Araştırma Görevlisi Alımı Sonuç Açıklama Formu
The Program is intended for UG students of Sabancı University who would like to pursue a guided research project.
Sabancı Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Kadrolar İçin Ön Değerlendirme Listesi
We would like to invite you to a small getting-to-know-each-other party, where you can meet with us, the MAT family--that is current students, your prospective classmates, and faculty members.
Son sınıf öğrencilerinin dikkatine: Ders yükü arttırım talebiniz için son başvuru tarihi 20 Haziran 2017
Manufacturing and Automation Research Center (MARC) at Koc University is dedicated to the conduction of advance multidisciplinary scientific research and education in the fields of Advanced Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Medical systems. In this seminar, recent research activities in the MARC will be introduced briefly and some of the new high value added products will be demonstrated.
Electronics Engineering Program Meeting will be held on April 25 (Tuesday) between 17:40-19:30 at FENS G077.
Viscoelastic models have advantage over elastic models since they have the ability to model the time dependent compaction of the fabric. The compaction characterization of fabric preforms are done using five different viscoelastic models.
Sabancı Üniversitesi üniversite-sanayi işbirliğinde bir ilke daha imza attı. Sabancı Üniversitesi bünyesinde kurulan NANOGRAFEN şirketi Türkiye’nin grafen katkılı ilk müzik aletini üretti. Grafenin müzik sektöründe kullanılmasının birçok yeniliği de beraberinde getirmesi bekleniyor.