Mohaned Chraiti and Ongun Özçelik joined us as faculty members.

New Faculty Members
Alp Yürüm joined us as the Research and Application Oriented Faculty Member.

Happy News
Burak Kocuk was promoted as Associate Professor on 01 September 2022.

New Instructors
Atıl Utku Ay and İhsan Sadati joined us as Instructor.

New Researcher
Morteza Ghorbani joined us as Researcher.