The prerequisites of some courses will change as shown below as of Fall 2019-2020 semester for all students.
Attention to MAT students: starting from fall semester ENS 202 course has added to ENS 491 course pre-requisite.
ME 301 Mechanical Systems I will be added the core elective list.
3. Veri Bilimi Yaz Okulu (VBYO), bu sene 7-8 Eylül 2019 tarihlerinde Sabancı Üniversitesi kampüsünde düzenlenecektir. Detaylar için: http://verim.sabanciuniv.edu/vbyo2019
Emre Erdem will manage the Chemistry section of this open access Journal.
There will be new requirements to ENS 491 course. Please check mandatory pre-requisite courses list.
Yesterday, students of ENS 205 course (Introduction to Materials Science)visited Composite Technologies Center of Excellence (SUIMC) in Teknopark Istanbul.
Mekatronik Mühendisliği Eski Doktora Öğrencisi Dr. Arzu Özbey’in Araştırma Konusunda Başarısı